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This is HOW people get hurt OR dead.


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This is also how people get arrested. Area code 314 (on his phone #) is the area around St. Louis, Missouri. So when he says he located in the NW maybe he means in NW St Louis? Yeah, wow, lots of glaciated peaks around there to climb. Must be really experienced as a guide-- for catfish, coons and crawdads. :rolleyes: Or else he's out here, short of cash and trying to make a buck off some stolen climbing gear.


Sometimes a good way to recover stolen stuff is to respond to ads like this and take 'em up on it, string 'em along. Both Craigslist and Ebay have had numerous incidents like this where people have seen their own stolen goods advertised, initiated contact to get an adress or other type of location fix, working with the police. Crooks are SO smart. :ooo:

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You're absolutely right, it doesn't really matter where you're from if you have the desire to climb and a way to get to the mountains, the time to pursue and work on it. But, suspicions of larceny aside, you'd sure want to be careful about anyone who'd advertise for guiding on craigslist. Nor would I ever climb on anyone's rental ropes or harnesses. I never even take my own gear for granted, always checking and inspecting, before ,after, and during the climb. There's just too much at stake. So, the original theme of this thread is a good one, I think, "This Is How People Get Hurt Or Dead". :mistat: Climb Safe, :wave: and---



Watch yer topknot.

Edited by Mtguide
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You're absolutely right, it doesn't really matter where you're from if you have the desire to climb and a way to get to the mountains, the time to pursue and work on it. But, suspicions of larceny aside, you'd sure want to be careful about anyone who'd advertise for guiding on craigslist. Nor would I ever climb on anyone's rental ropes or harnesses. I never even take my own gear for granted, always checking and inspecting, before ,after, and during the climb. There's just too much at stake. So, the original theme of this thread is a good one, I think, "This Is How People Get Hurt Or Dead". :mistat: Climb Safe, :wave: and---



Watch yer topknot.


What prudent advice. You must be a guide.

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So this mountain guide bites it in a climbing accident. Of course for all his sin's he goes to Hell. As he is rappelling down through Hell with the Devil to his appointed station he sees this other guide whom he knows that also just cashed in his bingo chips. However he is in the arms of this gorgeous naked babe. He turns to the Devil and asks "What's up with this, how come this scumbag has this beautiful woman in his arms." The Devil turns to him and says "Never you mind, that woman's punishment is my concern".




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Three mountain guides are sitting around a campfire deciding to hold up below treeline, out on the lonesome, each with the bravado for which guides are famous. A night of tall tales begins... The first guide says, "I must be the meanest, toughest guide there is. Why, just the other day, an ornery bull elk got loose in Banff and gored six tourists before I wrestled him to the ground by the horns with my bare hands." The second guide, not to be outdone, boasted: "Why that's nothin'. I was climbing in Skaha walking the trail yesterday and a 15 foot rattler slid out from under a rock and made a move for me. I grabbed that varmint with my bare hands, bit it's head off, and sucked the poison right out of my arm. And I'm still here today." The third guide remained silent, slowly stirring the coals with his penis.




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