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Everything posted by freeclimb9

  1. "a nice [six pack] can make a mediocre [girl] a great one, and you don't have to spend more than $10.
  2. freeclimb9

    Kim Jong Il

    Suffering from megalomania, short man syndrome, or from something like being Canadian ("Americans are terrible. Why don't they pay more attention to us?")?
  3. A recent aritcle in the LA Times outlined a taste of sub-$10 bottled wine. The most consistently decent wines were whites. The reds were all over the place and produced the biggest headaches. I prefer the strong flavor of reds, but a tasty sweet thing will work, too.
  4. Jugging on a thin rope wouldn't be my preference (they'd wear out quickly, and be more susceptible to edge cut due to the smaller area they present to an edge).
  5. Durability=not having to buy a new rope after climbing a big wall.
  6. dude, people are gonna exploit it. I know I will. Or at least try to. And the taxes collected will drop, and the deficit will be giant, and the nifty things the guv'ment want to do won't be possible. You like the sound of "President Hillary"?
  7. . . . Actually, you first asked:
  8. Check your local Trader Joes for "Charles Shaw". The rumor is that it's a selloff from United Airlines. At $2/bottle, it's damn good wine.
  9. Some people might say that without incentives in the form of taxes, CEOs and CFOs might be tempted to not re-invest in the corporation, but, rather, bleed the business to bankruptcy and pocket the profits without even paying tax on the plunder. But it's not very Christian to think poorly of others, no? Do you pay tax on the income derived from savings? Of course, because it's income. But GW would have income derived from stock dividends exempted. I understand the thinking behind the proposal, but I think it would create much pseudo-criminal behavior. And the economy would suffer further. If Bush wants to cut taxes, better to keep with the KISS principle, IMHO.
  10. Jim, the "primary benefit" of double ropes is that you have two ropes. That can be handy for climbing up a wandering route, or getting down a big face (summary: avoiding excess ropedrag and descending efficiently). The skinny ropes are also handy for limiting the potential load during a fall.
  11. Just trying to save you guys some money. You don't have to be rich to benefit. You only need the proper "strategery" to protect your income. And Greg_W, we all effectively get taxed multiple times in many situations. State income tax, Federal tax, sales tax (on items that have already been taxed at least once), Gasoline tax, etc..
  12. if Bush is successful in his quest to eliminate stock dividend tax. All anyone would have to do is funnel income through stocks that pay heavy dividends (whether the coporation is legit, or not, is moot). Just setting up income-funneling coporations will become a great way to make money.
  13. There's some truth to the notion that the effective IQ of a group is the average IQ divided by the number in the group.
  14. ?? I thought the "mainstary of self-rescue" was a pocket knife to cut the rope with. Or did you mean "self" in reference to the "team"?
  15. Do the math. Two 9mm ropes would have a similar cross section area to a 12.5 mm rope. Yes. The stretch intiates at a lower energy than would a larger diameter rope.
  16. freeclimb9

    Stolen Gear

    Theives operate with a wierd mindset. An expensive bike could be traded for a dime bag. A rack of strange metal stuff could be thrown away. Odds are, the stolen gear is forever gone.
  17. I checked out the Vasque boots at a trade show, and my initial critque was that the eyelets extend beyond the boot to the point of being vulnerable. My only negative critique. I like Salomon and Tecnica boots. But many brands are very good. Get the ones that fit.
  18. The low-down is that fitness and nutrition is a wide open field for further research. To give you an idea, check out http://www.pponline.co.uk/ for some differing ideas on training. In my experience and observation, for alpine climbing an overall strength program (i.e. weight training) where you lift for a few to four times per week coupled with some LSD aerobic training (Long Slow Distance) suits me the best for maintaining fitness (it's not so hard that it's a bitch to keep training). When a specific goal approaches, I up the effort on the strength and aerobic parts. For increasing maxVO2, it's pretty clear that interval running at a 5K pace works great. Cycling also is a great way to train via 3 minute interval sprints, or hill climbs. I strongly believe in the benefits of an overall weight program; it helps with climbing, it lets your body adapt quickly to other stresses, and it prevents injury. All good. Bottom line is that doing something is better than doing nothing.
  19. I think that a training schedule that consists of "a long, hard aerobic workout one day and strength training to failure another" will result in fatigue and injury. Also, the "stacking" regime you describe won't yield the highest attainable increases in aerobic capacity and strength. If you're gung-ho for training, a two workout per day schedule (like a morning run and an afternoon weight session) is a better alternative. Be aware that gains in endurance and strength come from adequate rest after exertion. You need truly easy days in a training schedule.
  20. I lost my sanity awhile ago. Can't remember where. What? Quiet down, I'm typing. Orange banana.
  21. That's how concessions are awarded in most, if not all, National Parks.
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