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after looking through the latest issue of the patagonia catalog I must say:

1. prices of outdoor gear are out of control

2. a lot of gear is just crap only good enough to wear on the street.

really pisses me off that my most favorite activity is turning into sport for rich and famous, not exactly the crowd i want to hang out with.



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well, the cool thing about the Patagonia catalogue is that they tell you what activities are appropriate to wear one of their "pieces". However, it would really help if they sewed a tag with the activity into the garment. You don't want to be caught ice climbing in a jacket designed for hiking or "travel".

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but, they're environmentalists, man....


wouldn't you gladly pay $400 for a parka to save a seal pup?


look at it this way, weren't hillary and norgay wearing arc'teryx when they hit the summit? how else could they have gotten there? you think they were wearing columbia? get real.

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I use to flame Pataguchi all the time citing their way expensive fashionable stuff. A couple years ago a friend lent me “Let My People Surf” by Yvon Chouinard. I read it and was really impressed and after doing a bit more research I find myself going out of my way to purchase most of my clothes from Patagonia. Yup, the catalog has a lot of non technical street clothes. I’m actually pretty psyched about that. Like most of us I have a job to go to and need to wear non climbing clothes during the work week. Accordingly I’m really happy that Patagonia offers a place where I can buy clothes from a company that sets a great example of what companies should be, but than few are, or give a crap about being. You folks can flame them all you want about high prices and street wear but if you do any research and actually think about it the reality is that the stuff costs exactly what it should. Yup, I buy mostly Patagonia. I'm certainly not made of money or any highly paid IT person. I just have my priorities.


Anyone with half a head on their shoulders knows full well that America is stuck in a Wal Mart mentality and that most only care about cheap goods no matter what the societal or environmental costs. The fact is that the costs of most of the crap we buy doesn’t reflect the real, true cost in the long term. Cheap goods are cheap because they come at the expense of others less fortunate and the planet. When a company like Patagonia actually devotes an enormous amount of time to everything they make and exactly what the impacts are of every decision, it costs more to make stuff and the extra cost get passed on to the consumer. And no I’m not talking about Patagonia just giving some proceeds back to the community and environment. They carefully consider everything. Where their materials come from, the longevity of a product, the environmental costs of how far and by what method things are shipped, packaging, where they locate their stores and what type of buildings they use and how they are refurbished. They also pay their employees decent and provide a better perks. That all costs money.


If you don’t want to pay so much than simply go to REImart and there are plenty of manufacturers who sell a similar shirt or jacket for less. You can pass the legacy of your decisions on to future generations because you were too cheap to pay the extra $$ for something that is in fact well worth the extra money. Or hey, why don’t we all just suck it up and buy one pair of pants and wear them until they are worn out and can’t be repaired anymore rather than owning 4 pairs of cheap pants. Anyone who bitches about Patagonia’s prices should look in their closets. If you own more than one version of any piece of outdoor clothing than quit your bitching because you are one of the problem not the solution. The stuff may seem expensive but when you buy one good quality item and use it and repair it until it can no longer be used than you will see that the price really isn’t that much. In the book Yvon even laments the fact that much of the technical products are not affordable to the people that they really are designed for. Problem is that they cost what they cost when you do business in a responsible manner. To offer lower cost goods you’d have to simple cut corners and pass off the real costs to others like 99% of businesses today. Sad but true.


Sorry about the rant but I’m just tired of people complaining about how much things cost. Good stuff costs good money and people usually just buy too much crap in the first place. It’s companies like North Face that really burn me. It’s unbelievable that suckers go and buy their crappy China made down coats when you can go to Feathered Friends and buy something custom made by people making a fair wage here in Seattle for the same or less money. In the end it’s really all about priorities.


Edited by hydroman
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...either way...it is still marketing. you've been sold on the 'feel good'




I can't wear this jacket the company isn't a core climbing company! I need to buy a jacket unsullied by the masses. I'm going to pay $50 more to buy a core climbing jacket.

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but, they're environmentalists, man....


wouldn't you gladly pay $400 for a parka to save a seal pup?


look at it this way, weren't hillary and norgay wearing arc'teryx when they hit the summit? how else could they have gotten there? you think they were wearing columbia? get real.


A jacket MADE OUT OF seal pups would set you back a couple thousand. So $400 to save 'em is a deal.

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