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Everything posted by Dru

  1. If I was newly arrived party of 2 I would have told loud woman "you snooze you lose" and if she still kept it up i would have trundled coils on her from a great height caveman style. I agree with Off White. If you aren't climbing a route or physically waiting at the base, ready to proceed at first available opportunity, it is not yours to tell others to get off of. Or even if you are!
  2. Dru

    CC.com Reciepe club

    Dru's Amazing Buffalo Chili Get a 6 pack of porter, drink one to start. For inspiration. While working on your porter boil a handful of navy beans and a handful of red beans for 40 minutes to an hour. If you haven't got navy beans use pintos. Let liquid boil and thicken. Don't drain. In large cast iron pan - 500 grams (~1 lb.) lean ground bison, 1 whole red onion, 4 cloves garlic, med. heat. When onions are clear and meat is browned add beans and liquid. Simmer. Add the rest of your 2nd beer and open a new one. Dice 2 large tomatoes and 1-2 green chilis and add. Also a jalapeno, habanero, or cherry bomb if you got it. Spices: paprika, chili powder, cumin, coriander, salt & pepper to taste but better a bit too much than not enough. Add a shot of soy sauce, a splash of HP sauce and its good to go. Eat with blue corn chips. Serves 4 hungry climbers. Aside from the garlic, soy sauce, HP sauce and beer I think every ingredient on this list is native to the New World. Authentic. If you wanna be a purist use oolichan grease instead of soysauce. I take it back, cumin and black pepper are old world substances too.
  3. The fall factor determines the force on your piece. A 100 foot fall on a fall factor 0.5, 200 feet of rope out creates less force on your piece than does a 6 foot factor 2 fall on a 3 foot daisy chain. In via ferrata, where the rungs are 5 meters apart and you are clipped in with a 1m leash, people took factor 5 falls (5m fall on 1m of line) and broke their biners and died. thats why they make special shock absorber screamer type things for via ferrata now. thats right a 5m fall broke a biner due to high fall factor. get the idea... the "shock force" thing you mention has nothing to do with it. laws of physics do not change just because you doubt them.
  4. Dru

    Which 4WD SUV?

    You know what? Forget the SUV Get a Pontiac Asstec
  5. Dru

    Stone Nudes

    dude isnt exactly well hung is he?
  6. Dru

    Stone Nudes

    better than a penguin suit! iain did say "...went to the fridge for some ice cream" now we know what he was really doing... hint it involved a seal.
  7. what is global determination anyway? "hmmmm.... its round. Yup, a globe"?
  8. Dru

    WTB: Panda Suit

    you mean like a panda suit that a "furry" would wear? why 2 or 3? do you have a Hair'em?
  9. Dru

    Which 4WD SUV?

    it would be poetic to puke on a Yukon
  10. Dude, tape is aid.
  11. You guys could both be naturalist buffoons in the cc.com stone nudes calendar.
  12. Dru

    Stone Nudes

    are you criticizing trask for not being bisexual, minx? i'm not scared of nudity, male or female. i've seen Prospero's Books and the Christian Griffiths ad.
  13. Dru

    Which 4WD SUV?

    It was a 2001 model.
  14. There is a reason no one snow caves in summer......
  15. I saw one of Squamish's stronger female climbers flail away at that thing for hours unsuccessfully. It's "Bob's Second Crack" I think. 10a,
  16. Dru

    Stone Nudes

    Dude you guys are missing the point. STONE NUDES is TASTEFULLY DONE
  17. Dru

    Stone Nudes

    i would be willing to pose if it was "tasteful" maybe a B&W silhouette shot stemming up a chimney like on the cover of Fred's "Challenge of the North Cascades" or atop the Flagpole...that would be appropriate...
  18. Dru

    Which 4WD SUV?

    I drove a Ford Exploder on the Hurley River road once and that thing wags its tail like a two dollar hooker. More fishtailing than a mermaid. I would give the Ford a big thumbs-down cause i thought it was SUCK
  19. Dru

    Stone Nudes

    i bet i could. just look thru erik's black book
  20. Dru

    Which 4WD SUV?

    That's no Unimog photo. Its an essay some guy wrote about SUV's.
  21. all the drtopo topos, or most of em anyways, are stolen. support guidebook authors!
  22. Dru

    Posting Attachments

  23. Dru

    Which 4WD SUV?

    Bump Wimp
  24. Dru

    Stone Nudes

    isnt that rock she's climbing on kinda shaped like a giant horsecock?
  25. Dru

    We're So Sorry!

    i might dredge up some posts of that guy imorris who used to post on here
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