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Are you better off now than you were 8 years ago?


Did someone fly planes into the twin towers and the pentagon previous to 8 years ago? The world has changed. That our way of life is relatively unchanged is quite remarkable as I see it.


Most people do not believe that this actually happened, just like the lunar landing.

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... The world has changed. That our way of life is relatively unchanged is quite remarkable as I see it.


I agree with this statement. Jimmy Carter warned us 30 years ago that our dependence on foreign oil posed a serious threat to our country and even to freedom. He said we should move toward energy independence. He warned, too, that we as a nation were living beyond our means. We have done virtually nothing about it since then except, as GWB suggested in respoinse to 911, borrow money and go shopping.

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  • 2 months later...
Question for you guys who hate socialism: how is healthcare different from education. I know some of you hate public education, too, but haven't we generally come to accept the idea of a public system Kindergarten through twelfth grade?


Regardless of federal strings, public education is still very much under state and local control. Very different from the centralized health care proposals you seem so fond of that aren't "actually" socialism. :rolleyes:


Public education in the U.S. was summed up well back in the late 80's as:


'5,000 local school boards, all cranking out a lousy product. Bottom line - in a global economy if you have the education of a Guatemalan day laborer you're going to get paid like one, it won't matter that you live in Brooklyn or LA. Skills are the only way to differentiate our labor force in the U.S. from that of other economies and we are slipping ever further behind the rest of the world with every passing year.'


By and large, local school boards have been an abysmal failure as a model for managing education when we're up against other industrial countries with national standards. Pretty much every one of them is kicking our ass at the primary and secondary level.

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The answer to that would depend on the Federal policies, Fairweather. If we had more Federal control like leave all children behind, it won't help. If we had Federal standards and funding and support for the idea that public education is important, it would.

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The answer to that would depend on the Federal policies, Fairweather. If we had more Federal control like leave all children behind, it won't help. If we had Federal standards and funding and support for the idea that public education is important, it would.

United we stand.

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