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Traverse of the range definition


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From the old site. fwiw


Ok, Here is where I make a point that I have wanted to make for a while.


There are different definitions of "Traverses"

Old style traverses of the Pickets and other ranges use to be nothing more than crossing the crest of a range and maybe a summit or two along the way. I dont mean to minimize anyones efforts. I have the utmost respect for the all adventurers


Then there are true "Summit Ridge Traverses" that almost always stay on or near the crest of the ridge that connects the summits.That is what I am trying to represent here on this page

Then there are enchainments. They meander anywhere and do summits or routes along the way.

I believe these are the unwritten rules of this particular game that I am trying to show here. I welcome differing opinions.

Enjoy the page!

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Then there are true "Summit Ridge Traverses" that almost always stay on or near the crest of the ridge that connects the summits.


When the Wadd traverse was done didnt they drop down to the glacier and hit the last three Serras from there? They didnt actually traverse them like you say above.


Does that mean its still waiting for a true Summit Ridge Traverse?

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All that really matter is you describe your traverse.


I traversed X. We summitted a and b. We attempted to summit c but backed off.


Summit ridge traverse works as a definition for a group like the Pickets, but when there is no single ridge line like on the Ptarmigan then you have to qualify your terms.

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It's never a good idea to try to redefine a word that has been used and understood for generations. If you don't like the way the word traverse has been used, come up with a different word.


Regarding the Ptarmigan Traverse, I'm glad that generations of climbers have applied the name "Ptarmigan" to this route, even if they haven't repeated exactly what the Ptarmigans did. The name honors the pioneers. That's the important thing.


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Seems to me you have to bag every peak along the way to claim a complete traverse. It seems to me a lot of Ptarnigam traverses are glorified glacier walks.


You say this as if a climbing mountains is more worthy of "glory" than walking or hiking. Do you climb for the glory or do you climb because it is fulfilling in it's own right? I ask you this only for the hell of it and for no other reason. Personally I climb for both the glory and for the fun.

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top 3 hardest climbing trips all time in the cascades.

Original ptarmigan enchainment, don and natala traverse, mark-wayne-colin southern pickets, ptarmigan ascent of fury.


what's the don and natala traverse?


googling "enchainment traverse" didn't give a single hit.

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Then there are true "Summit Ridge Traverses" that almost always stay on or near the crest of the ridge that connects the summits.


When the Wadd traverse was done didnt they drop down to the glacier and hit the last three Serras from there? They didnt actually traverse them like you say above.


Does that mean its still waiting for a true Summit Ridge Traverse?


From Tiedmann to Serra 1 they stayed close to the ridgecrest...prior to Combatant they did not according to Fifty Fav Climbs N American Tick List...

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I remember a few years back there was a lot of press for "integral traverses". Does anyone remember what that meant? Was it an opposite side traverse (like N Face / S Face, W Ridge / E Ridge, Mowich Face / Emmons Glacier, etc). Or did it include summits in the traverse?

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top 3 hardest climbing trips all time in the cascades.

Original ptarmigan enchainment, don and natala traverse, mark-wayne-colin southern pickets, ptarmigan ascent of fury.


No Doorish route on Bear or Index? Not E. Face of Slesse?

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