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Everything posted by ryland_moore

  1. Isn't he a little early? What is his game plan? When does he start his approach into BC?
  2. Staying in SIsters instead of the Grasslands? Not climbing cause there is snow on the ground? Amazing what a girlfriend can pursuade a hardman to do!!!
  3. Too bad you weren't there to defend yourself. He said you were working off your winter fat storage at Smith trying to keep up with him! J/K All in all, it was a good weekend. Pretty amazing to watch some of those kids onsight V9-V10! Their fingers are so small and they weigh 90 lbs. I tried a few of the "easier" problems yesterday and was amazed at how hard those kids can climb!
  4. Hey Pete, ya must have not been doing it right if ya stayed dry! J/K! Hey Sketch, your son climbed pretty well at the COmp on Saturday!
  5. I will be working as a judge. Does this mean you will be down here? Helping set some routes this afternoon. Putting up all the way to V12 for the ankle biter crankers!
  6. Last winter (2002), both were closed because of the blast radius from Popo over to Ixta. We went down there planning on climbing Ixta, but found out we couldn't get up there (most almost no snow on it from the blast from Popo). Ixta had dark cinder stains on it but not sure if that was from Popo's eruption or not. Popo became really active Fall 2001. I am not sure what the regs are now. So we just climbed the little 14k volcano and Orizaba, then headed over to the coast for a sun tan, margaritas, discoteques, and latin ladies!
  7. I heard this guy named Flyin' Brian McCray is supposed to be an o.k. climber and lives in the area!
  8. I would never use these. Small, flimsy, and with a metal stake, will melt out more rapidly than bamboo. These things are cheap and will stick in a lawn or soft dirt, but forget about surveyor flags going into anything hard without bending them (ie. gravel soils). Also, I do not know how long your wands are, but the ones I've used are all 3 ft. + . Where did you get 3 ft for the surveyor wands? The website says 21"?
  9. Last winter, Ixta was closed as well. I have been to both, and Aconcagua was more crowded duirng the off season in March then Orizaba was in mid-January during the peak. We only saw 5 other parties on Orizaba, while there were over 30 on Aconcagua.
  10. Na, Starlings are like crows, trash birds that taste like shit. Give me a nice morning dove. It takes a bunch to make a meal, but when your limit in the SOuth is 10 a day, it adds up. Don't know if too much dove hunting goes on out here in PNW?
  11. Starling's are an invasive and should be dealt with as such....
  12. I'd make sure you know what type of woodpecker it is as there are a number of species up your way that are listed. Serious fines. If it were a blue jay or starling, I'd say blast the fucker! Also, hot feet, used in metro areas for pigeons on buildings would work.
  13. I'd make sure you know what type of woodpecker it is as there are a number of species up your way that are listed. Serious fines. If it were a blue jay or starling, I'd say blast the fucker!
  14. I am totally up for it. One of my climbing buddies did it two years ago. He took off 6 months, climbed Cho Oyu and Ama Dablam. In between the two, he flew to Thailand and did a little sport climbing on the beaches. Sounded like an awesome trip.
  15. That is one of my top two on the tic list. The other is ALpamayo - both very beautiful mountains.
  16. Don't care about the weather. Pretty standard down there each year. What I am more concerned with are the crowds. I went in March 99 and practically no one was there as it was the end of the climbing season, but hear it gets pretty bad in Jan/Feb. Any input on this issue? Polish Glacier crowds vs. Routa Normal side? Anyone? If I ever go back, I refuse to go anywhere near the Normal Route or Flase Polish side as it is nothing more than a high altitude hiking trail on choss and scree with a little snow near the top.
  17. You don't even need skis to go with your AT boots!
  18. Let me add another hypothetical question to the fire. Where I grew up in the SOuth, it was proper etiquette to give up a route if you have set up a TR from another route or above if another party wants to lead it, or at least allow the other party to lead first, then you may set up a top rope. Obviously this doesn't apply at crowded places like Smith, where I have encountered many parties who were unwilling to give it up. For example, There was a party of two leading BBQ the Pope. I went up to the belayer and asked if anyone else was waiting and he said no. So we started breaking out are gear. Then a woman from around the corner came over and said she was climbing this line next, and we said well, you were not in line nor did you say anything to these guys climbing. She said that they had lead the 5.8 around the corner and that they were going to set up a TR as soon as the guys on the climb pulled their rope. They had 6 in their party and were unwilling to let us lead it quickly! Is this common? Maybe it was the same bitch! Was she in her late 30s with brown hair?
  19. I use a variation of that route called 24 hour fitness. I will only do it for training for Denali, but will refuse to pay for a Pass and poach it like I will on Rainier this Spring!
  20. Or a tundra quadcab.
  21. You can always stay at the campsite just outside of town past the military base by the looney bin!
  22. Serious? Which one you talkin' the one that comes down to the parking lot on the NW side of Spencer's or the one that goes down to thetrailhead at the top of WIllamette. I doubt if you are coiming down the steep one on the NW side as it is mostly rock and has some steeps of over 50 degrees. If you come down that, I wanna watch! I try and run up that from the steep part of Willamette at 46th and run all the way but have to stop halfway up the step section of rock, then I can run the rest of the way until I hit rock near the top. Run down the other side (less steep) - a good workout though! Interesting running when the trail is mud and you are trying to scrapoe your way up it!
  23. WTF is goin on? Last year we had one of the highest death tolls from climbers in a given season and now this year with backcountry skiers (I don't put snowmobilers in the same category) ! Just dumb luck and poor snow conditions? Dare I say anything more? Definately some extremely competent people have lost their lives this season in the backcountry of BC. What gives?
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