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Raindawg and Pope are representatives of one faction of the discussion. They do have points worth discussing, but they usually represent their views with pictures of ham sandwiches on routes or Richard Simmons. I laughed the first time I saw it, but with humor you need to come up with new material otherwise it's stale.


They aren't ham sandwiches, they're B_LT's! and most of that was in response to the lame idea some were promoting that THE MAN might be searching the internet and learning that not everyone agreed on the topic of bolting. So someone suggested that they be noted as "B_LT's" rather than "Bolts" to thwart THE MAN's mighty search engines and keep him from the ugly truth and the resulting consequences.


For your nostalgic pleasure, the grid-B_LTed wonderland known as Exit 38:

(and yes, every sammich is placed over the real thing.)





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for f&*k sakes.... if you dont like the fact that there are bolts. dont climb the f*&king route. if there bolts are next to cracks, well that different. But really, YOU didnt do the FA, if you wanted to put a bold r/x rated route up the face then you should have gone and sent it before those guys put the bolts in. now its too late and it isnt your route. so shut the f*&k up and stop making these stupid fu*&ing threads to sounds all manly like 'im gonna go chop bolts' cause im a wannabe hardman. and if you chop it you had better f*&king do it on lead, ground up, hanging from hooks or chopping from stances or you are no better than the guys who put the bolts in.


Dude...you got a really dirty mouth for a young guy and trust me, that's not an asset and it won't serve you well in the long run.


To the point...the route IS a mistake....it was power-drilled in a wilderness area. It doesn't have the right to exist and in my opinion, correctly so. Mistakes should be corrected if possible. It's possible, preferably by the ones who make them.


Wilderness areas are an arbitrary human designation, as is no-bolt regulation (is that regulation even on the books?)in such areas. Want to argue this point? I present to you the Marble Mountain Wilderness, where herds of cows still graze, and a host of other wildernesses that allow similar, far more unsightly use.


So, we are really left only with your opinion, stripped of its usual holiday wrapping of false legitimacy and implied authority.


Nuff said there.

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What makes a Wilderness Area different is that no "mechanized use" is allowed. The controversy (at least as far as wilderness vs. non-wilderness is concerned) is not so much that bolts have been placed, its that the bolts were placed using a power drill - obviously a mechanized tool.


Wilderness areas aren't exactly what I'd call arbitrary either as they have clearly designated boundary lines and it takes an act of congress to make them so.

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They aren't ham sandwiches, they're B_LT's! and most of that was in response to the lame idea some were promoting that THE MAN might be searching the internet and learning that not everyone agreed on the topic of bolting. So someone suggested that they be noted as "B_LT's" rather than "Bolts" to thwart THE MAN's mighty search engines and keep him from the ugly truth and the resulting consequences.



I think you are mistaken. As I recall, the issue was that bolt war squabbles between climbers don't impress land managers and often result in loss of access for everyone. Just because you think you are the good guy doesn't mean the authorities view you that way. The MAN doesn't care what variety of cockroach you are, call too much attention to yourself and he's likely to reach for the pesticide.


Ill thought or pointless as the idea might have been, it wasn't about convincing anyone that climbers didn't disagree about bolts.

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BLT's are pretty tasty, but I prefer Reubens. Washed down with an ice cold Budweiser.


Only sport climbers drink Bud, tradsters drink microbraus, OE or import.


You're welcome.


Microbrews are too over the top malty or hoppy. I usually drink Becks but Czech pilsners are the best.

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BLT's are pretty tasty, but I prefer Reubens. Washed down with an ice cold Budweiser.


Only sport climbers drink Bud, tradsters drink microbraus, OE or import.


You're welcome.


Tradsters drink PBR, its all we can afford (or afford to pay someone old enough to buy it) after getting to the destination, replacing gear and other shit...

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I thought climbers smoke weed over drinking


It always depends on the situation. One weighs nothing and the other tends to be a bit too heavy if you have much of an approach. Having said that I've been known to forgo a sleeping bag so that I could bring the canned bivy on a couple of occasions. Very light weight on the way out going that way. Obviously a pint in a plastic bottle is faster and lighter than bringing beer, but sometimes a guy just wants to drink some beer.


What was this thread about? I guess it doesn't really matter.

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