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Everything posted by Dru

  1. grow op?
  2. Dru

    Which 4WD SUV?

    its plastic, or did she have'em taken out again, i can't remember, its all too confusing...
  3. fish or fowl?
  4. maybe its a mutant...part fish. it does look kinda fishy.
  5. Dru

    No more war shit

    you mean the rooster head?
  6. I have been seeing this thing out of the corner out of my eye and thinking it was the head of a goat or something. Well, I looked at the actual picture sourced of his avatar image and it is a guy praying. But the animal is there too if you look closely. Its actually a rooster head I think. Here is the image, enhanced to bring out the rooster head
  7. Americans actually show up in Vancouver expecting to see igloos.
  8. dead people are fun... they have booty and you can pose the body to make for funny photo!
  9. I've heard you paid to see a lot of things.
  10. Dru


    two famous Squamish sport climbers used to have a cat named Roxie who went craggin with them. well they were in a car accident near Donner Summit and when they got out of the car to look at the damage ol' Roxie ran off and was never seen again. she probably went feral and is chewin on in the Tahoe backcountry "Where's Roxie" is a good slab route though.......put up to commemorate the event.
  11. Dru


    "free" software should be available for download. why ship and handle?
  12. Dru


    better to pay a bit than to have to put up with banner ads or dial up or whatever the hell the "free" service uses to make cash.
  13. You'll find Curry wherever there are Indians, or Pakistanis, or Bangladeshis or whatever.
  14. I actually HATE SC. I can't say that about any other person. I hate his fucking guts. i admire SC's skill, he is better at what he does than necro is!! even if he is a pro-bolting moondancer
  15. the whole jessica lynch thing is bunk... pretty young soldier rescued from evil Arabs by her buddies... I mean c'mon, they pulled that op just to provide media with a feel good story for distraction from the "we killed a bunch of defenseless woman and children in a pickup truck" story. it's the princess and the dragon thing. now if a team of Women soldiers rescued a male GI that would be news!
  16. Dru

    Media Clowns

    Was it Cobra???
  17. you musta forgot to brush after
  18. I agree with what she was doing when she was killed, and if she felt strongly enough about the US that she wanted to burn its flag, more power to her. Its called freedom of speech. Worshipping a flag makes no more sense than worshipping a god. I'm surprised some entrepreneur hasn't come out with a line of toilet paper embossed with the flags of various nations, so you can REALLY show your displeasure with a nation of your choice. I know someone who once pissed in the "peace flame" at the N end of the Burrard Bridge, putting it temporarily out... he later went on to be an upstanding citizen. I myself have smoked some BC 420 lit up in that very flame, "peace man". I've never yet lit a joint from a burning flag, though.
  19. Dru


    that second dog was killed by a wolf that bit his head nearly off while he was chained up, but hey, "he just wanted to play"
  20. its not like it actually tastes the chimney, it just bongs it with its beak closed... i dont think poisons gonna work
  21. Dru

    Media Clowns

    they've gone back to lurking till the next casualty when they will once again browse the site looking for juicy details like victim's name so they can splash it on the news before its officially released by the cops or whoever.
  22. 4 and 20 starlings, baked in a pie....
  23. Not only humbled by being the butt of blowjob jokes, the feathered little critters are now hunted by a newly discovered breed of giant squid.
  24. Buddha didn't but a lot of Buddhists do.
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