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Everything posted by ryland_moore

  1. I disagree with Jim. I did both in less than two weeks although I was down there for six months. To get back to Mendoza, try the Navimag boat up to Puerto Montt, catch a bus from Puerto Montt or go climbing in the Lakes district, Bariloche area. Head up to Santiago and catch a bus or car shuttle over the pass (start off point for Aconcagua) and head down into Mendoza. There is a really cool hostel in Mendoza that caters to climbers. They havea cook out once a week, cool porch out back, and everyone signs their names on the walls. They also guide up Ac. out of there. Close to the parks and fountains, and can find beta of cool obscure climbin g around Mendoza. If in Mendoza, you have to go to a restaurant that opens around 10pm and has the best food I have ever had. It looks really ritzy from the outside but the best tenderloin I've ever had was $8! They have a picture of Brad Pitt and Gweneth, who ate there every night during the filmin of 7 years in Tibet. Do the circuit, going up into the valleys as side trips and do it counterclockwise to avoid a really steep pass day. if going the other way.
  2. Last night Dateline had a commercial that they were doing a story on the dood who cut his arm off while in Utah, while training for Denali. Maybe Rainier was the only peak with snow on it for filming since this guy was also on a mission to complete all 14k Colorado Peaks in Winter. Just a hunch.
  3. Erden, keep us posted on arrival times in Feb. in Miami as I am having my bachelor party down there around that time. Awesome! Glad the next chapter is fully under way!!!!
  4. Agree with Cavey on forgoing a guide. If you have done S. Side of Adams or S. Side of Hood and have crevasse "slogging" experience, you should be fine. I only saw one crevasse and it was fairly low and off to the side of our route. Senor Reyes is a good guy, will allow you to park your rental off the streets and in the "compound." Plus, will handle the jeep trip up to the mountain hut. He also has a bouldering wall and good climbing films. We hung out with Barry Blanchard and his gal there before they took two clients up from NY. Acclimating on La Malinche is also a good idea. Take your time and have fun. We finished off the trip by going down from the summit and to the Gulf to Veracruz where we were sipping on margaritas, riding wave runners, and oggling chicas in thongs within less than 24 hrs after standing on the summit. My climbing partners and I have concluded that there is nowhere else in the world where this can be done. Maybe in Ecuador or Peru, but getting out from your approach and driving would kill it. Since there is no approach on Orizaba, it works. Storms and altitude will be your biggest deterents.
  5. If I learned one thing from the Deep South, it was never to talk politics with friends. You just don't do it unless you don't eant them to be your friends. Talk as much politics with people you don't like, cause the hatred will only grow stronger. SO, instead of throwing insults regarding to political lines, mainly because I rarely stand on one regarding party affiliation, I'll just throw out insults from behind my anonymous (my real name) personna on the Internet. Hey Greg_W! Your new girlfriend was great last night! Hey Ashw_Justin! D and D is for Sally's and Geeks who don't get laid! Hey Goter....um.... whatever your name is! Norse Gods were really queers who tried to cover up their lack of manhood by staying out at sea "exploring" each others deepest reaches!!!!No wonder they never made it as a society! No more reproduction!!!!! Great thread, but bowhunting is calling me in the Steens. See ya on Tuesday! Come on, isn't someone gonna tell me bowhunting is for pansy asses who haven't been weened from their momma?
  6. PM jkrueger. He climbs at that level and I have done several sessions with him last summer before work when the rock was cool.
  7. Take a fly rod as well. Those fish don't see too much pressure east of the PCT and is pretty easy. 20 fish evening no problem.
  8. At the base of the lateral moraine on the way out along the Blue Glacier of Mount Olympus. They were in a trash bag, looked to be early 90's boots with blue boots and red cuffs. Size 10 and looked to be rentals with "OM" written on the back. Seems like someone either ditched them on purpose because they didn't want to carry them all the way out, or they fell off of a pack. However, there was a rock placed on top of the plastic bag. "OM" stand for Olympic Mountaineering???? If they were yours, or you want them, they are located about 100 yards up glacier from where the trail down to the glacier from the moraine ends. They were about 50 vertical feet above the actual glacier on a "talus trail" right along the crest. Hell if I was going to haul those things out for your forgetful ass!
  9. Screw REI!!!!!!! (Sorry Squid and Erden) Nothing but a POS Corporation........ Power to the Little Man!!!!!!! REI is the Wal-Mart of the Outdoor Industry!!!!!!
  10. Went into Olympus on Friday with Chica, MaryK, Pete_A, and another friend from Jackson. Hiked into Glacier Meadows Friday, climbed Saturday but turned around in a complete whiteout, rain, and wind at Snow Dome, then hiked back to the Rangver Station at 9 mile, then hiked the remaining nine miles out Sunday morning. Lot of hiking. I feel we covered alot of distance in the park, but saw very little of the park. Also, anyone know about a huge section of the Blue Glacier collapsing and filling the Hoh River with a large amount of silt? Locals said it has never been this silty this time of year and has been running like that for a few weeks because, "the glacier fell down."
  11. There is a line just down from knickerbocker bridge in Eugene just down stream from the kayaker's play hole as you head across to Autzen Stadium
  12. ryland_moore

    Paul Hamm

    It's still not Hamm's fault. It is the judges faults. Just because a Canadian and a Malaysian can't grade correctly is no fault to Paul Hamm. Paul Hamm earned his medal in the all-around, was given a mdeal last night (I felt the Russian still had a better routine than Paul), and the Koreans continue to cry like little babies Do people give back World Cup Titles when goals are scored in an illegal manner? I don'tthink so. There isn't instant replay for a reason, the Koreans had their shot at filing a complaint when the score came out, and he and his coaches were too stupid to realize the error. They blew it! Not Paul Hamm!
  13. If you simul climb or solo the majority or all of the ridge, I think the 8-10 hours is reasonable. If not, and you pitch it out, then the 19 hours sounds reasonable.
  14. I would be interested to see how much money the FS spends on salaries for patrols at THs. I would hope that they do not hire extra staff just to write people tickets and that these "ticket writers" have many other job responsibilities. If not, then herein is just another example of the FS spending money to reimburse the expense. If they are so strapped for cash, then this is a very foolish way to spend their tight budgets. Anyone know the answer? Also, in a previous thread on this subject, there was a link to a website that had a hanging card you could put on your dash or rearview mirror that stated you were in the area for purposes other than recreation and were therefore exempt. I have placed this on my car several times and not once been ticketed, including this weekend at eightmile. Could just be dumb luck. Finally, isn't this process being abolished this October?
  15. Also on land. They call it landboarding
  16. Heading up to climb Dragontail and wanted to know conditions on approach at base of Serpentine and descent back down to the lake. Ice axe needed?
  17. An Awesome one I used was called "Hiking and Backpacking in Chile and Argentina". Definately do the circuit in Torres del Paine (DO NOT DO THE 'W' ROUTE OR YOU WILL MISS THE BEST VIEWS IN THE PARK) go to Los Glacieres Natnl Park and to El Chalten to hike into Cerro TOrre and Fitzroy areas. Over on the Argentinian caost, go check out the beach where Orcas swim right up on shore to get seals and sea lions (think National Geographic). Go check out a Penguin rookery on the STraights of Magellan, definately take the NAVIMAG boat up from Puerto Natales back to Puerto Montt. Hitchhike down the Carreterra Astral, the most remote place down there. Go rock climbing and fly fishing in Bariloche. Youth hostels down there rock! There is also a South American Handbook, which can be helpful, but also quite general. Take buses from CHile down to Patagonia as they are cheaper (although with the Argentinian dollar crashing a little while ago, this may have changed.)
  18. Or, for the rock on the BLM land, drive up the Mohawk River and access the backside of the Coburg Hills via BLM directly. No need to cross private property. You can get all the way up to Mt. Tom if need be.
  19. Let me get this straight, you hiked into Triumph Saturday, climbed NE Ridge Triumph Sunday, hiked all the way out, then hiked up into Boston Basin Sunday and soloed W. Ridge of Forbidden and back in Seattle by early Monday morning? You da Man!
  20. Karl, if there are a lack of partners at the bivy site, that is becasue you are staying in the weekend climbers area. If you want to find the dirtbags, go to the Grasslands (Skull Hollow campground). Ask the guys at Redpoint for directions.
  21. Good luck on doing your trip in under a month! I wish you all the best. I think we shopuld start a betting pool. Bets could be made on whether or not they summit their cascades jewels test "hike", actually get a permit to climb Cho "Oye", make it to Nepal, and then figure out how to get to the base of Cho "Oye". With 007 as a leader, how could they possibly fail? I won't even take bets on summiting as I would feel really bad on capitalizing on a possible (likely) death or serious injury. Recreational Darwinism at its finest! Should provide us with free entertainment over the next year though. Kind of reminds me of the guy on Denali a few years ago who came up there to climb solo, had no glacier experience, and refused the park rangers warnings. Although he did decide to carry a 2 x 4, which he carried like a tight rope walker (parrallel to the crevasses). He never made it above 11k, but if he had fallen in, the plank would have never helped him even if he had carried it perpendicular to the crevasses as it had a middle breaking strength of 100 lbs. At 210lbs. with a full pack and sled, it would have been all over.
  22. I am pretty sure Erik and his partner did it a lot faster than 20 hours last year descending the Sherpa Glacier.
  23. Well, this gal wasn't my gal, but she sure was an attractive tele bunny who was helping out Lisa for the climbing season. But back to the original post. Any info. out there? Hope the guy was alright.
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