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Everything posted by ryland_moore

  1. ryland_moore


    Hope he's not planning on climbing then!!!!
  2. Heard a story while in Mexico that a college guy went and got a tatoo while wasted and didn't remember doing so. He was an avid fisherman, woke up the next morning and saw a line coming over his shoulder with a fly on the end and a fish jumping to get it across his chest. He turned around to see where the line leaded to and on his back was a fisherman about 2 feet tall tatooed across his back! Serves him right!!!!
  3. Tatoos on a guy is a way to make up for your small penis complex
  4. Does this mean you have to be a crazy nut-job to climb trad? Watch his show and you will understand!
  5. Would ya mind asking him where that lovely photo was taken? I guess the Metolius foks would know too as it came from their collection.
  6. I ate a few up on the no-name glacier below Forbidden two weeks ago by mistake. Taste like Chicken!
  7. I would, if I knew who he was and how to get a hold of him......
  8. C'mon DFA, I KNOW you know where it is!!!!!! It has got to be somewhere over near you or near Sisters. It isn't the Sisters bouldering area is it?
  9. Saw an image of a boulder climbing here in the summer Mountain Gear catalogue. Where is this place and how is the bouldering? Looks pretty sweet from the photo!
  10. I had to walk all the way out from there barefoot cause of you!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I second Colt45's suggestion of the Solomon's. Just picked them up on Sierra Trading Post and they are nice. First day out I Tr'ed Fat Crack in them and they didn't do too bad! Haven't had a chance to put my aluminums on them yet, but have done some basic appraoches and thought they were nice. Also, a couple other options from 5.10 on Sierra Trading Post. Go check it out.
  12. So RumR, you climb at the Gunks often? If not, shut the hell up cause you have no idea whatcha talkin' bout! You sound like a whiny kid telling his buddy, "My Daddy can beat up yo Daddy!" as if you are defending your turf (Index). I suggest you go there and climb and then give us your opinion, but not until. If you have climbed there, and you have a totally different opinion then Jim, then I totally respect that.
  13. Compared to Index, how'd you rate the difficulty?
  14. That's cause they saw your NRA sticker on the back bumper of your car!
  15. I can't believe a bunch of Canadian faggots would throw a rock thru a windshield!
  16. I played team sports all of my life and played soccer in college. I got into rock climbing in high school, but didn't spend much time with it because other sports took up all of my time. It wasn't until my senior yeart in college when I no longer had a team sport to play that I really started climbing and spending my free time doing so. Maybe climbing is a sport that others who are less coordinated or those who never fit in with sports like baseball, soccer, football or hockey, are more drawn to, but I just think of it as requiring a different mentality. Unlike team sports, climbing is more like wrestling, or tennis except your opponent is a rock face or ice curtain. If you fail, you have only yourself to blame, or your opponent had the upper hand (ie. mother nature came in and put you in your place!). Don't take this wrong, I am not nearly as competitive in climbing as I was playing soccer, but I also find that I push myself harder in climbing than in any other team sport I ever played. Regardless if you were or were not atheletically inclined growing up, we each get out on the rock and ice for our own personal satiusfaction, whatever that feeling may be. So, whether you are a computer geek or a dumb jock, we all find a common bond in the vertical world.
  17. I will have to disagree with you here Dustin. Although Austin is an awesome city and the girls there are very attractive, there are a few more cities in that neck o the woods that will take Texas hands down is a hottie-off. Ryland's top five cities containing the hottest women per square city block: 1) Hotlanta, GA 2) Ol' Miss Campus 3) Athens, GA 4) New Orleans, LA 5) Birmingham, AL and Nashvegas, TN (tie) I would put Austin in a close 6th. The other reason for these fine ladies all in a centralized location has to do with colleges, of course. No put down to Texas, just not as strong as some of the larger cities or more eye candy-filled campuses. Finally, my taste in women is very simple. Girls that look fake don't score high on my list (Why L.A. or any other pretentious city is excluded). Girls haver to be down-home, flirtatious, and have fun , which all cities, including Austin fall under. Two cents.
  18. Horsehead - Good PBR and free pop-corn!
  19. No, 7th and 6th. Head downtown to 7th street, turn right like you are going to get to Coburg Road and just before getting on the rampo, turn into the parking lot. Jason, bunglehead nad I were there last night. Where were you, ANna? Can't do it this Thursday. Flying back to the East Coast on the red eye. Have fun!
  20. ryland_moore


    Way to persevere, Ivan! God, I think we got off easy with 13 days, blue bird skies, no avalanches, only a day or two of storms, and freshies all the way down from 11k to 7,800! Only spent 2 nights at 17k! Great work, my man!
  21. Although there was a little debris when crossing over the slide areas, I never thought it was that bad. I'd much rather push through that then climb through slide alder and devil's club. The flagging never led us off course either. There are arrows cut into the logs at each end teling you where to go and as long as you hold the same contour it takes about 10 minutes to get to the other side. Maybe doing it in the dark would be different, but during the day it is a piece of cake!
  22. No, no permit needed to climb, just the trailhead parking pass (which I don't have)
  23. I went to a party down in Virginia that was serving up snapping turtle and rattlesnake. Pretty tasty, but weird too. Also had sea turtle steak down in the Cayman Islands, but felt bad about it after seeing one for the first time while diving the next day.....
  24. Fejas, it is called the Western pond turtle and they are not endangered, but a listed species of concern. The only way ChrisT would find one in her backyard would be in the early spring, when the turtles are up laying eggs and that would only occur if she were near water. Fejas, sorry to hear about the issue with your parents, but the government is not going to "take" property over a western pond turtle or cutthroat trout as they are not federally listed species. You sure there isn't another species in those wetlands they were concerned about? Was this in Eugene? Also, I wouldn't exactly call the govt. (the only one who can "take" or sieze property,) tree huggers. Look who is in office!
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