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Repubs save schoolchildren


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BTW - not worried about the president's address to schoolchildren.


I'm much more concerned by legislators that make liberal use of "the children" as a pretext for whatever legislative agenda they're trying to promote. "[shout]Keep the sugar tariff's in place...for the children![/shout](Cough)....[whisper]And the heavily subsidized HFCS lobby, and the sugar-beet lobby! And...[/whisper]"


As last refuge's for the scoundrel go, children are often much more effective than patriotism.

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In order to counter-act the marxist Seattle Public School system I have put this wonderful face up on the walls opposite the kids beds. So the first and last thing they see each day is ole Uncle Milt!




Honest truth: almost every time I drive the kids anywhere I turn on the cd player and the kids howl in unison: " Not Russ Roberts again!"


Yep the Puget household is a pretty groovy place!




Love the Econtalk podcasts he hosts.


Isn't he dead? Like his ideas?


Maybe you guys should ban him from school curricula - hell, burn his books. :wave:



I prefer to use them for TP at bivis, but I guess they coul also work for emergency fire starter. :tup:

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In order to counter-act the marxist Seattle Public School system I have put this wonderful face up on the walls opposite the kids beds. So the first and last thing they see each day is ole Uncle Milt!




Honest truth: almost every time I drive the kids anywhere I turn on the cd player and the kids howl in unison: " Not Russ Roberts again!"


Yep the Puget household is a pretty groovy place!




Love the Econtalk podcasts he hosts.


Isn't he dead? Like his ideas?


Russ Roberts is very much alive! You should listen to some of his podcasts.


Start with his interview of Hitchens, on his book on George Orwell:




You might also find the Alan Wolfe interview interesting:





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In order to counter-act the marxist Seattle Public School system I have put this wonderful face up on the walls opposite the kids beds. So the first and last thing they see each day is ole Uncle Milt!




Honest truth: almost every time I drive the kids anywhere I turn on the cd player and the kids howl in unison: " Not Russ Roberts again!"


Yep the Puget household is a pretty groovy place!




Love the Econtalk podcasts he hosts.


Isn't he dead? Like his ideas?


Russ Roberts is very much alive! You should listen to some of his podcasts.


Start with his interview of Hitchens, on his book on George Orwell:




You might also find the Alan Wolfe interview interesting:





SS is too busy listening to Glenn Beck and Michael Weiner, but good try.

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In order to counter-act the marxist Seattle Public School system I have put this wonderful face up on the walls opposite the kids beds. So the first and last thing they see each day is ole Uncle Milt!




Honest truth: almost every time I drive the kids anywhere I turn on the cd player and the kids howl in unison: " Not Russ Roberts again!"


Yep the Puget household is a pretty groovy place!




Love the Econtalk podcasts he hosts.


Isn't he dead? Like his ideas?


Maybe you guys should ban him from school curricula - hell, burn his books. :wave:



I prefer to use them for TP at bivis, but I guess they coul also work for emergency fire starter. :tup:


In my experience, the level of loathing one has for Friedman is inversely proportional to the number of pages of his that one has actually read.


The rare leftist that actually reads his work will typically find some common ground with his philosophy on issues like his opposition to the draft, his advocacy of the Earned Income Credit (negative income tax) as a poverty fighting tool, his antipathy towards the War on Drugs, etc.


"Paige: Let us deal first with the issue of legalization of drugs. How do you see America changing for the better under that system?


Friedman: I see America with half the number of prisons, half the number of prisoners, ten thousand fewer homicides a year, inner cities in which there's a chance for these poor people to live without being afraid for their lives, citizens who might be respectable who are now addicts not being subject to becoming criminals in order to get their drug, being able to get drugs for which they're sure of the quality. You know, the same thing happened under prohibition of alcohol as is happening now.


Under prohibition of alcohol, deaths from alcohol poisoning, from poisoning by things that were mixed in with the bootleg alcohol, went up sharply. Similarly, under drug prohibition, deaths from overdose, from adulterations, from adulterated substances have gone up."

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In order to counter-act the marxist Seattle Public School system I have put this wonderful face up on the walls opposite the kids beds. So the first and last thing they see each day is ole Uncle Milt!




Honest truth: almost every time I drive the kids anywhere I turn on the cd player and the kids howl in unison: " Not Russ Roberts again!"


Yep the Puget household is a pretty groovy place!




Love the Econtalk podcasts he hosts.


Isn't he dead? Like his ideas?


Russ Roberts is very much alive! You should listen to some of his podcasts.


Start with his interview of Hitchens, on his book on George Orwell:




You might also find the Alan Wolfe interview interesting:





SS is too busy listening to Glenn Beck and Michael Weiner, but good try.


oh see I thought he meant Friedman.


Anyway...I have to listen to them in order to better understand how to talk to you. :wave:

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In my experience, the level of loathing one has for Friedman is inversely proportional to the number of pages of his that one has actually read.


The rare leftist that actually reads his work will typically find some common ground with his philosophy on issues like his opposition to the draft, his advocacy of the Earned Income Credit (negative income tax) as a poverty fighting tool, his antipathy towards the War on Drugs, etc.


"Paige: Let us deal first with the issue of legalization of drugs. How do you see America changing for the better under that system?


Friedman: I see America with half the number of prisons, half the number of prisoners, ten thousand fewer homicides a year, inner cities in which there's a chance for these poor people to live without being afraid for their lives, citizens who might be respectable who are now addicts not being subject to becoming criminals in order to get their drug, being able to get drugs for which they're sure of the quality. You know, the same thing happened under prohibition of alcohol as is happening now.


Under prohibition of alcohol, deaths from alcohol poisoning, from poisoning by things that were mixed in with the bootleg alcohol, went up sharply. Similarly, under drug prohibition, deaths from overdose, from adulterations, from adulterated substances have gone up."

jeebus, why do the republicans have to cherry-pick his shit then, eh? "we'll take the deregulation, but screw the legalization of drug thing!"

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Sure! But why doesn't the Right Wing call him "President Muslim *" then, instead of "B-HO" or "Obongo"? Wouldn't that be more to the point?


Because it's left wingers who are the racist fucks in this country.


CONGRATULATIONS!! This has to be the single most retarded thing I've ever read!


Here's some example of KKK+K's "liberal racists":



Nancy Pelosi's Summer Intern:



Organic Farmers Heading to Market:



Town Hall Meeting Hug-In



Obama's Secretary of Energy



Left-Wing Nazi Death Panel




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Not sure how anyone without a lobotomy can argue for deregulation after the recent spectacular crater.


Mighty harsh thing to say about Ted Kennedy so shortly after his demise. Without his efforts in the senate, the deregulation of large swaths of the transportation sector might not have ever happened!


Anyone that opposes granting the government the power to fix prices, dispense patronage via tarriffs, subsidies, and other impediments to competition that might displace the cartels run by their favorites must be a madman. It's also clear that legislation governing commerce is good - irrespective of its effects. Legislation that created the modern FNMA and GNMA, the mortgage-interest deduction, the capital gains exemption for homeowners, the CLA, etc, etc had no effect on the genesis or magnitude of the housing bubble. 'Kay.





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You conveniently left out pictures of you and Pete_H


I sure do hate me some Black People! But I can't wait until highly educated, highly paid, left-wing racist liberals like myself start arming themselves against you democratically fair-minded all inclusive tobacco spitting six kid trailer trash moron Republicans! You think you've got a right purty AR-15 in your closet next to your 1000 rounds of ammo and your three cases of apocalypse cat food? I'm going to trade in my car for a tank and a squad of well-armed well-fed and well-read hunter killers. You think your ammo's expensive now!

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