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Everything posted by freeclimb9

  1. Your buddy is over a minute per mile faster than you. That's how he beat you by 15 minutes. Assuming both of you ran at, or near, your respective lactate threshold, your lactate-threshold running velocity (LTRV) is lower. If you want to boost LTRV, boost your maxVO2. Fartlek workouts work well. Try 1) 10 minute intervals at 10K pace with 2-3 minute recoveries; 2) 6 minute intervals at 10K pace with 1-2 minute recoveries; 3) 5 minute intervals at 5K pace with 2-3 minute recoveries. 3-5 intervals per workout (after a warmup and preceding a warmdown) can be enough. Leg speed can be improved with short distance (200-400 meter) intervals. With regard to using climbing as a training tool for running, it's much like training for the ballet by barfighting. It's not enough to use the same muscles; You have to use them in the same way. The "recruitment" of muscles for a particular exercise improves by using them in trainging the same way they're used in competition. Sometimes this is referred to as muscle memory". I've seen anectdotal evidence that ending a workout with the motion you'll use in competition can be an effective cross-training strategy. For example, end a weight workout with 10 minutes of spinning on a bike for cycling competition. Or end the workout with some jogging (maybe even getting briefly to tempo) for running competition.
  2. Borrowed from thelawgod in the "drytooling at exit 38" thread: "1. Calm yo ass down. 2. Quit acting like you know wtf you're talking about (and save some bandwidth for the rest of us)"
  3. 16 pitches of bolt clipping wearing shirtsleeves under the winter sun. 12 cans of Busch for "recovery".
  4. That guy on the right looks like Jimmy Kimmel.
  5. dude, you're winning the contest of getting the most posts yanked. kickass
  6. Sheryl Crow, mental giant, says "war is not the answer". "I think war is based in greed and there are huge karmic retributions that will follow. I think war is never the answer to solving any problems. The best way to solve problems is to not have enemies."
  7. with the high pressure system sitting overhead, I'm off to sport climb on some sun-heated basalt Idaho way in "5.11 Heaven". Vitamin D synthesis is needed.
  8. Check bike shops for a GU flask. You can get the stuff into a 1/2 liter platypus collapsible bag with a funnel, too. A pinch of sea salt can add sodium. A little fructose can aid glucose absorption (and also staves off exhaustion since it's processed into liver glycogen stores. When liver glycogen drops, you feel exhausted). BTW, I wouldn't classify maltodextrin (which is hydrolyzed corn starch. It's typically 86% polysaccharides) as a better complex carbohydrate than brown rice syrup (a bucket I have is 88% polysaccharides).
  9. Ryland Moore, you are an idiot. Your stupidity is evidenced in your lashing out with insults. Too bad you can't get a refund from your "somewhat well-known private university back east" because you got ripped off. Take another pull on the bong, stoner.
  10. It's no big deal to overwax. It'll get buffed off in a run, or two. Put it on thick and hot.
  11. read as "expensivie and pretensious". Stupid NOLS fucks retrobolted some routes of mine. Asshole move, IMO. Karmic retribution has killed a couple of 'em. Vulcan is a harsh master.
  12. bugaboo is a little thicker than a knifeblade. otherwise, no difference.
  13. ryland, you ignorant slut. The percentage of those who are awarded PhDs and afterwards attain a professorship has dropped below 20%. It's clear that you "do not have a figure", or a clue.
  14. BTW, a Z piton is pretty useful, too. Pika knocked off Leeper's design, and offers them for sale. Leeper offers them too.
  15. DFA logic: Washington State is equivalent to the Barbizon School of Modeling because both cost money. And after you go to either school, you have a chance of getting a job.
  16. Ryland dumbass, those "students" (I use the quotes because, having run into Outdoor Education majors, they're not usually that serious about schooling) who paid for their education at schools such as Prescott probably didn't wind up working for the school itself. Notice a difference between paying a future employer an application fee and paying tution at a school (even a trade school --which, BTW, often offers a high percentage chance of getting placed into a job)? Something that tertiary education is supposed to impart is an ability to learn more. Apparently you were one of the stoners who never went on to college. Can't think critically while sparking your bong?
  17. Pencil Neck, blame US retailers who've complained to US distributors who in turn pressured non-US retailers. Don't lay it on manufacturers because it makes no difference to them who the middleman is.
  18. another giant squid attack This shiznit is getting out of control.
  19. The President's approval rating dropped below 60% for the first time since 9-01. Craig Patterson, 45, an ironworker in St. Louis worried about dwindling construction jobs, summed it up for USA Today: "I trust Bush with my daughter, but I trust Clinton with my job."
  20. WTF? He's smoking cock for fundraising?
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