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Everything posted by ryland_moore

  1. I drove from Portland to Enterprise and back over the last few days and it was warm in the Gorge last night around 8pm with temps in Hood River in the 40s. The ice will not come in solid without at least a week of beloe freezing temps. Put out a water bucket in your back yard and monitor the ice from there. When there are several inches of ice in the bucket, head out to the Gorge. Ice in the Wallowas however is a whole different ballgame (TR to follow when I download images).
  2. Is the flow in a Ski Bowl to the right of the main run? I am out in Enterprise climbing ice today and it is awesome! There is also a curtain that forms near Pete's Pile in Hood River, but probably not cold enough. Paulina Falls south of Bend is another choice and is at 6k feet. Don't knowe of any reports though.Post if you find out!
  3. That is a huge waste of money! Definately pack your own meals. If you cannot take the time to prepare for something as simple as meals, then how will you do with everything else? Break up into cooking teams and have at it for dinners. Let everyone do their own thing for breakfast, lunch, and snacks. Use the NOLS cookbook for beta or ask me or Pete_A for an excel sheet prepared for 28 days on Denali with meal ideas, lbs. of this and that and what is needed. Also has fuel calculations on it. Good luck!
  4. Yeah, it all depends. I would say Big Mountain for Oregon but nothing beyond those borders. Pretty much every big mountain in the west has Bachy beat. Plus, Bachy is not a destination for skiers and boarders. I've skied all over Co., lived in Jackson, and skied up in B.C. and Bachy cannot even come close. Bachy will remain a weekender and locals place, nothing more.
  5. Chelle, Here is some info on climbing Thailand.com. I assume the long message is from Sam Lightner, Jr.
  6. If you have to ask, then you are a NEWBIE! (On this site of course). I never thought it had anything to do with one's climbing ability. if it did then Dru flashing all of Tommy Calwell's bold grade VI routes in no time!
  7. Chum are a listed species down here in Oregon. Combining the ruling on the Snake River dams with opening roadless areas, which are areas where the majority of bull trout, chinook, and coho spawn, it shows a huge detriment. Do all you can if you believe in sustaining fish. I have heard that some of the hatcheries around here are trying to create hatchery fry by mimicing wild fish and by letting fish spawn "naturally" in a free flwoing stream (inside a hatchery facility of course) and then releasing them. It will be interesting to see if the strength and genetic make up of these fish compares. In each Columbia Basin state, there are "Water Trusts" working with farmers, ranchers, and local municipalities to transfer water back instream for anadromous fish habitat. Check out Oregon Water Trust and Washington Water Trust's website. Idaho is through the state. These organizations have single-hgandedly created contracts with landowners compensating them for crops they lost due to shutting off irrigation, but it restored miles of dry streambed and allowed fish to get back to historical spawning grounds. They also work to change points of diversions and remove barriers like push up dams. Cool folks!
  8. I believe two years ago in Eugene, they made regulations against city offices showing any signs of x-mas decorations. christmas trees, presents, reindeer, carolers, santa, and present-themed items or painted windows was forbidden. I think they may have reversed this after some serious complaints.
  9. Sounds like a simple case of not conducting due diligence. Alex finds this film in his Dad's attic or was scammed by some antiques dealer, buying the farm or jumping to conclusions, wastes $10,000 on a 35 mm film he can purchase completely clean and new for $800, then throws his story out there thinking it to be true. He did not do his research and neither did BMFF. It is both of their faults and one I am sure they will learn from. It doesn't sound like there was any ill intentions, just lack of due diligence and communication. Makes them look bad and disorganized, but not mean spirited.
  10. It looked like they tried climbing a choss and moss gulley from the video footage on the news!
  11. I used the Frontpoint jacket from Mid-to late May on Denali in '03 and was happy. I had a -40 NF Inferno sleeping bag and was glad I did. You can rent a -40 Feathered Friends sleeping bag, and a jacket for that point if you don't want to shell out $800-$900 on new gear. Intuition liners would be good for your plastics. The Artic Expes come with them, so I didn't need to get a new set of liners, although severl of my climbing partners did for their AT boots as we brought skis too.
  12. Agree with most of the posts. The only reason to add bolts was if there was a really bad fall that could cause serious injury. Otherwise, tell them it is a sport route and if they want to have the potential to Z-clip, go to the gym.
  13. Recreational Darwinism at its finest!
  14. I think if there were any conflict of interest, it would depend on whether or not the actions taken in obtaining permits could be proven that Glenn did this while working for the USFS with the intensions of cornering the market for his own personal gain,. This could be difficult to establish in a court of law, hence why you may see another guide who was not granted a permit, whining about the whole thing. Regardless, it sounds as if this ranger is a stand-up guy who may not pass the smell test in this situation due to appearance on the cover, wrong place/wrong time kinda thing, but legally and probably ethically, did nothing wrong. If the course is a good one, people will let others know and if not then people will definately know.
  15. Alsadair is right. Picture an object when it heats up, it expands. When it cools down, it contracts. Now if a volcano continues to cool then technically the mountain can "contract." With all of the weight that makes up Rainier, earthquakes can and do occur from the mountain "settling" or "contracting".
  16. Yeah but I doubt Bobby is doing a .13c in flip flops!
  17. Public camping and boat launch are both nearby.
  18. Typically depth is measured from the point below the epicenter (the surface). If this is true, then the earthquake's epicenter occurred above Camp Hazard (due North) at around the 12,500' level. The depth of 0.9 miles would be from this point, meaning that the quake occurred around the 7,700' level, or somewhere near the same level of the Van Trump Glaciers but probably a mile or two into the mountain.
  19. A good alternative route is in the Castle Crags area or Leuthold's Couloir. Both can be done from Timberline parking lot and are fairly straightforward climbs. Avalanche conditions should always be considered, and have fun!
  20. The Gorge if you are lucky, Wallowas, Banks Lake, Leavenworth, and Umptatum Falls for short weekends, and Lillooet, Lee Vining, or Bozeman for long weekends. Like Shred says, come to pub club or just post during the winter. Usually if you get someone thinking about it and there is ice out there, then that can usually convince them to go.
  21. I think the party on the summit ridge ahead of you was that Korean party of two that was so slow. Soon after you passed them, we got behind them. Here's a brief description of what transpired, as Pete was in the lead, Asheley, was in middle, and I was on the end. Pete turns around. "Guys! I can't get around these Koreans and they are moving soooo slow!!!!!" Ash: "Tell them to move over and let us by!" PeteQ: "I did, and they don't understand English!" Ash: "I'll bet they understand this! Hey Dickheads! Get The Fuck Out of The Way Before I Beat You Senseless with My Axe! There, I think they may have understood that!"
  22. Another from Denali's summit as Erden and Crew were heading down...
  23. Here are some photos from you all and Erden approaching summit, leaving summit, and at 17k. Erden is in the Blue and pink puffy and Squid is wearing brown. I think Eddie was wearing a red down parka. I am in all blue with my team.
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