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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru


  2. Dru

    monster squid finding

    see also gregm post and new threat to penguins post
  3. Dru


    dont you only have banning privileges in the freshiezone?
  4. Dru

    cc.com Duel

  5. i dont think stuffing is good for your tent. it might make it greasy
  6. Dru


    have the instructors let you massage with your hands yet or are you still limited to hitting clients with a hammer to tenderize?
  7. Dru


    klar is that you on the right or on the left? how do you get that fiolm that is B&W but color when taking picture of parrot
  8. Dru

    My favorite Canadian

    where am I on the list.
  9. if you have a good GPS you wont need wands. wands are for sissies
  10. To jon and tim for the website .
  11. To the original cc.com sprayers and trollers: pope, ZDFG, rayborbon and mikeadam.
  12. Dru


    I tried to train a kea to say "Mike's a wanker" near Homer Hut. Dont think it worked.
  13. Dru

    cc.com Duel

    # of firearm homicides in Canada................ 165 # of firearm homicides in the US................. 11,127 Avg. Firearm homicide rate in Canada.......... 0.7 per 100,000 Avg. Firearm homicide rate in US................ 5.7 per 100,000 Avg. handgun homicide rate in Canada........ 0.3 per 100,000 Avg. handgun homicide rate in US.............. 4.8 per 100,000 You tell me who's got the gun thing figured out. not to mention 30 million Canadians 21 million guns.
  14. Dru


    I think that would be sweet to train an african gray to climb with you... he could fly up and meet you up at the belay ledge I bet you could train an African Grey to make the clips for ya. That would be pretty cool--no more stick clips cheater parrots are aid
  15. Dru

    cc.com Duel

    paintball =
  16. Dru


    why take a gerbil with you when you can catch a wild
  17. Dru


    I hear Sigfried and Roy have some extra white tigers they are raised with weirdos so they make great sport climber pets.
  18. Dru


    i'm gonna ride my llama from Peru to Texarkana I'm gonna ride him good In my old neighbourhood And when we got on the ship He brought out something for the trip And said "its old but its good"
  19. probably some chicken, huh
  20. Hey climbing girl 33 do a site search for "amber" You may find why some greet you with skepticism. Some guys on this site like to create female user names, ask for partners, then make fun of those who respond to them "a ha ha X is so desperate he sent 10 PM's to Avatarette! he's not really interested in climbing, all those Pm's said "yeah lets go climbing PS do you have a boyfriend" " Actually, if said trolling reduces the amount of such private messaging its probably a good thing.
  21. and who is your egg donor?
  22. OK, now that we have no idea who Jiddhu Krishnamurti is/was, other than that we might assume he's some type of Hindu feller, thou must explain further 'fore your long walk off cc.com's not-so-lengthy pier. just type Krisnamurtri into a search engine DFA. he's a grandspraydaddy of the New Age. right up there with Mme. Blavatsky and GI Gurdjieff.
  23. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=UBB23&Number=162853&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1#Post163234
  24. jogging will not help your climbing ability. instead of wasting time jogging, you should just do more climbing-specific training.
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