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Nobody wants Gitmo closed more than I do. Not even the guys imprisoned there.


There is this thing called politics, however. Presidents are constrained by it. There is also this thing called national security. Presidents are constrained by that, too. And that pesky Congress, with all their bickering and voting and democracy n shit.


I realize that Ron Paul would have closed Gitmo, returned to the gold standard, and fucked Pamela by the end of Day 1 in office, but non-Super Heroes are bound by gravity, the speed of light, and need to poo every once in a while.



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Yes. Trying terrorists in our court system, which works fine, thank you very much, is also progress.


word. i still can't for the fucking life of me understand why new yorkers, so tough n' aggressive in every other way, all had their panties in a bunch about putting them bad boys on public trial in their own state, to get justice within sight of where those dipshits' did their crime...

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Indiana GOP U.S. Senate candidate Richard Mourdock declared Tuesday night he opposes aborting pregnancies conceived in rape because "it is something that God intended to happen."


what a fucktwat :lmao:


SO GLAD i'm not a republican, it's embarrassing enough to share oxygen with this guy, I couldn't imagine sharing a party and platform.

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Same argument was used to support slavery (from Jacoby's 'Freethinkers')


Given how often Massa dipped his quill in the black ink well, it seems that God's Will very often scored a two-fer.


I'm always happy, rather than outraged, at statements like this from the GOP. More than half of voters are women, so keep em comin'!

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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I was always very careful to not troll that website (at least not with fake accounts or anything) and basically quickly decided to leave them alone. But I ended up getting the blame for it anyway when somebody else did. Oh well, you find out who your friends are, right?

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Indiana GOP U.S. Senate candidate Richard Mourdock declared Tuesday night he opposes aborting pregnancies conceived in rape because "it is something that God intended to happen."


what a fucktwat :lmao:


SO GLAD i'm not a republican, it's embarrassing enough to share oxygen with this guy, I couldn't imagine sharing a party and platform.


I heard that this morning. That is such a fucked up thing to say :tdown:

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