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I am not sure what you are trying to say but there is a direct connection between race baiting by the right wing media during this election year and race baiting by racists on this board as I pointed out in a couple different threads (GOP's new racist Southern Strategy). If you doubt it how do you explain that Fairweather is pushing on us the exact same race baiting material that FOX has been pushing on its viewers.

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If you actually knew any people of color up there in lilly-white Bellingham, they'd let you in on a little secret: the patronizing and self-serving brand of racism that you and your fellow libtards practice is far, far worse than any of the overt racism which, strangely enough, you are also very fond of--in the form of frequent and vile anti-Semitic hate which you usually post under your "Prole" avatar. You are one sick fuck.

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...which you usually post under your "Prole" avatar...


You speak with such authority about things you are so ignorant about, it's a real pattern for you, isn't it?


If all you have to go on is an IP address then it's you who is ignorant, my "moderator" friend. You've become almost Perkinesque lately. This is not a compliment...

Edited by Fairweather
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I am not sure what you are trying to say but there is a direct connection between race baiting by the right wing media during this election year and race baiting by racists on this board as I pointed out in a couple different threads (GOP's new racist Southern Strategy). If you doubt it how do you explain that Fairweather is pushing on us the exact same race baiting material that FOX has been pushing on its viewers.

why bother arguing with uneducated moron.

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Well jb, I agree with Rob. With all of your crazy personal attacks on every thread you post on, the rest of us are left assuming that you are projecting your own inner angry "racist fuck" with your incessant and unnecessary projecting attacks on everyone....you should look into Rob's blowjob idea. So much anger inside of you there, get out and climb something will ya. Sometimes you seem like you could be a nice person.

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Billcoe is all uptight because he was outed for condoning race baiting and Islamophobia. Nobody asked him to come to this thread and defend Fairweather's outrageous comments, yet here he is, all huffy and puffy because it was pointed out to him that once more he was taking the side of the race baiting Neanderthals in spite of his claims to being non partisan. Perhaps, billcoe should stop standing so close to the racist fucks if he doesn't want to look like one himself, just an idea.

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Dude, I think Rob is hitting on you, don't be so clueless. I suggest you set a date via PM.


You may be onto something considering rob's apparent fixation on his dick.


Its not unreasonable of Rob, you do seam to have a large mouth and an unnatural desire to share with others.



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Billcoe is all uptight because he was outed for condoning race baiting and Islamophobia. Nobody asked him to come to this thread and defend Fairweather's outrageous comments, yet here he is, all huffy and puffy because it was pointed out to him that once more he was taking the side of the race baiting Neanderthals in spite of his claims to being non partisan. Perhaps, billcoe should stop standing so close to the racist fucks if he doesn't want to look like one himself, just an idea.


Sadly, it's you and your not-so-alter-ego Prole who is the racist fuck. Weren't you the one who, not so long ago, posted a picture of Jewish leaders dressed as Nazis all gathered around a map table of the middle east? In any event, I'll admit to a thorough intolerance of Islam and its followers. Not exactly racist, but whatever--not much different than the Christian-bashing that flows freely here with nary a peep from the likes of OffWhite. The days of libtards like yourself shutting down discussion with false accusations of racism are fading fast.

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Billcoe is all uptight because he was outed for condoning race baiting and Islamophobia. Nobody asked him to come to this thread and defend Fairweather's outrageous comments, yet here he is, all huffy and puffy because it was pointed out to him that once more he was taking the side of the race baiting Neanderthals in spite of his claims to being non partisan. Perhaps, billcoe should stop standing so close to the racist fucks if he doesn't want to look like one himself, just an idea.


Sadly, it's you and your not-so-alter-ego Prole who is the racist fuck. Weren't you the one who, not so long ago, posted a picture of Jewish leaders dressed as Nazis all gathered around a map table of the middle east? In any event, I'll admit to a thorough intolerance of Islam and its followers. Not exactly racist, but whatever--not much different than the Christian-bashing that flows freely here with nary a peep from the likes of OffWhite. The days of libtards like yourself shutting down discussion with false accusations of racism are fading fast.

sadly enough your initial statement shows just plain lack of knowledge and understanding of the history and status of the area of any kind. and endorsing a genocide of any kind maybe doesn't make you a racist, but certainly puts you into "asshole" category.

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