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ACLU: Oppose New Worldwide War Authority


A few top congressional insiders are aiming to sneak new worldwide war authority in to a "must pass" piece of legislation: the Defense Authorization bill.


This new war authority would give the president — any president — the power to unilaterally take our country to war wherever, whenever and however he or she sees fit. It would essentially declare a worldwide war without end.


It is shocking that Congress is entertaining such legislation at a time when many are looking to see an end to escalating conflict and abuses of power in the name of fighting terrorism.



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how is that a change from the status quo? its not like the war powers act passed after vietnam was in any way unclear, yet its been ignored for going on 40 years? for whatever reasons, presidents can and do get away with doing practically whatever the fuck they want to with the military.

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Presidents in recent history have relied on some form of Congressional approval for going to war. Bush was no exception, although he REALLY stretched the AUMF of 2001 and ran with it like no other prez before him. Remember, Congress writes the checks. That means the prez has to play by at least some rules, although he/she can get away with little actions for a short time.


That makes this bill an important issue. The Rfucks are, as usual, completely fucking insane.

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You gotta love tea bagger proposals so far:


DEFICIT! (but don't cut the military or raise taxes, period)


BALANCED BUDGET AMENDMENT! (which would make all Rfuck deficit proposals unconstitutional)


HAVE THE IRS CHECK YOUR RAPE STATUS! (so you can get an abortion)



s an excellent way to get us out of this recession, a full blown, instant, worldwide depression).


These fuckers are the saddest bunch of cuntryfried clowns I've ever seen in gobmint. It's the amateur hour that never ends; one stupidfucking idea after the next. They have absolutely no idea how to do the simplest aspects of their actual job...but they're pretty good at empty-windbag grandstanding for the cameras.


Boehner looks as though he's pouring his Tanqueray on his corn flakes, now. I don't blame him for crying so much.


Fortunately, it looks as though these buffoons are going to get their assholes re-bored with a chain saw in 2012.


Fat lying bully-fuck from Jersey, anyone?

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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I don't watch TV (it's in the closet), I spend that time researching things.


with the advent of the internet there is a huge library at your fingertips, all you have to do is tap into it.


maybe it's because I'm single and financially set, so I have more time


but the info is out there you just have to spend the time



As someone stated earlier: men in mother's basement. Did ham-radio go out of fashion amongst the troglodyte set, Buckaroo?

Edited by E-rock
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E-Rock sounds like that salesman who accuses you of living in a cave because you won't even consider partaking to dead-ender consumerism.


This scenario happens in your world, or is this just one of your fight back against the man fantasy scenarios that you role play with yourself?

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Demanding the Evidence on Abbottabad: Even the Media Establishment Is Wary


It’s interesting that nobody respectable will admit to private concerns about the conflicting stories we’ve been told about Osama and Al Qaeda over the years. Of course the White House’s narrative “is to be believed”, but, um, can we please see the proof anyway? Just for the heck of it?


For Oreskes, the photo is an important piece of evidence to establish what happened during the Navy SEALs raid on bin Laden’s Abbottabad compound. ”In the week since the raid there’s been a whole series of story-lines about what happened in this raid,” said Oreskes. “At this point, anything that might shed more light on what occurred is potentially quite newsworthy. So we would like this imagery to fully understand what happened during this event.”


“I can’t tell you what understanding we would get,” he prefaced. “But we would like to see it and compare it with other things we’re being told about this raid both by U.S. officials and officials in other countries.”


What he presumably means is that there’s something fundamentally wrong with the inconsistencies in the White House version of events, and if we can’t even resolve those, how can we ever trust it on more mundane matters?


The AP isn’t alone in wanting more insight on the specifics of the raid. When it eventually surfaced that bin Laden was not killed in a firefight, his wife wasn’t used as a human shield, there was no live footage of the event and the “mansion” where he lived was only worth between $250,000 and $480,000, many became skeptical of the White House’s narrative. Other organizations that have filed FOIAs include Politico, Fox News, Judicial Watch and Citizens United. Oreskes sympathizes with the president. “This is obviously one of his most difficult decisions and we understand that.”


Actually, we don’t even really know that it was one of his most difficult decisions. And we don’t even know that it is really his to make. The real story of how decisions are “made” by the temporary occupants of the White House has a lot more to do with permanent constituencies and power centers inside and outside government that have been shaping events globally for decades. Those who read accounts of former insiders, from Fletcher Prouty (former chief of special operations for the Pentagon) to Col. Lawrence Wilkerson (former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell) to investigative reporters (sorry—personal plug—yours truly), know that there’s far more intrigue in this process than even the president himself may know.


At best, presidents, who lack personal knowledge of the complex details, hidden agendas, and cooked intelligence, are dependent on how the options are presented to them and framed by unseen others. The truth is too sensitive to share with mere mortals like Obama, who at worst will be out of the way in a few short years. Meanwhile, every president has a stake in hiding how little real power he actually has.

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Do you actually have an argument against my POINT or are you just going to resort to goonish ad homophobe attacks?!!! Huh?!! Do you even have a brain? You're a mindless zombie like the rest of the libtards!!!!


dude, quit smoking the rug. It's really bad for you.

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E-Rock sounds like that salesman who accuses you of living in a cave because you won't even consider partaking to dead-ender consumerism.


This scenario happens in your world, or is this just one of your fight back against the man fantasy scenarios that you role play with yourself?


It has actually happened to me several times to be accused of being some kind of troglodyte for telling some salesman I didn't have any use for an electric can opener or some other useless garbage. Of course, it now turns out that the TV propagandized shop till you drop is indeed completely unsustainable.

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Holy amazing group of links jb. Thank you, that's a lot of shit to get through to. Going to be a while to work through it. Buckaroo will most like see some vindication in his points as well. Those attacking him personally will most likely not even read this stuff I'd suspect.


Love the comments under some of the stories as well. These folks are obviously intelligent and informed....ie,


"Posted by Cee, Feb 24 2011, 12:25PM - Link


Ten years ago in Censored 2001 yearbook reported on how U.S. Army’s Psychological Operations Personnel Worked at CNN. http://www.projectcensored.org/top-stories/articles/3-us-armys-psychological-operations-personnel-worked-at-cnn/


From June 1999 to March 2000, CNN employed military specialists in ‘psychological operations’ (Psyops) in their Southeast TV bureau and CNN radio division “Psyops personnel, soldiers, and officers, have been working in CNN’s headquarters in Atlanta through our program ‘Training With Industry,’” Major Thomas Collins of the U.S. Army Information Service said in a telephone interview on February 18, 2000. Collins asserted, “They worked as regular employees of CNN. Conceivably, they would have worked on stories during the Kosovo war. They helped in the production of news.”


Psyops also had team members working at National Public Radio (NPR). This prompted two NPR stories on the program “All Things Considered.” Jeffrey Dvorkin, NPR’s vice president for news, stated, “We recruited from the army and got three interns, and that was a mistake. And when we discovered that they were from Psyops branch, we finished the arrangement, and it won’t happen again.”


Now the US Military, it turns out, has been embedding active duty PSYOPs solders in other stations and again at CNN. According to John Cook writing in The Upshot (blog), Yahoo! News, October 1, 2010


http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_upshot/20101001/us_yblog_upshot/army-embeds-active-duty-psyops-soldiers-at-local-tv-stations, the U.S. Army has used local television stations in the U.S. as training posts for some of its psychological-operations personnel, The Upshot has learned. Since at least 2001, both WRAL, a CBS affiliate in Raleigh, N.C., and WTOC, a CBS affiliate in Savannah, Ga., have regularly hosted active-duty soldiers from the Army’s 4th Psychological Operations group as part of the Army’s Training With Industry program. Training With Industry is designed to offer career soldiers a chance to pick up skills through internships and fellowships with private businesses. The PSYOPS soldiers used WRAL and WTOC to learn broadcasting and communications expertise that they could apply in their mission, as the Army describes it, of “influenc[ing] the emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of foreign audiences.” "


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E-Rock sounds like that salesman who accuses you of living in a cave because you won't even consider partaking to dead-ender consumerism.


This scenario happens in your world, or is this just one of your fight back against the man fantasy scenarios that you role play with yourself?


It has actually happened to me several times to be accused of being some kind of troglodyte for telling some salesman I didn't have any use for an electric can opener or some other useless garbage. Of course, it now turns out that the TV propagandized shop till you drop is indeed completely unsustainable.


I bet you felt awesome whent that all came together for you. :rolleyes:

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the “mansion” where he lived was only worth between $250,000 and $480,000, many became skeptical of the White House’s narrative.


OMG OMG :rolleyes:


while $480,000 will buy you exactly half of a vancouver crack shack don't you think that with purchasing power parity the dollar goes maybe little bit further in Abbottabad?

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