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Ted Stevens rant


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Unfortunately, there are a few democrats who could join that chorus.

DC is a cess-pool.


I've read that Harry Reid might be on his way out (of his leadership position) soon too. He's got ethics issues-a-plenty...and Hillary needs to be thrown a bone.


BTW; I thought it was pretty un-classy of Obama to take a shot at Nancy Reagan today. And was it just my imagination, or was Obama talking about his tax plan in the past-tense?

Edited by Fairweather
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Unfortunately, there are a few democrats who could join that chorus.

DC is a cess-pool.


I've read that Harry Reid might be on his way out (of his leadership position) soon too. He's got ethics issues-a-plenty...and Hillary needs to be thrown a bone.


BTW; I thought it was pretty un-classy of Obama to take a shot at Nancy Reagan today. And was it just my imagination, or was Obama talking about his tax plan in the past-tense?

i missed this - what did he say of mrs. just-say-no?

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Unfortunately, there are a few democrats who could join that chorus.

DC is a cess-pool.


I've read that Harry Reid might be on his way out (of his leadership position) soon too. He's got ethics issues-a-plenty...and Hillary needs to be thrown a bone.


BTW; I thought it was pretty un-classy of Obama to take a shot at Nancy Reagan today. And was it just my imagination, or was Obama talking about his tax plan in the past-tense?

i missed this - what did he say of mrs. just-say-no?

Dry as toast?

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Someone asked him about how he was going to choose the new dog. He said something to the effect of "I'm not going to do a Nancy Reagan and have a seance" or something of that ilk. :anger::noway:


Two things come to mind 1) At least he could fucking articulate the word "Seance". 2) Please explain how that was disrespectful.


Would it give you a warm and fuzzy if he orchestrated the occupation of a middle east country? Come here fairwever, wet me give you some hugs!! :kisss:

Edited by Doug
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"I didn’t want to get into a Nancy Regan thing about doing any seances."


Poor choice of words.


Black man beats up old lady.


He definately screwed the pooch on that one and should apologize profusely before he gets raked over the coals by her highness.

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Nancy Reagan blows goats. She's gotten as much respect as she's due, though perhaps not enough for running Ronnie through his final Alzheimer presidential years.


Betty Ford gets sucked up to way too much too, if you ask me.


I guess Nancy just relied on astrologers for advice, not seances. Personally, I prefer consulting sheep entrails, something I'll be doing tomorrow. Apparently it was Hillary Clinton who held a seance in the White House, trying to contact Eleanor Roosevelt. Pundits think Obama confused the two first ladies, but I think it's equally likely he knew exactly what he was doing.

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He definately screwed the pooch on that one and should apologize profusely before he gets raked over the coals by her highness.


Uh yeah whatever...I'm hoping that he, not to mention the rest of us, have bigger issues to deal with.


Don't make me call you a commie pinko bastard.


Oops! Guess you know what I think now.

Or maybe you just don't understand sarcasm.

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Someone asked him about how he was going to choose the new dog. He said something to the effect of "I'm not going to do a Nancy Reagan and have a seance" or something of that ilk. :anger::noway:


Two things come to mind 1) At least he could fucking articulate the word "Seance". 2) Please explain how that was disrespectful.


Would it give you a warm and fuzzy if he orchestrated the occupation of a middle east country? Come here fairwever, wet me give you some hugs!! :kisss:


It wasn't so much the comment itself as the fact he had just finished talking about the "new tone" his administration was going to set. As for his ability to articulate, you obviously didn't hear the press conference. His endless stammering and inability to produce words without annoying pause is striking. No big deal really, but please don't use it to describe a virtue that clearly does not exist.

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thats like your opinion man. ;) i thought he was refreshingly articulate when compared to W, who when he can't find the right word, just makes them up. it also indicates he is actually thinking, vs. reciting a prescribed talking point.


i would have to agree with you that it was odd that he would crack about Mrs. Reagan though.

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Someone asked him about how he was going to choose the new dog. He said something to the effect of "I'm not going to do a Nancy Reagan and have a seance" or something of that ilk. :anger::noway:


Two things come to mind 1) At least he could fucking articulate the word "Seance". 2) Please explain how that was disrespectful.


Would it give you a warm and fuzzy if he orchestrated the occupation of a middle east country? Come here fairwever, wet me give you some hugs!! :kisss:


It wasn't so much the comment itself as the fact he had just finished talking about the "new tone" his administration was going to set. As for his ability to articulate, you obviously didn't hear the press conference. His endless stammering and inability to produce words without annoying pause is striking. No big deal really, but please don't use it to describe a virtue that clearly does not exist.


Oh Jesus - and you never complained about the Idiot's lack of verbal skills!!!! It's great to have an intelligent person as a president and someone who will not embarass us futher on the world stage.

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