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Everything posted by ryland_moore

  1. ryland_moore


    TUIB, sounds like you need a trade-in!
  2. Are you guys chatting on the same computer? Sounds like a troll to me...... I prefer smooth underneath with a little strip above if you're asking.
  3. I've been up uin the upper watershed and no snow that I no of, although there was some snow on the ridge tops the last few nights we had rain. Sphinx, obviously you've been climbing on the wrong side. Tried any of the .12 and .13 overhangs up there yet? Or redpointed the .13 with 4 consecutive mono moves yet over a layback? When you do, then you can talk some trash. Tex, the one area that you may have trouble is a mile or so before the pull out that stays in the shade most of the day. It is lower in elevation, so with this wet and warm spring we've had, the area may have only been getting rain, but that would be your only access issue, I think. Some one told me of another alternative of accessing it from Dexter. May want to look into that, but I don't have the directions. I'll ask around the Crux tonight and see if anyone has ventured up there. There is always Callahans in Roseburg and about the same drive time. Good luck!
  4. That is a big difference! Why south side and not Leuthold's or something just to the right on the headwall? Much better than S.Side! Plus you will avoid all of the trains heading up this weekend. I counted 60+ on the summit last Mother's Day weekend and many more heading up S. SIde. Stay away from crowds and it will be much more enjoyable (at least for the ascent).
  5. Too bad. They sold out all 70,000 tickets in the first weekend! I will be in Alaska for this one, but last year's Bonnaroo was f'in awesome! And you can go climbing too! Only 20 minutes away from Foster Falls 1 hour from T-Wall and Sunset and plenty of waterfalls and deep pools to soak in to get rid of the shakes from the concert. Hell, you could just go to Foster Falls and climb underneath the overhanging waterfall and drop back in the pool like in Master's of Stone! [/img]http://www.friendsofscsra.org/images/fosterpc.jpg[/img][/url] Steep sandstone, deep pools, excellent music, and plenty of What could be better? Oh yeah, hot hippie girls naked!
  6. Or better yet, have fish and wildlife handlehuman-animal encounters like they do in other developing countries. While in costa rica a guy went swimming in alligator-infested waters and lost an arm. Did they kill 10 gators to find the one with the arm in its gut? Hell no. They made fun of the guy (American by the way) who went swimming with the alligators! Two weeks prior, it was discovered that this bright young American hiked to the top of an active vlocano called Arenal, and was burned badly on his feet from gas vents he stepped through. In both instances there were signs warning of the potential dangers, but he was a dumb-ass. He would fall under the category, "Recreational Darwinist."
  7. Hey Trask, Hos gotta eat too! Who you callin' a Ho? Oh, sorry Bitch! Name that movie quote?
  8. Did ya summit Dutchess? How was it? Weather? Glacier conditions on WB?
  9. Comt to Eugene where they just killed 3 over a 10 day period in an area called Triangle Lake, west of Eugene. The mother was shot because she was "hassling the homeowners pet poodle." Then two cubs were shot because they "posed a life threatening situation to an adjacent homeowners Pekinese." The guy who shot them was describingh on camera how fierce these two cubs were. They were no bigger than a dog, about the size of a small lab or pointer. p.s. There are some dumb people in this world and it amazes me how they survive into adulthood. I just wish the Darwinism process worked a little quicker on folks like this.
  10. Agree with AlpineK, regardless of being a man or woman, I take those out less experienced then me and I go with others who are more experienced. It works both ways. And, not all hard-core climbers are hard-core every single day of the year. They like to do laid back "easy" climbing every once in a while. Ie. sport climbing fun run-outs at Smith (Tex has been known to do this a time or two, as well as the crack-meister himself, Erik!) Find out where folks are going and tag along. If it is not a huge, committing multi-pitch where adding new partners can upset timing issues, etc. you will have more of a chance to climb. My two cents.
  11. I'm sorry Allison. Living here in PC capital of the world has been getting to me and I had to vent in an un PClike manner to a faceless crowd. Not personally attacking you or another woman, but was trying to stay along with the metaphor. There are plenty of women out there who can gladly poop and pack and there are women out there much harder than me. Kind of reminds me of a situation two years ago in grad school, where a person in our department sent out a mass e-mail to the department list serve requesting info on where he could get a tent fixed. I replied, "I used this woman in town named Dianna and she did an awesome job! Her contact info is......" I got blasted by 10 e-mails immediately chastizing me for my use of words and my statement, "I used this woman.....". Pissed me off. Eugene people who are PC to that limit suck nuts!
  12. I wasn't referring to you specifically BDubyah, but to all the sprayers out there who will be on sunny cracks over the next month down in the lower 48. Have a good climb this Spring/Summer!
  13. This has been on Sierra's website for over a month now. Great deal but the lack of people buying them tells me they are pieces of shite? Anyone have a different thought? ANyone used one and had it work?
  14. Sounds like Glen is a lazy, fat pussy who had to find an excuse as to why he was quitting the class and emphasize that the reason he was quitting was not because of the hard work and training, but b/c he didn't want to pack his shit out. SOunds defensive to me, like he felt he had to justify his excuse. Guy had too much sand in his clit and couldn't fess up to his own downfall and inadequacues, so he made up some dumb-ass lamo excuse. Either way he's a pussy.
  15. Good way to track our suffering when we are up there shivering our asses off while you sit down here in your pretty lycra tights and jamming sunny warm granite and smokin' kronic! As for the 44 climbers, maybe everyone read last year's success rate of 7 climbers summitting (I think) and thought it would be too tough
  16. Yeah, and it may even help to pay for your trip! I hear he may be looking for timekeepers to validate his "ascent"
  17. I have to disagree. I think Panic has lost their heritage when Mikey died. I enjoyed their loudness. No one else was out there doing it. I think they help spawn jam bands for the 21st Century. Winter, now that you have experienced JazzFest you are now primed for Bonnaroo! Went last year and by far the best music festival I've ever been to. Blows Jazzfest out of the water (think Jazzfest times 10 but on a farm in TN instead of NO).
  18. Jazz Fest is amazing! So is Panic, Galctic, and Karl D. Sounds like you definately made the late night rounds. People go to Nawlins once for Mardi Gras, but keep comin' back for Jazz Fest if that says anything!
  19. Check out Sweet Home, Roseburg, buildering around Eugene, and if you're lucky, private property on the outskirts of Eugene. Ask first on the PP aspect as other climbers can get pretty guarded on "their"bouldering areas.
  20. talk to ccj about the cloudveil gloves. I love cloudveil and have a few of their jackets, but ccj's glove slit in the hand after one day up at Lilooet from placing screws and putting pressure on the heads to get to the screws to bite. Tore right along the seem in the palm.
  21. Surprisingly, it has been open for a while. Easy to pass though on the far left (at least it was last week).
  22. Was up there all weekend. Don't know about the exact snow conditions on Gib Ledges, but the snow is in good condtion......if you like postholing your way up! There was a decent amount of snow accumulation Fri and Sat, but Sunday was an awesome day full of sun and clear skies. The snow probably got a chance to melt and settle a little. Good luck if you head up! Aside from the postholing the whole way up, the mountain seems to be in prime condition for a ski descent. Got some excellent turns coming down off Pan Face as well.
  23. Yeah, too bad the Eugene Banff FF sucked this year! They had too many cultural films and not a single adrenaline film, unless you count Front Range Freaks buildering film adrenaline. Not a single rock, ice, or mountaineering film. All about Tibetan kids, women in the Karakoram, and 15 year old skaters, who although rad, were a little boring after 5 minutes. Wish I had seen the one in Bend or Portland.
  24. Heading to Rainier to ski, pull sleds, and throw myself into creavsses on the Cowlitz with sleds. ANyone got a cabin out in eastern Oregon or in the Blue Mountains? We need to have a cc.com get together down here instead of it always being up by WA Pass and yodelerville!
  25. ryland_moore


    Yup, that is about as Eugenian as one can get. Still sounds hokey to me, but to each his own. If ya like it Fejas, more power to ya and that is all that matters....
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