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Everything posted by freeclimb9

  1. I'm talking about in his pre-crucifixion shape.
  2. "regime change starts at home"
  3. werd. Imagine shoveling the Paradise parking lot by hand.
  4. The 5 day forecast is for intermountain states to get pounded harder than a drunk groupie backstage at a ZZ Top concert.
  5. Postively no mention of smoking in the Muir hut should be allowed in a "route report" discussions. Ever. Again.
  6. Inquiring minds want to know more.
  7. Bullshit. I don't believe it. F'ing troll.
  8. WTF? Bondo isn't available, or something? A touch of spackle, and a little paint can do wonders.
  9. We're all going to die. Eventually. But it could be worse. Got specifics? How's about mattp, immoderate moderator, acquires a weapon of mass destruction and flaunts UN decrees to disarm. Or . . . PNW park fees are increased by three orders of magnitude to help defray the cost of installing snow-machine loading ramps at the trailheads. Or . . . Menudo schedules a reunion tour. Or . . .
  10. FYI, the Dutch equivalent of "small dog" is "kuttelikkertje" meaning "small pussy-licker".
  11. You have to pass a test to climb in a gym? What's happened in this world?
  12. freeclimb9

    Human Shields

    What's funny about this scheme of human shields in that the peacenik participants think it will be a deterent. Some in Washington might think "two birds with one stone".
  13. "Ent draughts"? You're as dense as Shagrat, or you've been smoking too much Pipeweed. It's plunder from humans that Pippin and Merry scarf. Wrong, shitbrick. When Merry and Pippin first meet up with Treebeard and go to his house, they drink an Ent draught. A diet of these draughts is what caused Gimli to comment that the two hobbits had appeared to have grown since he had seen them last. Semi-literate, check the "in the ruins of Orthanc" phrase one more time.
  14. You mean "blonds" sans an "e". The "blonde" spelling is reserved for females.
  15. "Ent draughts"? You're as dense as Shagrat, or you've been smoking too much Pipeweed. It's plunder from humans that Pippin and Merry scarf.
  16. mattp, I'll quote the second sentence of the "Board Rules": "Please remember that we do not actively monitor the contents of posted messages and are not responsible for any messages posted." So, in a word no; I think that "there should be no attempt to police the discussion in any way?"
  17. Extreme levels of farinaceous foods in the diet renders excreta to near caprolite density.
  18. I would like to note that counting the numbers of posts in a thread is only slightly less geekified than acting as censor-happy "moderator". Considering that the content on any BB comes from the posters, why would a "moderator" want to trim content even if it was flame and spray? And why would a "moderator" want to waste their time doing so?
  19. "Bob Burd" must have been a heavy-burden-of-a-name to carry as a kid in public schools.
  20. For sure you'd be able to catch a top-rope ride in the first and second pullout areas. Those places will be crawling with climbers.
  21. Flights to Pangnirtung from Iqaluit are reasonable (like a couple hundred dollars) if you want steep ice and rock and plenty of it. First Air used to have flights to Greenland from Iqaluit, but I think they've been discontinued. How long is the contract? If it's just a year, or two, go for it. Is there work-related travel to other communities?
  22. 2000 foot walls 40 km from Iqaluit? Really? News to me. BTW, why don't you just visit the place. Return fare of $1000 from Yellowknife.
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