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More Demolib hypocrisy from B-HO


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US to sell $60 billion in advanced arms to Saudi


By MATTHEW LEE, Associated Press Writer


Wednesday, October 20, 2010


(10-20) 12:20 PDT WASHINGTON, (AP) --


The Obama administration notified Congress on Wednesday that it plans to sell up to $60 billion in advanced weaponry to Saudi Arabia in one of the largest-ever single U.S. arms sales, a deal intended to counter the rising influence of Iran.


State Department and Pentagon officials told lawmakers that the sales that will include 84 new F-15 fighter jets, upgrades to 70 existing Saudi F-15s, 190 helicopters and a wide array of missiles, bombs and delivery systems, as well as accessories such as night-vision goggles and radar warning systems.


The sale, first revealed in September, has been in the works for months and is designed to strengthen the defense forces of Saudi Arabia, a longtime U.S. ally, and counter Iran as a regional power in the Persian Gulf.


"This proposed sale has tremendous significance from a strategic regional perspective," said Andrew Shapiro, the assistant secretary of state for political and military affairs who announced the deal.


"It will send a strong message to countries in the region that we are committed to support the security of our key partners and allies in the Arabian Gulf and broader Middle East," Shapiro told reporters. "And it will enhance Saudi Arabia's ability to deter and defend against threats to its borders and to its oil infrastructure, which is critical to our economic interests."


Congress has 30 days to block the deal, but the officials said they did not expect significant opposition despite concerns by some lawmakers' about the impact the sales might have on Israel's security.


Shapiro and Alexander Vershbow, the assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs, said the sales would not affect Israel's qualitative military edge in the Middle East and that Israel is not expected to object.


Israeli officials have said previously that they were not pleased with the proposed sales but would not try to prevent them.


Iran is now seen by Israel, the Gulf Arab states and the West as a significant and unpredictable threat that has changed the old calculus of the region's balance of power. The U.S. is realigning its defense policies in the Persian Gulf as Iran improves the range and accuracy of missiles and other weapons that could threaten Israel or U.S. allies in Europe.


Vershbow said the new and upgraded F-15s would be key to accelerating defense cooperation between the United States and Saudi Arabia as it would standardize the fleet of the Saudi Air Force and make it more compatible with that of the U.S. and other Gulf allies.


The helicopters, including Apaches, Black Hawks and Little Birds attack choppers, will give Saudi authorities greater ability to protect borders along with military installations and oil facilities.

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it's not like conservatives have been any more enlightened on the issue - and how many conservatives would hang obama from his left nut for supporting "judicial activism" if he didn't challenge it? the prez's point that the policy should be enacted into law so as to have the force of popular opinion is a good one. wonder how many conservaphucks would filibuster that though?

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it's not like conservatives have been any more enlightened on the issue - and how many conservatives would hang obama from his left nut for supporting "judicial activism" if he didn't challenge it? the prez's point that the policy should be enacted into law so as to have the force of popular opinion is a good one. wonder how many conservaphucks would filibuster that though?


libtards want to use this as a wedge issue forever... once it actually happens they lose something to whine about - "wait, we support this, but, umm, slow down... yeah, slow down!"

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I'm so disappointed that he's asking the courts to reverse the DADT injunction.


AND on top of that, his administration is appealing the U.S. District Court's decision that the "Defense of Marriage Act" is unconstitutional?


WTF? Feels like a total betrayal.


Fuck You Obama! Just another rich, white guy. Who cut this guy's balls off?

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I'm so disappointed that he's asking the courts to reverse the DADT injunction.


AND on top of that, his administration is appealing the U.S. District Court's decision that the "Defense of Marriage Act" is unconstitutional?


WTF? Feels like a total betrayal.


Fuck You Obama! Just another rich, white guy. Who cut this guy's balls off?

i agree - but wtf, the political reality was made clear in the clinton-era - if you push the gay-thang full-throttle the retard conservatives win - judges are an important part of affecting social change, but ultimately the congress needs to be on board and use the force of law to secure the rights - the popular-will has been growing for gay right for a very long time and i feel like the breaking point is damn near - the secdef wants it gone, the president wants it gone, 90% of the kids i've taught for years now seem to want it gone, the pentagon's about to have it's report on how it will implement the new deal, so it will be soon enough.


all that said, if DADT ain't gone by the end of obama's time in office, he deserves the big black mark by his name.

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more heat for the congress to act - how jerked aroudn does the whole military organization feel - change/don't change it/change it again/etc - pressure's building - course, if the dems lose control of the house it's going to be that much harder, but this hiccup isn't the end - it'll keep moving up the courts and i just can't see the supreme court turning it down or ruling for the Side of Evil :)

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I'm so disappointed that he's asking the courts to reverse the DADT injunction.


AND on top of that, his administration is appealing the U.S. District Court's decision that the "Defense of Marriage Act" is unconstitutional?


WTF? Feels like a total betrayal.


Fuck You Obama! Just another rich, white guy. Who cut this guy's balls off?

i agree - but wtf, the political reality was made clear in the clinton-era - if you push the gay-thang full-throttle the retard conservatives win - judges are an important part of affecting social change, but ultimately the congress needs to be on board and use the force of law to secure the rights - the popular-will has been growing for gay right for a very long time and i feel like the breaking point is damn near - the secdef wants it gone, the president wants it gone, 90% of the kids i've taught for years now seem to want it gone, the pentagon's about to have it's report on how it will implement the new deal, so it will be soon enough.


all that said, if DADT ain't gone by the end of obama's time in office, he deserves the big black mark by his name.


:lmao: You tards crack me up with all your rationalizing. I hear LBJ's gonna git us out of Vietnam--right after B-Ho closes Guantanamo.

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I'm so disappointed that he's asking the courts to reverse the DADT injunction.


AND on top of that, his administration is appealing the U.S. District Court's decision that the "Defense of Marriage Act" is unconstitutional?


WTF? Feels like a total betrayal.


Fuck You Obama! Just another rich, white guy. Who cut this guy's balls off?

i agree - but wtf, the political reality was made clear in the clinton-era - if you push the gay-thang full-throttle the retard conservatives win - judges are an important part of affecting social change, but ultimately the congress needs to be on board and use the force of law to secure the rights - the popular-will has been growing for gay right for a very long time and i feel like the breaking point is damn near - the secdef wants it gone, the president wants it gone, 90% of the kids i've taught for years now seem to want it gone, the pentagon's about to have it's report on how it will implement the new deal, so it will be soon enough.


all that said, if DADT ain't gone by the end of obama's time in office, he deserves the big black mark by his name.


Nah, this is a civil rights issue, and as such, it couldn't happen fast enough, imo. Obama resisting this court decision would be like resisting Brown vs. Board of Education back in the 50's.

Edited by rob
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Nah, this is a civil rights issue, and as such, it couldn't happen fast enough, imo. Obama resisting this court decision would be like resisting Brown vs. Board of Education back in the 50's.

i agree, it's morally indefensible - what about politics has ever been moral though?

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:lmao: You tards crack me up with all your rationalizing. I hear LBJ's gonna git us out of Vietnam--right after B-Ho closes Guantanamo.

i think i can speak on behalf of the group when i say no one gives a shit what you think :)


We do get to hear what the evil Hello Kitty thinks about things.




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:lmao: You tards crack me up with all your rationalizing. I hear LBJ's gonna git us out of Vietnam--right after B-Ho closes Guantanamo.

i think i can speak on behalf of the group when i say no one gives a shit what you think :)


You care the least when he is right. :wave:

guess the both of you must always be right then - i'm sure the world would be a much, much better place if all ya'lls ideas were made realities! :P



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:lmao: You tards crack me up with all your rationalizing. I hear LBJ's gonna git us out of Vietnam--right after B-Ho closes Guantanamo.

i think i can speak on behalf of the group when i say no one gives a shit what you think :)


You care the least when he is right. :wave:

guess the both of you must always be right then - i'm sure the world would be a much, much better place if all ya'lls ideas were made realities! :P



Love how you try to make it personal when your guy's behavior is indefensible. Keep rationalizing! It is amusing, to say the least. :wave:

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You tards crack me up with all your rationalizing.


So FW. Do you think DADT is a good idea? Would you like to keep this policy?


You miss my point entirely, which is this: you and other liberals who voted for Obama seem to be born-again pragmatists these days. What you have isn't really what was advertised, is it? Don't get me wrong, patience is just fine. But this is one of the key issues Obama ran on--and it was in the bag! A Done deal. A win. And the guy you pinned your hopes on tossed it out the window. And you still sing his praises like the willing dupes you are.


As for the issue itself: I couldn't care less about what two people who love each other do in private.

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