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Wanna fuck something simple up? Call the Democrats


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One thing that's come out of this horse race is that the Democratic Party could flunk a urine test. This comes as no surprise, of course, to anyone from either party, although the GOP has been hogging the headlines for fucking up for a few years now.


First the debacles in Michigan and Florida, which the Clinton camp is now trying to reverse. Now the Texas Cockup system; 2/3 primary, 1/3 caucus? Jebus, could you make it more ambiguous, delayed, complicated and confusing? And, coming up next, the superdelegate fiasco. What purpose, in what universe, do these birds in guilded cages serve?


Our own Washington caucus system is a complete and utter waste of time and effort. Instead of taking advantage of a simple, but expensive primary, which our Secretary of State mandated, and which was, essentially, a complete waste of money, Washington State Democrats insisted on clinging to an archaic, confusing, multi-stage caucus system. I should know, I'm a delegate, so I get to go to a second caucus on April 5th, after the Democratic candidate will probably have been chosen. To what end?


The Democrats at both the state and national level desperately need to get their flustered heads out of their yoga toned asses and streamline this system; by copying the GOPs MUCH simpler and foolproof system, for example.


Or, even better, work towards getting rid of the delegate system altogether.



Edited by tvashtarkatena
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One thing that's come out of this horse race is that the Democratic Party could flunk a urine test. This comes as no surprise, of course, to anyone from either party, although the GOP has been hogging the headlines for fucking up for a few years now.


First the debacles in Michigan and Florida, which the Clinton camp is now trying to reverse. Now the Texas Cockup system; 2/3 primary, 1/3 caucus? Jebus, could you make it more ambiguous, delayed, complicated and confusing? And, coming up next, the superdelegate fiasco. What purpose, in what universe, do these birds in guilded cages serve?


Our own Washington caucus system is a complete and utter waste of time and effort. Instead of taking advantage of a simple, but expensive primary, which our Secretary of State mandated, and which was, essentially, a complete waste of money, Washington State Democrats insisted on clinging to an archaic, confusing, multi-stage caucus system. I should know, I'm a delegate, so I get to go to a second caucus on April 5th, after the Democratic candidate will probably have been chosen. To what end?


The Democrats at both the state and national level desperately need to get their flustered heads out of their yoga toned asses and streamline this system; by copying the GOPs MUCH simpler and foolproof system, for example.


Or, even better, work towards getting rid of the delegate system altogether.




So they can't run an election, why not let one try with the country? Bet that would work out.




This is the type of executive decision making one can expect from folks who think Derrida is a genius. Or that Marx was smart. Or that Chavez is a good leader. It's funny watching you self-destruct, somewhat sad that it's taking so long.


On a side note, cool to see that someone (couldn't be with CIA help, oh no!) is poking their finger in Chavez's face by liquidating his boyfriends in the FARC.


- Bob

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One thing that's come out of this horse race is that the Democratic Party could flunk a urine test. This comes as no surprise, of course, to anyone from either party, although the GOP has been hogging the headlines for fucking up for a few years now.


First the debacles in Michigan and Florida, which the Clinton camp is now trying to reverse. Now the Texas Cockup system; 2/3 primary, 1/3 caucus? Jebus, could you make it more ambiguous, delayed, complicated and confusing? And, coming up next, the superdelegate fiasco. What purpose, in what universe, do these birds in guilded cages serve?


Our own Washington caucus system is a complete and utter waste of time and effort. Instead of taking advantage of a simple, but expensive primary, which our Secretary of State mandated, and which was, essentially, a complete waste of money, Washington State Democrats insisted on clinging to an archaic, confusing, multi-stage caucus system. I should know, I'm a delegate, so I get to go to a second caucus on April 5th, after the Democratic candidate will probably have been chosen. To what end?


The Democrats at both the state and national level desperately need to get their flustered heads out of their yoga toned asses and streamline this system; by copying the GOPs MUCH simpler and foolproof system, for example.


Or, even better, work towards getting rid of the delegate system altogether.




So they can't run an election, why not let one try with the country? Bet that would work out.




This is the type of executive decision making one can expect from folks who think Derrida is a genius. Or that Marx was smart. Or that Chavez is a good leader. It's funny watching you self-destruct, somewhat sad that it's taking so long.


On a side note, cool to see that someone (couldn't be with CIA help, oh no!) is poking their finger in Chavez's face by liquidating his boyfriends in the FARC.


- Bob


I have no idea what Chavez has to do with our electoral process, but apparently your pea brain does. As for 'self-destructing', again, no one but you seems to know what you're referring to. The general election is still in the future, and McCain has some very serious challenges to overcome. By any measure, if any party is having cohesiveness and support problems, it's the GOP.


The DNC doesn't run the country, they just run the party. Legislators and presidents are chosen by voters. Different crowd. Remember? Democracy? I know, life is hard when you're stupid.


In the past 7 years, the GOP has done a great job of doing the exact wrong things for the country. Fortunately, much of their agenda was never enacted...just the really fucked up, expensive parts. In contrast, the Democrats have been simply incompetent. I'll take door #2, thanks.



Edited by tvashtarkatena
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i wanted to put a bullet between the eyes of every panda that wouldn't screw to save its species

i wanted to open the dump valves on oiltankers and smother all those fancy french beaches i'd never see

i wanted to breathe smoke


i wanted to fuck up something beautiful

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Oh that,


ok, I thought this was the "wanna fuck?" thread Ive been waiting for. My font size must be off or something.


It would be so 2008 if Barack and Shrillary would just hook up. Put their "bring the country together" rhetoric to the test.

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One thing that's come out of this horse race is that the Democratic Party could flunk a urine test. This comes as no surprise, of course, to anyone from either party, although the GOP has been hogging the headlines for fucking up for a few years now.


First the debacles in Michigan and Florida, which the Clinton camp is now trying to reverse. Now the Texas Cockup system; 2/3 primary, 1/3 caucus? Jebus, could you make it more ambiguous, delayed, complicated and confusing? And, coming up next, the superdelegate fiasco. What purpose, in what universe, do these birds in guilded cages serve?


Our own Washington caucus system is a complete and utter waste of time and effort. Instead of taking advantage of a simple, but expensive primary, which our Secretary of State mandated, and which was, essentially, a complete waste of money, Washington State Democrats insisted on clinging to an archaic, confusing, multi-stage caucus system. I should know, I'm a delegate, so I get to go to a second caucus on April 5th, after the Democratic candidate will probably have been chosen. To what end?


The Democrats at both the state and national level desperately need to get their flustered heads out of their yoga toned asses and streamline this system; by copying the GOPs MUCH simpler and foolproof system, for example.


Or, even better, work towards getting rid of the delegate system altogether.



What he said!

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One thing that's come out of this horse race is that the Democratic Party could flunk a urine test. This comes as no surprise, of course, to anyone from either party, although the GOP has been hogging the headlines for fucking up for a few years now.


First the debacles in Michigan and Florida, which the Clinton camp is now trying to reverse. Now the Texas Cockup system; 2/3 primary, 1/3 caucus? Jebus, could you make it more ambiguous, delayed, complicated and confusing? And, coming up next, the superdelegate fiasco. What purpose, in what universe, do these birds in guilded cages serve?


Our own Washington caucus system is a complete and utter waste of time and effort. Instead of taking advantage of a simple, but expensive primary, which our Secretary of State mandated, and which was, essentially, a complete waste of money, Washington State Democrats insisted on clinging to an archaic, confusing, multi-stage caucus system. I should know, I'm a delegate, so I get to go to a second caucus on April 5th, after the Democratic candidate will probably have been chosen. To what end?


The Democrats at both the state and national level desperately need to get their flustered heads out of their yoga toned asses and streamline this system; by copying the GOPs MUCH simpler and foolproof system, for example.


Or, even better, work towards getting rid of the delegate system altogether.



Yes, yes. But are you a SUPERDELEGATE?!

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And, coming up next, the superdelegate fiasco. What purpose, in what universe, do these birds in guilded cages serve?


why, picking the next prez, perhaps?


I should know, I'm a delegate, so I get to go to a second caucus on April 5th, after the Democratic candidate will probably have been chosen. To what end?


i doubt the dems will have a candidate til this summer....


The Democrats at both the state and national level desperately need to get their flustered heads out of their yoga toned asses and streamline this system; by copying the GOPs MUCH simpler and foolproof system, for example.


and copying their campaign methods. it's weird how a party that's in accordance with the public's opinions on almost every issue can manage to lose elections.


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It seems elections are won or lost on the stupid shit and no one really pays attention to the important stuff like Hmmm is this party torturing people? How did this party do when it came to making decisions after natural disasters, or did this party take the country to war on lies.

What is important is does this guys name sound islamic? or does this guy have fallopian tubes?

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it's weird how a party that's in accordance with the public's opinions on almost every issue can manage to lose elections.


...maybe because they aren't.


actually fw, they are. from social security to taxes to health care to inheritance tax to war and the military budget, the conservative republican agenda is not favored by the majority of americans. it's actually not even close on some of these issues.

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it's weird how a party that's in accordance with the public's opinions on almost every issue can manage to lose elections.


...maybe because they aren't.


actually fw, they are. from social security to taxes to health care to inheritance tax to war and the military budget, the conservative republican agenda is not favored by the majority of americans. it's actually not even close on some of these issues.




The whole Democratic candidate election process is showing in glaring detail the utter ineptitude of these idiots. A sad old hag who has practically no experience except sharing a philandering schmuck with his wobbly-assed secretary is locked in a near tie with someone who could best be described as a brilliant character actor who would, given the opportunity, institute Sharia law in this country.


Obviously they're about evenly matched, which says nothing for either one except that they are unsuited to the job at stake.


So what happens when the Dems loose this one? What options are left after that? Who is there to wearily take up the mantle in four years for the next big one? How are all the people they've depended on for so long, now feeling terribly screwed, going to fare?


The Dems really should think about this; they've already lost this election.


- Bob

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it's weird how a party that's in accordance with the public's opinions on almost every issue can manage to lose elections.


...maybe because they aren't.


actually fw, they are. from social security to taxes to health care to inheritance tax to war and the military budget, the conservative republican agenda is not favored by the majority of americans. it's actually not even close on some of these issues.


Some data might help your case. Or maybe you just hang out with different people than I do, eh? As it now stands, the only tool we have to clear up this question is an election.

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The whole Democratic candidate election process is showing in glaring detail the utter ineptitude of these idiots. A sad old hag who has practically no experience except sharing a philandering schmuck with his wobbly-assed secretary is locked in a near tie with someone who could best be described as a brilliant character actor who would, given the opportunity, institute Sharia law in this country.


Obviously they're about evenly matched, which says nothing for either one except that they are unsuited to the job at stake.


So what happens when the Dems loose this one? What options are left after that? Who is there to wearily take up the mantle in four years for the next big one? How are all the people they've depended on for so long, now feeling terribly screwed, going to fare?


The Dems really should think about this; they've already lost this election.


- Bob


Bob, are you seahawk's pastor?

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Meanwhile, a Republican congressman suggested, in an interview published Saturday, that the election of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama will mean a victory for Al-Qaeda and other radical Islamists.


"I will tell you that, if he is elected president, then ... the Al-Qaeda, the radical Islamists and their supporters, will be dancing in the streets in greater numbers than they did on September 11 because they will declare victory in this war on terror," Representative Steve King of Iowa told the Daily Reporter newspaper.

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