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What was the weekend activity?


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thought it would be fun to practice with the old gps and headed up the south side of hood...got immersed in the white out about halfway to the top of the lift...occasionaly got glimpses of the lift (probably could'a heard it too if i wasn't listening to the flogging mollies the whole time), which eventually ended up scaring the shit out of me...it was off when i decided to go up the ski area instead of far off to the side, so i figured i was safe...then i saw it was on, and the occasional skier heading up...as i could see no more than 20 yards of so, i was certain i would be killed by a speeding gore-tex coated bullet...had fun above the lift, navigating to some pre-entered coordinates...eventually got bored since i couldn't see a thing and even the dark sparkling hallucinations were beginning to become banal...enjoyed falling several times on the descent as i tripped over mini snow steps that totally didn't register to my eyes

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Went exploring near the Fraser River in another installment of the Quest For the Unknown Super crag Area. Saw no real crags but spent 2 hours bushwacking and hiking along railway tracks, lots of rain, mud and quite a bit of ghost fish (good phrase) and a few of these photo.jpg plus a blue heron or two.

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Ghost fish are the salmon in their final stages of life. They appear all white with bits of flesh dropping off. Some will actually bite a fly or lure as you reel them in you wonder what you have on the line and then you see it...

Wild salmon are a wonder to behold. Fish that fight to spawn and then die to contribute their natural body remains to the stream bed for further life(insects and such)

Forgive me for wandering. I just like these fish

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Put up requisite Charlie Brown tree, compliments of Chubby & Tubby (R.I.P.).



Drank too much wine while decorating tree - up later than expected.


Motorcycle show to ogle the new rides and try on some new head armor.


Hop between party and show at the Tractor.



Run, move furniture, shop for loot for the folks, attend the viewing of one of those very successful franchise movies.

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Friday - flogged the Lloyd Center mall for Christmas giftage


Saturday - slept late, lounged, helped Mrs. DFA make cookies, a little more shopping, and purchased the 'Ella Wishes You a Swingin' Christmas' CD, by Ella Fitzgerald (duh). This was a fine purchase, and if you're looking for some secular Christmas tunes in the peppy, jazzy modality, buy it. Sound quality is excellent too, as it's one of them Verve Records reissue deals.


Sunday - Church, brunch, more shopping, lounging, and of course Simpsons and King of the Hill from 8-9.

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"considering their original production dates" ???


Bitches Brew is one of the classics. Look at the list of musicians on it: Miles, Herbie Hancock, Chick Korea, Joseph Zawinal (Weather Report), Tony Williams, Wayne Shorter, Bennie Maupin, Jack DeJonnette, Billy Cobham, Airto Moriera, John McGlaughlin ... just about anybody and everybody who made it big in Jazz-Rock for the next ten years (did I forget anybody?). It was initially panned by lots of critics but it completely changed both Jazz and Rock.


Are you of the impression that music that is thirty years old is not likely to be any good?

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It sounded, to DFA at least, that he was referring to the era the albums were recorded and the production capabilities of the day, and was surprised that albums recorded in such a dramatically different sound-reproduction era could sound so clean, warm, and spacious. Sort of a roundabout compliment to Verve's remastering skillz, and not a dis on 30-year-old tunes.

Edited by Dr_Flash_Amazing
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Ah, you could be right, DFA. Lots of the early efforts at reproducing the classics to CD were not that good. But you similarly misunderstand my post -- more than "arguing" with Redmonk's "premise" (in a rhetorical manner I asked if that was his premise), I wrote to celebrate the brilliance of the release in question. So we end up quibbling with each other when what we really mean is high fives. Perhaps this is what has gone wrong in the political threads and you and I actually agree with the "GregW types" ???

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So we end up quibbling with each other when what we really mean is high fives. Perhaps this is what has gone wrong in the political threads and you and I actually agree with the "GregW types" ???


You're right on the first point, and probably somewhere between "dead-wrong" and "wronger-than-a-Trask-family-reunion-after-a-few-too-many-drinks" on the second.




Nice to know there's some more folx out there who appreciate muzak!



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Skiing was pretty good above Paradise on Sunday. A little icy in places, but there was plenty of fresh snow. Five of us were up there, along with a few other skiers and some snowboarders in the trees down low. Amusing rally driving was to be had in the nearly empty snow-dusted parking lot.

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