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Healthcare Reconciliation Nonsense


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PRINCETON, NJ -- Americans are skeptical that lawmakers will agree on a new healthcare bill at Thursday's bipartisan healthcare summit in Washington, D.C. If an agreement is not reached, Americans by a 49% to 42% margin oppose rather than favor Congress passing a healthcare bill similar to the one proposed by President Obama and Democrats in the House and Senate. By a larger 52% to 39% margin, Americans also oppose the Democrats in the Senate using a reconciliation procedure to avoid a possible Republican filibuster and pass a bill by a simple majority vote.

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On occasion, American history has presented politicians with situations in which acting in the best interests of the country requires some to run roughshod over or through the backwards, hypocritical, lazy, cowardly, and bought and paid for. This is one of those times.



Edited by prole
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American's have proven over the past twenty years just how susceptible they are to the Rovian FUD and lies that Fox is just exploding with these days. Just skip the republicans given they're 100% in the pocket of the insurance industry, get some spine, and go with 51%. It's what the republicans have always done as the ones who most often have utilized the tactic.

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Behold leftist arrogance.


No worries little buddy, the great thing about progressive movements is that they end up dragging you morons along into modernity with them whether you participate or not. Kinda like how you can thank that old-school Teamster that got his head bashed in by cops and scabs for your benefits package!

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Why do you waste 1s and 0s on this dumb cunt? It's like picking a scab.

dood, picking scabs is fun :)


fw - you are a living example of the need to ignore the shit out of folks sometimes - the electorate chose a dem pres n' congress for the moment and the twain of them should stop being pussies and do what they said the would before inertia and the shit-campaign unseats them and the arrogant-as-well republicunts start their own string of unmitigated horseshit


bipartisanship is nice, but you won't get the devil to meet you halfway on more than a few critical issues, no?

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Behold leftist arrogance.


Except 16 of the 22 times it was used, reconciliation was used by a Republican majority. Hmmm.

it WOULD be arrogant for the dems to think they could be as malicious assmunches as their Esteemed Colleagues Across the Isle

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Behold leftist arrogance.


Except 16 of the 22 times it was used, reconciliation was used by a Republican majority. Hmmm.




Are you sure? Look at the dates on its use. Seems to me that Dems were in charge of the Senate in most cases. In any event, just three years ago Democrats were hysterical at the mere thought of its use by Republicans to push through a SCOTUS nomination (which they never had to do). I do just love the way this process was called the "nuclear option" when Republicans were in power, but now it's referred to, simply, as "reconciliation."

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PRINCETON, NJ -- Americans are skeptical that lawmakers will agree on a new healthcare bill at Thursday's bipartisan healthcare summit in Washington, D.C. If an agreement is not reached, Americans by a 49% to 42% margin oppose rather than favor Congress passing a healthcare bill similar to the one proposed by President Obama and Democrats in the House and Senate. By a larger 52% to 39% margin, Americans also oppose the Democrats in the Senate using a reconciliation procedure to avoid a possible Republican filibuster and pass a bill by a simple majority vote.


Fairweather I CHALLENGE you to find statistics that show peoples thoughts on health care reform who fall into 3 categories.

1) Uninsured or underinsured

2) Unemployed for the last 6 months and using COBRA

3) Unemployed and no longer receiving government benefits and have exhausted COBRA coverage which for the average couple costs $1000/month.

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Why hand completely over to government a system that serves 84% of us? Why add compulsory taxes to individuals who currently opt out? Last time I checked, people were free to make bad choices. I have no doubt that the recently unemployed hold a more desperate view of the issue--which is why Obama should be working on JOBS and getting the economy back on track and not this health care nonsense. He held a "jobs summit" back in December and set about working on the issue in earnest. What ever became of it?

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Why do you waste 1s and 0s on this dumb cunt? It's like picking a scab.


Hey now. That was uncalled for! I'm not even gonna retaliate this time. I was so touched by your ten dollar (and public!) demonstration of compassion for the people of Haiti that it's clear your present state of mind is nothing more than the product of those occasional bad days we all have now and then. Maybe I'll stop by your house for tea and we can work out this anger of yours. I still have the address you PM'd me from your last outburst. Cheers!

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Why hand completely over to government a system that serves 84% of us?


Please define "completely", "serves", and to whom the 84 number refers.


Last time I checked, people were free to make bad choices.


Funny how poor people really make nothing but bad choices. Why is that? Genetic?


I have no doubt that the recently unemployed hold a more desperate view of the issue--which is why Obama should be working on JOBS and getting the economy back on track and not this health care nonsense.


Aren't you the same Fairweather arguing in the other thread to cut government jobs and is ideologically opposed to the State interfering in the market in such a way? Make up your mind.

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