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Username Policy Change starting May 1, 2013


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On May 1, 2013 we will be implementing a policy change regarding usernames requiring current and new users to disclose their full names.


Background: After running CascadeClimbers for 12 years we recognize how important our major contributors are to the success of this website and our mission. These are the people posting the awesome trip reports and participating in constructive message threads. At the same time we have witnessed the detrimental effects of our anonymous user base. People who derail otherwise great conversations, spewing vitriol and nonsense wherever they wish. They take up moderators time and discourage people from participating. We are sorry it has taken 12 years to realize this, but it's clear that the majority of our major contributors do so disclosing their identity while most of our problem users post anonymously. It's time for CascadeClimbers to pivot for the better requiring our user base to use their full names.


The Verification Process: To verify username we will use a two step process. There will be a page in your profile where you can 1) upload a picture or scan of your drivers license or passport. 2) You must include a link to one of your social profiles (Facebook, Google Plus, or LinkedIn). On May 1st unverified profiles will be deactivated until a moderator can verify your identity.


Cancelation: We realize for many this will be a unpopular choice. Since we are all about choices we are giving you the ability to cancel you account, which will delete your account from our system 30 days after you deactivate it. If you change your mind after the initial 30 days we can rescue your account and initiate the verification process.

Edited by jon
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If I verify my account, will that verification be public (i.e. will the verification be between me and cc.com, or can anyone click through from my cc.com profile to my facebook profile?)


The latter would be a deal-breaker for me, since it would make it harder to hide illicit sick-day skiing from my employer.

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Well you will retain your current username, but your real name will be listed right below it to the left in your posts.


The reason we are doing this is based on studies done by both Facebook and Google that show that show an elevated level of discourse in online interaction when you are no longer able to hide behind an anonymous screen name. This will make the mods jobs easier, and will allow you to more easily link the content you post here to other social media.

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I would never post on Facebook that I had just gone skiing on a sick day, since many of those people are co-workers and the risk of my employer finding out what I'm really doing with my sick days would be too great -- just one slip up with my privacy settings and suddenly my boss is getting my status updates.


It sounds like cc.com is essentially bypassing all of my facebook privacy settings by making everything I say here public -- which means no more spraying about work, no more TRs posted when I called in sick, etc.


I would never, ever make my facebook posts public, why would I want my "I just called in sick and had a sick day of pow" to be public to the world? You might as well list my employer underneath my name, as well.

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Gene wonders why he is never told of or invited to surprise birthday parties.


I don't get invited to regular birthday parties either. must be my irritable bowel syndrome problem. or my potty mouth.


plus you sorta gave it away with the passport photo. you had me till the photo need.

Edited by genepires
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