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State of the MegaCluster


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What's happening with the Viaduct, bridges, light-rail, tolls, etc in Seattle these days?


I was kind of hoping that one fringe benefit of being away for a few years was that at least some small part of the megacluster would have been resolved by the time I returned.


Now it looks like spring of '09 might be just in time to live through Son-of-Big-Dig.


I suspect that the bike commuting option will continue to reign supreme as the least of many evils. Speaking of which, what's the state of the BGT through Freelard these days?

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Our city, county, and state government are still run by gangsters.

That billion dollars RTA spent was never questioned and we are witnesses to a re-do on the 520 bridge and the viaduct.

Meanwhile, the schools get screwed and Nichols & Simms get richer. This is my first time I will SERIOUSLY consider voting for a republican governor. He will trash education but maybe the gangsters will be scared off by outsider oversight.


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light rail from airport to downtown supposed to be done by next year i believe.


viaduct still a pissing match between the city and the state. i think the state will eventually just make a call and go for it, whatever that is.


bridge stuff i.e. 520, there was just a proposal made or something to that effect or so i thought. i try to avoid that using that bridge anyway...


i think there will be tolls on the new 520 bridge. perhaps even before to help fund?


oh yeah, they aren't building that monorail thinger ;)

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It'll be much worse than that for you.


My commuter route could be close enough that I might be within earshot on my bike when you notice that the elderly lady who's had the temerity to challenge you on one of the finer points of wasp taxonomy is wearing a D.A.R. pin, at which point you toss down the hose that you are using to dispense de-fluorinated tap-water on your organic hobby-garden and challenge her to a pull-up contest/tiger-mountain ascent in between high decibel proclamations outlining highlights from from your storied career as a chief technical officer, ACLU speaker, and high-level naval tactician. I suspect that you will also find occasion to inform her that you are now an ice climber. Yes. An ice-climber. Someone who uses sharp metal implements attached to his hands and feet to ascend...frozen...waterfalls. Yes, that's right grandma. Frozen. Waterfalls.

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The traffic system is really shaping up.


Soon Sonics-related backups will be long gone!


If you live right next to the North side of the airport, you'll be able to take mass transit to downtown.


What's the traffic like in Beantown?

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It'll be much worse than that for you.


My commuter route could be close enough that I might be within earshot on my bike when you notice that the elderly lady who's had the temerity to challenge you on one of the finer points of wasp taxonomy is wearing a D.A.R. pin, at which point you toss down the hose that you are using to dispense de-fluorinated tap-water on your organic hobby-garden and challenge her to a pull-up contest/tiger-mountain ascent in between high decibel proclamations outlining highlights from from your storied career as a chief technical officer, ACLU speaker, and high-level naval tactician. I suspect that you will also find occasion to inform her that you are now an ice climber. Yes. An ice-climber. Someone who uses sharp metal implements attached to his hands and feet to ascend...frozen...waterfalls. Yes, that's right grandma. Frozen. Waterfalls.



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BGT is still blocked right around the Fremont bridge... if you're riding west, you can cross from the BGT to the bike lane on the right side of 34th either at the Stone Way intersection (via the signal w/ traffic) or by jumping the curb and cutting across if there's light traffic.


Theoretically, it's possible to stay on the left side, but it narrows to a sidewalk + a bike lane going the other way, so it's not good for going fast. Once you're at the intersection at the Fremont Bridge, continue straight for two blocka and pick up the BGT again.


Once you get past Fred Meyer or so, the trail goes away and you're on the street. Plenty of room, just beware the tracks near the Ballard Bridge.


Really not a big deal. Way faster than the bus, possibly faster than car depending on traffic. A few months ago I made great time, going from UW to Ballard Ave & Market Way in 22 minutes.

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BGT is still blocked right around the Fremont bridge... if you're riding west, you can cross from the BGT to the bike lane on the right side of 34th either at the Stone Way intersection (via the signal w/ traffic) or by jumping the curb and cutting across if there's light traffic.


This detour was opend up a couple months ago. You can go under the bridge now - it's on one of my commute loops home. There's one sharper turn now because of some construction fencing but you don't have to ride on the road. Some things in the work for the new Seattle Bicycle Master Plan: http://www.seattle.gov/Transportation/bikemaster.htm

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The traffic system is really shaping up.


Soon Sonics-related backups will be long gone!


If you live right next to the North side of the airport, you'll be able to take mass transit to downtown.


What's the traffic like in Beantown?


-Driving/parking on surface streets is as close to third-worldish as you'll find in the US/Canada.


-Highways feature both massive congestion and tolls.


-Mass transit is overwhelmed by debts and inefficiencies, but it's functional most of the time. Features light-rail, subways, and extensive bus routes.


-Snow removal is fast and efficient on the main streets and highways. There are still quite a few neighborhoods where folks claim the spot that they dig out after a snowfall until the snow is basically gone. They mark the spots with traffic cones, chairs, garbage cans, etc - and in the worst neighborhoods, some folks will slash-tires, smash-windows, scratch the paint with keys, break-off the antenna, etc if you park in a spot that they've claimed. Doesn't happen on our street, but there are quite a few lazy douchebags that don't dig out their spot, pretty much hosing anyone who parks in the space until the ice the inevitably forms on the street melts off (2WD plus slight uphill on glare-ice = stuck unless someone is around to help push you off).



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There are still quite a few neighborhoods where folks claim the spot that they dig out after a snowfall until the snow is basically gone.


There is something charmingly rude about the east coast that I miss out here. This would never happen in Seattle.

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There are still quite a few neighborhoods where folks claim the spot that they dig out after a snowfall until the snow is basically gone.


There is something charmingly rude about the east coast that I miss out here. This would never happen in Seattle.


I'll know I've been gone for a long, long time when "charmingly" is the adjective that appears before the word "rude" when describing my recollections the average Bostonian...

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Our city, county, and state government are still run by gangsters.



AKA Democrats.

In this case yes.

In DC it is Republicans.

Party doesn't matter. It is the lack of checks and balances, too much power on one side, that leads to corruption.


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I'll know I've been gone for a long, long time when "charmingly" is the adjective that appears before the word "rude" when describing my recollections the average Bostonian...


;) I'm waiting for your reaction the first time someone blocks traffic and makes you miss a redlight so they could let someone travelling in the empty other direction make a left turn

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