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man-eating tigers


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24 people die a year from tiger attacks near the mouth of the Ganges?


Just another example of the overpopulation problem over there. This is the first time i've heard of maneater tigers, but I guess 20 or 30 people don't make it in the headlinese often when thousands of people or more die over there (Bangladesh, India) every month (or week) from natural disasters, conflict, and disease.

Edited by danhelmstadter
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no, just wikied him, I thought the whole man-eater thing was just a myth.


i read The Life Of Pi - I thought the tiger in the boat thing was pretty cool, but it just reinforced my perception of fiction when I here of such stories.


I suppose you could say the same thing about bears - Is it relative to population? would there be the same number of fatalities if the ratio, proximity, and living circumstances were the same in some bush town in Alaska? obviously bears and tigers are very differant animals, but they are both predatory.

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My daughter was 13 years old when she learned about the rest of the world and saw her first body. A villager killed and mostly eaten near Chitwan preserve in Southern Nepal. It was an economic slap as well, as you are grateful to be wealthy enough to be in the relative safety on the back of an Elephant looking down.

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I suppose you could say the same thing about bears - Is it relative to population? would there be the same number of fatalities if the ratio, proximity, and living circumstances were the same in some bush town in Alaska? obviously bears and tigers are very differant animals, but they are both predatory.



Tigers are carnivores and hunters, as are all cats.


Bears are omnivores and opportunists that mostly scavenge.


I feel much safer in bear territory than tiger territory. Very few bear attacks result from bears hunting people. Not true for tigers.


Interesting you chose bears in Alaska. There are probably as about the same number of brown bears on Admiralty Island as wild tigers in the entire world.


Much scarier, in my mind, are crocodiles, which are big, smart, predators that steathily hunt, kill, and eat people when given a chance.


crocodile eats harborview doc


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What are the top five most deadly animals (that are larger than a baseball) on planet earth? I'm not counting mosquitos, and other micro. critters.


-Total kills per year?

-By encounter vs. kill per year. (It seems like I heard that the polar bear is one of the only animals that will outright sprint toward you to kill and eat you on first sight)- However encounters with them are rare?

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What are the top five most deadly animals (that are larger than a baseball) on planet earth? I'm not counting mosquitos, and other micro. critters.


-Total kills per year?

-By encounter vs. kill per year. (It seems like I heard that the polar bear is one of the only animals that will outright sprint toward you to kill and eat you on first sight)- However encounters with them are rare?


mosquitos would easily win.

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I am surprised that is only 20-30 people a year that are eaten by tigers a year, especially since it is pretty populated in this country and that tigers will hunt down human, unlike most other predators. Yes I currently live in Bangladesh. Most other predator will sometimes take down a human if there is an opportunity tigers and polar bear are the only predators that I have heard that really enjoy hunting and eating humans. I really can't wait to go and see them out in the wild, they are pretty cool looking cat. There is a temple in Thailand to that I would like to go to where they have tigers on the loose on the temple ground, they are tigers that have been rehabilitated, but for some reason are realeased back into the wild.


As for Africa, hippos are the number one killer of humans over there. It just happens to be by default. When a hippo gets spooked it just wants to get to the water and it will stomp over anything or body that is in there way.


My guess is that the number one killer out there of human would be crocodiles since they are in abundance throughout the world. Anyone know?

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Horses cause more injuries and fatalities than bears do every year in North America, and not just talkin' bout the Enumclaw guy.


I suppose that would be something you'd know.


The Mosquito is the main carrier of malaria which still kills an estimated 2.5 million people a year. Mosquitoes can also carry other diseases such as yellow fever, West Nile and dengue encephalitis, not just to humans but to birds and reptiles. One of the tip offs that West Nile just came to your neighborhood is the Jays and Crows laying dead on the ground.


How many humans do humans kill each year? Not that many.

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Living in MA, as kid - we went out to cape cod a lot, where jaws was filmed, I'd go out pretty far, but always had that fucking beast lurking somewhere in dark imagination. Having lived in the rockies for years, and now the PNW - seeing the ocean water, I admit, that fear is still there. I'd love to get into surfing, and hope I can get over that fear. Something about knowing there are massive big toothed predators swiming somewere below the murky surface of the water is unsetteling.

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