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We let Osama go at Tora Bora. Then we killed him in Pakistan.



None of what you hear, and only half of what you see.


So if you didn't see Osama's body then why do you believe?


Because the TV that is totally owned by the military industrial complex told you what to believe?


Several people in the Arab world have stated that Osama died in 2002. But I guess they haven't mentioned that on CNN.


What MattP said was spot on. I suppose my friends and co-workers are liars; or were brainwashed by the CIA?


80 percent of what the CIA does is present disinformation. Are you saying the CIA has never lied because you have friends and co-workers?


Or because it came from the Special Ops you should believe 100 percent of what you hear?


Why does the "none of what you hear" rule suddenly not apply? Because we're the "good guys" and our government would never lie to us?

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We let Osama go at Tora Bora. Then we killed him in Pakistan.



None of what you hear, and only half of what you see.


So if you didn't see Osama's body then why do you believe?


Because the TV that is totally owned by the military industrial complex told you what to believe?


Several people in the Arab world have stated that Osama died in 2002. But I guess they haven't mentioned that on CNN.


What MattP said was spot on. I suppose my friends and co-workers are liars; or were brainwashed by the CIA?


80 percent of what the CIA does is present disinformation. Are you saying the CIA has never lied because you have friends and co-workers?


Or because it came from the Special Ops you should believe 100 percent of what you hear?


Why does the "none of what you hear" rule suddenly not apply? Because we're the "good guys" and our government would never lie to us?


What percentage of what I think should I believe? Is there a chip in my brain telling me what to think or am I being fed hallucinogens pre-mission? Lets get down to the nitty gritty. Just what are you saying? Are you calling us liars for saying what happens 'at work?' Or are you simply rambling about obtusely to gain attention without having to address your claims due to the vagueness of your stance?


...cause, it sounds like the latter to me. If it is the former, you are a nut.

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it seems a catch-22 for kev and those w/ similiar anger/incredulity for what "the governmetn says" - if something happens, say a plane crashes into a building or a dude dressed like an ally kills 4 of your soldiers, "the goverment" has but 2 choices: 1) it can not investigate, not attempt to understand what happened, improve or prevent such instance in the future, and then be justly described as incompetent and stupid by folks like kev or 2) it can actually do all those things, issue a report, make recommendations, but then be accused of covering up and making "official versions" by the very same people


should The Man never say what he thinks happened?

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Here's what it is Scott. (Hang with me for this as it's along way from where I'm going to start in 1968 to the current 9-11 and Bin Laden crazy beliefs being discussed)


Common belief for @ 30 years after the Martin Luther King assassination was that a lone racist nut job (James Earl Ray) did it. Ray, pretty much a total douchbag anyway, denied pulling the trigger and said he as a patsy and set up. He was convicted anyway as no normal rational person would ever believe a loser like him and disbelieve the government. There was always some other questionable funny business associated with the killing that caused "nutjobs" like some of Kings friends to wonder what the real story was. They looked into it and could not get the authorities to look into the truth. started to come out in court during the Lloyd Jowers conspiracy case that the King family brought. Were you aware that in a court of law, the Kings proved that it was a conspiracy and not a single racist wack job who killed MLK? Ray was dead in prison at that time so his innocence was not proved. What was proved is that others were actively involved in the murder.


Were you aware that there were 2 Army sniper teams closeby and within view of Martin Luther King at the very moment when he was killed? One team was taking photos. The other was watching. Neither did the deed per testimony, and they didn't know who pulled the trigger either. But the Army photos of the assassination have never surfaced. Yet in sworn testimony, one member of one of the Army teams testified where he was and that there was a 2nd Army sniper unit on top of the Fire station directly across from the Lorraine Motel (currently called the National Civil Rights museum) where MLK was staying (and where he had stayed so many times before they started calling the room the King Abernathy suite) and was shot. They went to the fire station asking questions and it turns out that the Fire Captain of that station personally let the Army photographers into the building the morning King was assassinated.


Unanswered questions still remain. Why were there 2 army sniper teams put in position the morning before King was shot? Where are the Army pictures of the murder? Who ordered the 2 teams into those positions?


Check out this book: An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King by William F. Pepper http://www.amazon.com/An-Act-State-Execution-Updated/dp/B005B1KZBC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1347894787&sr=8-1&keywords=Martin+luther+King+pepper


For myself, being in the Army I had personally seen disinformation released which I knew to be false so as to present an incorrect picture of the situation to the enemy. I was fine with that, think it's a good idea anytime you can get away with it. However I'd never seen anything like this and will confess that the government murder of Mr Non-violent and the resulting bullshit afterwards shocks the holy hell out of me. It makes me, and others, question every other solid assumption I've carried on a range of issues and leads to a general distrust of news stories, which are often little more than some lying sack of shit who works for the government releasing a news story published as "facts and truth" with no actual fact checking. Who knows what the hell else is going on with these lying, controlling, consitution avoiding, murderous sacks of shit? Where that can lead any normal person, or not so normal like seen up thread (LOL joking boys joking) is some crazy beliefs: which might be true and might be total baloney. Now you have 9/11 deniers and Obama death deniers and all kinds of things. Who can say for certain what is real? What is truth?


So if you come on here and say X, Y or Z we'd believe it if you had first, or even second hand info. But after learning of the government complicity in the murder of Martin Luther King, and seeing the amazingly near perfect disinformation campaign that resulted in all Americans but a few believe a total lie and see an innocent man go to jail, do you want us to believe anything these other people say (whomever the hell in the government who literally got away with murder of a prominent American) about anything?

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it can actually do all those things, issue a report, make recommendations, but then be accused of covering up and making "official versions" by the very same people



It's the highlighted in bold that I have a problem with. The 9/11 investigation was a joke.

you have a problem w/ the word "report?" what's the difference between a report, a memo, a press release, a spokesman, etc? it all boils down to the same thing: "The Man" says he thinks this is what happened and why.


what conspiracy theory DOESN'T revolve around dissastisfaction w/ a goverment report be it 9/11 or the warrn commission? christ, if only pilate had stopped washign his hands during his report! "who else was on that grassy golgotha that day?! stop washing your hands and release the files on the 3 roman peasants w/ the 100$ sandals!"

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it can actually do all those things, issue a report, make recommendations, but then be accused of covering up and making "official versions" by the very same people



It's the highlighted in bold that I have a problem with. The 9/11 investigation was a joke.

you have a problem w/ the word "report?" what's the difference between a report, a memo, a press release, a spokesman, etc? it all boils down to the same thing: "The Man" says he thinks this is what happened and why.


what conspiracy theory DOESN'T revolve around dissastisfaction w/ a goverment report be it 9/11 or the warrn commission? christ, if only pilate had stopped washign his hands during his report! "who else was on that grassy golgotha that day?! stop washing your hands and release the files on the 3 roman peasants w/ the 100$ sandals!"


I dont have a problem with the "word" report. I have a problem with what is in the report. And Ivan....you are a tree hugging hippy....why are you arguing with me. You should be defending me.



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I think the crux of the biscuit is that there are no "ordinary Afghans". What people don't understand is that countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, are artificial entities with no chance of success. The only reason preventing these abortion falling into complete chaos were iron fist dictators. In Afghanistan you have 2 official languages, plus you have a large population of Uzbeks, Turks to name a few.

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I think the crux of the biscuit is that there are no "ordinary Afghans". What people don't understand is that countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, are artificial entities with no chance of success. The only reason preventing these abortion falling into complete chaos were iron fist dictators. In Afghanistan you have 2 official languages, plus you have a large population of Uzbeks, Turks to name a few.


But who's going to sign the concession contracts, goddammit?!

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I think the crux of the biscuit is that there are no "ordinary Afghans". What people don't understand is that countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, are artificial entities with no chance of success. The only reason preventing these abortion falling into complete chaos were iron fist dictators. In Afghanistan you have 2 official languages, plus you have a large population of Uzbeks, Turks to name a few.

i've never been there, nor met an afghan, but my understanding is that, despite divisions in language, ethnicity and sect, there is a core of "afghan-ness" - a sense of shared history, cultural pride, desire for indepedence from outside powers, etc. it seems to me the kind of nation best described as a confederation where the many groups feel a simulateous collective and seperate identity.


canada has 2 national languages and plenty of divisions too, no? doesn't mean it can't function as a corporate entity.

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I think the crux of the biscuit is that there are no "ordinary Afghans". What people don't understand is that countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, are artificial entities with no chance of success. The only reason preventing these abortion falling into complete chaos were iron fist dictators. In Afghanistan you have 2 official languages, plus you have a large population of Uzbeks, Turks to name a few.

i've never been there, nor met an afghan, but my understanding is that, despite divisions in language, ethnicity and sect, there is a core of "afghan-ness" - a sense of shared history, cultural pride, desire for indepedence from outside powers, etc. it seems to me the kind of nation best described as a confederation where the many groups feel a simulateous collective and seperate identity.


canada has 2 national languages and plenty of divisions too, no? doesn't mean it can't function as a corporate entity.


Belgium. Switzerland.

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It is funny, same thing happened to Kev and he wouldn't answer. I am taking bets on this one.


I will any question you ask. Please be direct and to the point.


What evidence do yo have that the government was behind 9/11; besides being inept?



Hint: I asked this question numerous times with no response...

Edited by akhalteke
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Here's what it is Scott. (Hang with me for this as it's along way from where I'm going to start in 1968 to the current 9-11 and Bin Laden crazy beliefs being discussed)


Common belief for @ 30 years after the Martin Luther King assassination was that a lone racist nut job (James Earl Ray) did it. Ray, pretty much a total douchbag anyway, denied pulling the trigger and said he as a patsy and set up. He was convicted anyway as no normal rational person would ever believe a loser like him and disbelieve the government. There was always some other questionable funny business associated with the killing that caused "nutjobs" like some of Kings friends to wonder what the real story was. They looked into it and could not get the authorities to look into the truth. started to come out in court during the Lloyd Jowers conspiracy case that the King family brought. Were you aware that in a court of law, the Kings proved that it was a conspiracy and not a single racist wack job who killed MLK? Ray was dead in prison at that time so his innocence was not proved. What was proved is that others were actively involved in the murder.


Were you aware that there were 2 Army sniper teams closeby and within view of Martin Luther King at the very moment when he was killed? One team was taking photos. The other was watching. Neither did the deed per testimony, and they didn't know who pulled the trigger either. But the Army photos of the assassination have never surfaced. Yet in sworn testimony, one member of one of the Army teams testified where he was and that there was a 2nd Army sniper unit on top of the Fire station directly across from the Lorraine Motel (currently called the National Civil Rights museum) where MLK was staying (and where he had stayed so many times before they started calling the room the King Abernathy suite) and was shot. They went to the fire station asking questions and it turns out that the Fire Captain of that station personally let the Army photographers into the building the morning King was assassinated.


Unanswered questions still remain. Why were there 2 army sniper teams put in position the morning before King was shot? Where are the Army pictures of the murder? Who ordered the 2 teams into those positions?


Check out this book: An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King by William F. Pepper http://www.amazon.com/An-Act-State-Execution-Updated/dp/B005B1KZBC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1347894787&sr=8-1&keywords=Martin+luther+King+pepper


For myself, being in the Army I had personally seen disinformation released which I knew to be false so as to present an incorrect picture of the situation to the enemy. I was fine with that, think it's a good idea anytime you can get away with it. However I'd never seen anything like this and will confess that the government murder of Mr Non-violent and the resulting bullshit afterwards shocks the holy hell out of me. It makes me, and others, question every other solid assumption I've carried on a range of issues and leads to a general distrust of news stories, which are often little more than some lying sack of shit who works for the government releasing a news story published as "facts and truth" with no actual fact checking. Who knows what the hell else is going on with these lying, controlling, consitution avoiding, murderous sacks of shit? Where that can lead any normal person, or not so normal like seen up thread (LOL joking boys joking) is some crazy beliefs: which might be true and might be total baloney. Now you have 9/11 deniers and Obama death deniers and all kinds of things. Who can say for certain what is real? What is truth?


So if you come on here and say X, Y or Z we'd believe it if you had first, or even second hand info. But after learning of the government complicity in the murder of Martin Luther King, and seeing the amazingly near perfect disinformation campaign that resulted in all Americans but a few believe a total lie and see an innocent man go to jail, do you want us to believe anything these other people say (whomever the hell in the government who literally got away with murder of a prominent American) about anything?


I don't understand why having snipers out during a high profile event is a big deal. I think you would be surprised by how often this happens. Now, they being Army snipers might be odd; possible violation of the posse comitatus act. Sure they were National Guard or someone else?

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