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In the past week alone, a New York taxi driver's throat was slashed because he was a Muslim, and another man urinated on prayer mats inside a mosque while accusing everyone in attendance of being "terrorists."



More fear mongering about muslims/terorrists by right wing neanderthals before the mid-term elections. Big surprise. :rolleyes:


The cab driver's fate was "collateral damage" to regressive politics.


Bleeding heart liberals have forgotten that despite our American ethos of religious tolerance, they have a very different mindset in the Muslim/Pan-Arab world. Conquest is to be celebrated and the expansion of Islam is a holy and noble goal. Most assuredly, the Arab world will see the construction of this mosque/Islamic community center as a victory. That is a guarantee. And furthermore, it is quite likely that it will foment more anti-American rhetoric. To be objective however, those spouting said rhetoric will have plenty of other rhetoric to spout should the mosque not be constructed.


On the other hand, right wing nutjobs have forgotten that this IS a country that at least claims to offer religious freedom anywhere. This includes lower Manhattan. NYC is not less free than Dearborn, MI (area of highest density of Arab-descent population in the USA). Who gives a shit if the Arab street sees it as a victory? We have ideals. And what's more, it's not AT ground zero. It's several blocks away.


My main (and I think fairly objective) concern is this: If the intent of the center, as the principals behind the project claim, is to promote interfaith understanding, then they should, of their own accord, seeing how divisive of a topic it has become, withdraw the initiative. An issue this polarizing promotes no understanding at all. Build it uptown and any rational person won't bat an eyelid.


Kevbone when are you finally going to make up your mind. We know you plan on building a temple to Van Halen, but how will you order the idols to worship at?


Apparently Eddie will gets the largest prominent statue. You also have to place a statue for Dave and or Sammy.


Who is it, Dave or Sammy?

  Jon H said:
Bleeding heart liberals have forgotten that despite our American ethos of religious tolerance, they have a very different mindset in the Muslim/Pan-Arab world. Conquest is to be celebrated and the expansion of Islam is a holy and noble goal. Most assuredly, the Arab world will see the construction of this mosque/Islamic community center as a victory. That is a guarantee. And furthermore, it is quite likely that it will foment more anti-American rhetoric. To be objective however, those spouting said rhetoric will have plenty of other rhetoric to spout should the mosque not be constructed.


On the other hand, right wing nutjobs have forgotten that this IS a country that at least claims to offer religious freedom anywhere. This includes lower Manhattan. NYC is not less free than Dearborn, MI (area of highest density of Arab-descent population in the USA). Who gives a shit if the Arab street sees it as a victory? We have ideals. And what's more, it's not AT ground zero. It's several blocks away.


My main (and I think fairly objective) concern is this: If the intent of the center, as the principals behind the project claim, is to promote interfaith understanding, then they should, of their own accord, seeing how divisive of a topic it has become, withdraw the initiative. An issue this polarizing promotes no understanding at all. Build it uptown and any rational person won't bat an eyelid.


Since the Rightie Tighties manufactured this issue out of thin air to garnish the racist vote (always a winning strategy in the Great Ole U.S. of A...no shortage of hoopleheads out there), they could always just STFU about it.


Problem solved.

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