glassgowkiss Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 Yeah, between Carlson and Trump, we are witnessing the implosion of party. It's utterly out of control, dominated by fringe idiots fueling conspiracy theories and pure stupidity. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvashtarkatena Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 oh, i dont know. the GOPs got a bold path back to Greatness on offer. I like Carson's 'no Muslims in elected office' idea. To which I'd add 'no negroes, neither'. And after the Timmy Horton's/BK acquisition. its pretty clear that we need a northern wall to keep our Strategic Deep Fryer Oil Reserve on US soil. We might think about postponing mass deportations until after its done. though. I like Fiorina's not having a dick as her primary selling point as well. Brilliant, but then. what else would expect from Lucent's most celebrated executive? Too bad she's got the face of a draught horse, which leads me to American Conservatism 3.0's Savior de Jour, Mr. T. Billionaire White Supremacy. Why havent any other Billionaires come up with that? Lets just lay that out the way it's laid out already, no? On the flipside, who will take on those self serving teachers if not you, Scott? We harley knew ye! Let's enjoy this special time in the Great American Horse Race, when cray cray's OK-a and anything goes, for soon the quiet billionaires will choose their flag boy and we'll be forced to listen to the Drone of the Democrats, who don't seem to know whose ass needs kickin. Where's the fun in that? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvashtarkatena Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 I don't see any mystery in Trump's popularity among The Faithful. He's the only GOP. candidate who's up front about the GOPs agenda - rich white power, denigration of women, xenophobia. Where he diverges from that storybook, he's often right on the issues. Closing fat cat tax loopholes and not believing that Jesus rides a Trex, for example. And he's crude but effective in exposing his inflatosuit opponents for the phonies they are, most notably Jeb 'Lehman Bros paid me 1.3 M a year to help destroy the economy' Bush and Carly 'i road herd on two huge corporate disasters, not just one' Fiorina. The GOP has been begging for Trump in the same way a shih tzu who poos in your bed when you're not looking begs for a personal hand held flame thrower (an actual product one of my friend markets in case you have that issue) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pete_H Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 I don't think it matters ideologically to trump whether he runs as a D or an R. His popularity makes a lot more sense when you look at it in the context of a classic populist campaign, I.e. George Wallace. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pete_H Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 Though the playing on people's fears bit definitely fits in with the Rs much better. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvashtarkatena Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 Of course it doesn't matter to Trump, but only the GOP has laid down the racist, chick-hating, science-denying astroturf for him to play on. And the GOP's a nasty bunch of fucksticks on the inside, so Trump's just upped that ante by being consistent on the outside as well. No phony baloney 'let's be civilized' there (while asset stripping, playing war, and pumping up the volume on income diversity). Trump's singular talent is being an asshole, and by effectively employing it, he has forced his more corporate-PC rivals into revealing their true fascist natures, or faking them, in an attempt to woo a base they thought they knew, but apparently did not. It's hawt Entitlement-on-Entitlement action. The results; rendering Bush and Fiorina as the clowns they've always been, and Cruz and Walker as small piles of poop one simply steps over they've always been, couldn't be more satisfying. I'd love to see a Trump/Fiorina ticket. After all, she's been running for the VP spot from day 1, her tried and true "if I'm here long enough I'll get promoted" that can, on occasion, work for the talentless. The GOP knows its token black man ain't gonna make it, even with his racist bonafides against the not-as-black, so the One Without A Dick is their only hope electorally to try to fool enough women to screw themselves by voting GOP. To see two buffoons who despise each other forced to campaign together would be a singular pleasure in 2016. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dougd Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 I thought George Will had it right when he referred to trump as a "bloviating ignoramus". I don't often agree with Mr Will, but on this we certainly do. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvashtarkatena Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 Bloviation is certainly something Will is personally familiar with, but Trump isn't just bloviated - he's practically his own fleet of gold tinted Zeppelins. As for ignoramus, um, from George Will? Trump's right on more issues today (not a huge number) than Will has ever been in his entire whiny life. Ironically, Trump's problem is money. He's quite low on direct campaign funds, and he's not doing enough fund raising, and he's kind of a cheapskate with regards to spending (good in the beginning - bad later on. Bush, in contrast, has got a mountain range of money - he just needs to sit tight and sucker punch Rubio every now and then. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvashtarkatena Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 Meanwhile, the Whitey Tighties are going a-Pope-lectic! NEWSFLASH: Pope's God's honeybadger, doods. He's the Ayatollah of DON'T GIVE A FUCK. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crux Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 From Ben Carson we can learn so much about opportunities in America. We can, for example, learn that in America it's possible to be an ignorant hick and still be a surgeon. He's neither ignorant nor a hick. And probably has a solid 100 IQ points above yours. Hey, KK, that was Ben on the phone. He was talking about coming over for dinner, to talk about things. And so I figure, no, I'm too fucking stupid to be any kind of worthwhile company for such a stellar loon intellectual. So I sent him over to your place! Ya'll have fun being really smart together an' shit-- maybe break out the single-malt and, well, discuss homosexuality and vaccines and god swill and whatever else you smart people talk about. Umkay? Ya! Have fun! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KaskadskyjKozak Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 And so I figure, no, I'm too fucking stupid to be any kind of worthwhile company Veritas. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jim Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 From Ben Carson we can learn so much about opportunities in America. We can, for example, learn that in America it's possible to be an ignorant hick and still be a surgeon. He's neither ignorant nor a hick. And probably has a solid 100 IQ points above yours. Well, on the GOP intellect genius scale he is pegging the meter: In a speech delivered in 2012, Ben Carson said the big bang theory was part of the “fairy tales” pushed by “high-faluting scientists” as a story of creation. Similarly, Carson, a noted creationist, said he believed the theory of evolution was encouraged by the devil. “Now what about the big bang theory,” said Carson at speech to fellow Seventh-day Adventists titled “Celebration of Creation,” about the theory for the origin of the universe. “I find the big bang, really quite fascinating. I mean, here you have all these high-faluting scientists and they’re saying it was this gigantic explosion and everything came into perfect order. Now these are the same scientists that go around touting the second law of thermodynamics, which is entropy, which says that things move toward a state of disorganization. “So now you’re gonna have this big explosion and everything becomes perfectly organized and when you ask them about it they say, ‘Well we can explain this, based on probability theory because if there’s enough big explosions, over a long period of time, billions and billions of years, one of them will be the perfect explosion,” continued Carson. “So I say what you’re telling me is if I blow a hurricane through a junkyard enough times over billions and billions of years, eventually after one of those hurricanes there will be a 747 fully loaded and ready to fly.” Carson added that he believed the big bang was “even more ridiculous” because there is order to the universe. “Well, I mean, it’s even more ridiculous than that ‘cause our solar system, not to mention the universe outside of that, is extraordinarily well organized, to the point where we can predict 70 years away when a comet is coming,” he said. “Now that type of organization to just come out of an explosion? I mean, you want to talk about fairy tales, that is amazing.” Later, Carson said he personally believed Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution was encouraged by the devil. “I personally believe that this theory that Darwin came up with was something that was encouraged by the adversary, and it has become what is scientifically, politically correct,” said Carson. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pete_H Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 For a supposedly smart man that dude says some dumb shit. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
glassgowkiss Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 Meanwhile, the Whitey Tighties are going a-Pope-lectic! NEWSFLASH: Pope's God's honeybadger, doods. He's the Ayatollah of DON'T GIVE A FUCK. Contrary to your pile of shit statement, this pope did more for poor and underprivileged in the past 3 years, then all the democrats put together in the past 25 years. He is one of the few people walking the walk. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ivan Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 tvash tippling it the honeybadger is something rather closer to an honorific i'd bet there, boy-o Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KaskadskyjKozak Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 “I find the big bang, really quite fascinating. I mean, here you have all these high-faluting scientists blah blah blah Obviously the man is intelligent with some serious accomplishments and impressive career. If you want to call him a kook, fine. It actually seems that high intelligence and kookiness seem to have a high correlation among H. Sapiens. But an "ignorant hick"? Do you idiots actually know what these words mean that you throw about? And are you even remotely capable of understanding what politics is about? The most intelligent politician says exactly what she needs to to get elected. Duh. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KaskadskyjKozak Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 For a supposedly smart man that dude says some dumb shit. Not everyone can invent the internet Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crux Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 The way I see it, being a hick is a absolutely a matter of choice. You know, a lot of people go into the Republican party being decent human beings, and when they come out, they're hicks. Why is that? Because they chose to. Or maybe because they got too much vaccination at once, which I, speaking from an informed medical perspective, think is the work of the devil. Now, let us all gather together and pound our puds until the cows come home. I like cows. They are so, pastoral. Like heaven, where there's no high-falutin' big bang, or queers and bestiality, or Muslims, 'cause the Bible tells me so. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvashtarkatena Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 speaking of ignorance, Gore never claimed he invented the internet, but he did play a critical and unique role in making human caused global warming a global concern, one which sparked a comprehensive science denial campaign by our beloved, trustworthy, always-lookin-out-fo-our-best-interests GOP. While we're being careful with our words n all. But Carsons a 'see, we like negroes' footnote. He's temporarily useful, and, conveniently, "he's a neurosurgeon". Plenty docs and dentists in the GOP (big paycheck), but, funny, hardly a scientist to be found. hmmmm. Anyway, The GOP was never going to vote that PROFOUNDLY IGNORANT savant into that office. Unless they're white, of course. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
genepires Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 But an "ignorant hick"? Do you idiots actually know what these words mean that you throw about? good question. according to the first online dictionary I used, it defines hick as "an unsophisticated, boorish, and provincial person; rube" that definition is not too far off, even accounting for his ability to do brain surgery. denial of evolution is pretty unsophticated. saying that muslims should not be elected to president is pretty boorish, (unmannered; crude; insensitive) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KaskadskyjKozak Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 But an "ignorant hick"? Do you idiots actually know what these words mean that you throw about? good question. according to the first online dictionary I used, it defines hick as "an unsophisticated, boorish, and provincial person; rube" that definition is not too far off, even accounting for his ability to do brain surgery. denial of evolution is pretty unsophticated. saying that muslims should not be elected to president is pretty boorish, (unmannered; crude; insensitive) "even accounting for his ability to do brain surgery" something none of you ever could do, yet alone get into a medical school. BTW, applying your definition, GGK, TTK, and Crux are all hicks. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KaskadskyjKozak Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 From Wikipedia (don't like that source, dispute it): Medical career Carson was a professor of neurosurgery, oncology, plastic surgery, and pediatrics, and he was the director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital.[15] At 33, he became the youngest major division director in the hospital's history as director of pediatric neurosurgery. He was also a co-director of the Johns Hopkins Craniofacial Center. Carson specialized in traumatic brain injuries, brain and spinal cord tumors, achondroplasia, neurological and congenital disorders, craniosynostosis, epilepsy, and trigeminal neuralgia.[15] Carson believes his hand–eye coordination and three-dimensional reasoning made him a gifted surgeon.[16] After medical school, he became a neurosurgery resident at Johns Hopkins Hospital. He began his career as a neurosurgeon, but also developed an interest in pediatrics.[16] In 1987, Carson successfully separated conjoined twins, the Binder twins, who had been joined at the back of the head (craniopagus twins). The 70-member surgical team, led by Carson, worked for 22 hours. Both twins survived.[17][18][19] Carson figured in the revival of the hemispherectomy, a drastic surgical procedure in which part or all of one hemisphere of the brain is removed to control severe pediatric epilepsy. He refined the procedure in the 1980s, encouraged by John M. Freeman,[20] and performed it many times.[21][22] === a pedigree none of you miscreants could even aspire to And all it says about his beliefs on evolution are essentially that he believes in ID. Hick? Bullshit. If you want to argue he is not qualified to be president or would make a bad president, that's one thing. But you all prefer name-calling, mudslinging and laziness. As such you might reconsider Donald Trump for president as you have a lot in common with him. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tvashtarkatena Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 Some things never change. Moving on... El Papa es en el Edificio and the FOXtards are pooping in their bidness casualz! Apparently, he's a....wait for it...this might be something new, folks...a COMMIE! Im sorry, did that induce a coma of interest? My bad. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
glassgowkiss Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 right wing nut media has a field day with the Pope. It just shows the hypocrisy of these outlets. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
glassgowkiss Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 BTW, applying your definition, GGK, TTK, and Crux are all hicks. Yet again, you are neglecting the fact none of us are running for a public office. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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