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Everything posted by ryland_moore

  1. ryland_moore


    How old are you ChrisT? I was thinking late 20s early 30s. Now I'm thinkin' mid to late 40s. Amazing how talkin' via computer distorts things..... By the way, this is not meant as a put down, just an observation as to how I think people may be in real life and find out that I am totally way off!
  2. I do not think that his being fired had as much to do with his initial action as it did to his attitude towards the whole situation. His friend, who was extremely apologetic, got off much easier, did not back talk, act like a smart ass, and take responsibility for his actions. Sure,everyone can get a little out of hand once in a while, but this guy continued to act like a premature ass even when in court, and had the audacity to continue to believe that setting fire to cliff faces in a national park was o.k. I think that is the reason that he was fired, not that he slipped up and had every opportunity to right his wrong.
  3. ryland_moore


    I was a frat boy (not too long ago mind you) and can't stand tattoos, especially on girls. I will never date a girl with a tattoo, and only know a select few people with them. Maybe today, but five years ago, only tattoos I was seeing on most college campuses would have been at the local Community College! If you ever plan on having a serious job, do not have facial piercings or tattoos that are visible. I just think that most people need tattoos to make themselves feel more secure about who they are/what they look like. If you don't like your body, then obviously you would adorn it to look better (in your eye) right? Kind of like why women where make-up. As for a spiritual connection, showing life's journey from where you've been and where you're going, whatever. Sounds pretty Eugene-like to me. I think those saying this are reaching to make themsleves look cool or justify why they have them, but cultures throughout history have adorned their bodies with objects and markings and it will continue to go on, whether it is a trend, it looks cool, or you do it for a spiritual reason. I just think they make someone look silly and unintelligent.
  4. Has anyone talked to the Access Fund about it? The local land trust? What about the owners at the Sleeping Lady Resort? They hold our annual Northwest land trust conference there each year and support land conservation by donating millions of dollars each year. Hariet Bullitt (the Bullitt Foundation) is the owner and has lived in the area since the 1940's. May be worth contacting her. She may be able to buy it and donate it to the National Forest. Call the Methow COnservancy as well and talk to them. Best of luck!
  5. Do you have a list of which photos are being used? How many routes are in the book? Looking forward to it! Excellent job you guys!
  6. That thing isn't even worth climbing on! It is only about 10 ft tall with zero features and is used for birthday parties, etc. There are plenty of other folks in town who have home made woodies in their garage/basement that will blast tendons with the best of em.
  7. I know that slides occur often up there, but have there ever been any documented slides on the S. Side Route of Hood? I know of slides on the variation to the lfet of the fumeroles and Crater Rock (ie, Mazama accident a few years back), but have there ever been parties that triggered an avalanche near the Hogsback or heading up to the Pearly Gates? What about down below Crater Rock and above the Palmer? ANyone? ANyone? Seems like a likely spot being S. Facing, open, and around 30 degrees, just have never heard of a slide on the STandard Route. If no documented slides on this route, then why do you think that is?
  8. Oh, I'm just playing......but seriously, how am I supposed to know that the STFU Caveman Thread is now called "Poll" when I come back to review what's going on here? I am not on all day long like some of you, so I am not follwoing every single post. Be mindful of Sprayprentices - we gotta eat too! (Or is that ho's and bitches?) So Erik, does this mean that you won't be taking pics of hotties in Prana bikini tops this weekend?
  9. I really don't have too many pet peeves. I don't like fat people cause I think they are lazy, I don't like people who chew with their mouths open cause I think they are disgusting, and I don't like people who change the title to threads that have nothing to do with the original thread! So Allison STFU and quit changing titles to threads. You can't follow them! The orginal poster came up with the thread idea in the first place. If you want to change the title to a thread go start your own damn thread! O.k. off my soap box for the day.......
  10. Quote by Dr. Leo Marvin when talking to his family about Bob Wiley in "What About Bob?"
  11. Erik got miffed cause everyone's saying he is the new Smiff posterboy!!!!!! PM jkrueger, I am sure he could be talked into going! I'd love to meet up with you finally but heading to Hood to slog sleds in thunderstorms. You are free to join me!
  12. I have the accuview IIs as well and leave them in for long periods of time too. I had no problems with contacts in the Andes and was fine at 18,200 on Aconcagua until my brain stopped cooperating and I left my contact lense case outside of my sleeping bag one night and woke up the next day to thousands of tiny holes in my contacts created by razor-sharp ice crystals! You should be fine, just keep them moist as it is pretty dry on Denali! When ya going? We'll be up there starting May 16th.
  13. Too bad GM just shut down their electric car department and have focused their entire enegery into hydrogen fuel cells. Even people with the electric cars already produced by GM are now having to turn their "leases" back in and the program is, according to GM, over.
  14. Abnd then you could set up a surveylance camera to bust the fuckers stealing shit from perople's cars too!
  15. I'd take the Merlin IV's any day over the Rossi Bandit XX which I also owned and sold because, although good on groomers, sucked for powder in Jackson Hole with light on top and crud down below. Although, I loved my pair of XXXs for deep powder! All preference I guess.
  16. Bunch of propaganda. Bush stated in his speech that 40 million would go to Hydrogen fuel research. What he didn't tell you is that to produce hydrogen fuel takes just as much natural gas to produce it as to run cars on oil and gas! GM says that they are working to develop hydrogen fuel produced by solar panels, but at the same time, they are pulling their electric cars market. Sounds a little fishy to me, but if they ever pull it off, more power to them. If Bush was really behind this, he would provide more tax incentives to folks using these cars/SUVs. GM is still producing the Hummer, aren't they? I have a big truck, so what can I say about it.....
  17. ryland_moore

    happy easter

    I loved my copas as well. Had some King screw ins though and they seemed to work really well. Copas wouldn't last that long and you always had to buy a few sizes down to accomodate for stretch, but they ruled! That Bob pick was taken in London in 1978. There is reference to it in the book, Reggae, the History of Jamaican Music and in Catch of Fire. Ironically, he broke his toe doing the same thing, and being of the rastafari religion, refused any medical treatment. Kind of like cancer, and refusing medical treatment (although he did go through chemotherapy, but it was too late)
  18. This thread is an exact duplicate of the South Park Episode on Comedy Central last night. Watch the rerun later this week, you will be amazed at how parallel this conversation is to the episode!
  19. I'll sell you a pair of K2 Merlin IV 183cm 2000 model for with bindings. You may even be able to talk me down to below $200! I've switched to tele completely and didn't even crack out my alpine set-up this year.
  20. I never preached that I was a bolt chopper!!! I huess it just takes one to know one! Wish I couodm eet up with y'all. Have to head to Hood to slog sleds. Have a PBR tallboy for me!
  21. Erik's turned sporto! Erik's turned sporto! Erik's turned sporto! Erik's turned sporto! Erik's turned sporto! Erik's turned sporto! Erik's turned sporto! Erik's turned sporto! Erik's turned sporto! Erik's turned sporto! Erik's turned sporto! Erik's turned sporto! Erik's turned sporto! Erik's turned sporto! Erik's turned sporto!
  22. I've seen that dude on TV. He can also role up his package with a stick and then unroll it over and over again to stretch it. When not hanging anything, it is pretty long (stretched out) and completely flat! I got sick just watching it.
  23. And FAs over Spring Break in Indian Creek don't count!
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