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You better get out of my way or I'll run you down in my BITCHIN CAMERO





No shit I am pretty fucking happy. I just got the word today that I'm approved by the Hospital and the DOL to drive whenever I want to.


So you better stay off the road.



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Bitchin' Camaro


Rod - Hey Jack, what's happenin'?

Joe - Oh, I don't know.

Rod - Well, rumor around town says you think you might be heading down to the shore.

Joe - Uh, yeah, I think I'm goin' down to the shore.

Rod - Whatcha gonna do down there?

Joe - Uh, I don't know, play some video games, buy some Def Leppard t-shirts.

Rod - Hey, don't forget to get your Motley Crue t-shirt, y'know, all proceeds go to get their lead singer out of jail.

Joe - Uh huh.

Rod - Hey, you gonna check out the Sandbar while you're there?

Joe - Uh, what's the Sandbar?

Rod - Oh, it's this place that lets sixteen year-old kids drink.

Joe - Oh, cool.

Rod - Y'know who's gonna be there?

Joe - Uh, who?

Rod - My favorite cover band, Crystal Shit.

Joe - Oh.

Rod - Yeah, they do a Doors show, you'd be really impressed, in fact, it goes a little like this:


Love me two times baby

Love me twice today

Love me two times girl

Cause I got AIDS

Love me two times baby, once for tomorrow, once cause I got AIDS


Joe - Wow, Pretty good Jim Morrison impersonation there.

Rod - Yeah, I hope those guys have a good sense of humor and don't take us to court.

Joe - Uh, what's the court?

Rod - Never mind that,

Joe - Oh, you mean like the People's Court?

Rod - Well, that's another story; the important thing here is you gotta ask me how I'm gonna get down to the shore.

Joe - Uh, how you gonna get down to the shore?

Rod - Funny you should ask, I've got a car now.

Joe - Oh wow, how'd you get a car?

Rod - Oh my parents drove it up here from the Bahamas.

Joe - You're kidding!

Rod - I must be, the Bahamas are islands, okay, the important thing now, is that you ask me what kind of car I have.

Joe - Uh, what kinda car do ya' got?

Rod - I've got a BITCHIN CAMARO!



I ran over my neighbors


Now it's in all the papers.

My folks bought me a BITCHIN CAMARO with no insurance to match;

So if you happen to run me down, please don't leave a scratch.

I ran over some old lady one night at the county fair;

And I didn't get arrested, because my dad's the mayor.


Doughnuts on your lawn


Tony Orlando and Dawn

When I drive past the kids, they all spit and cuss,

Because I've got a BITCHIN CAMARO and they have to ride the bus.

So you'd better get out of my way, when I run through your yard;

Because I've got a BITCHIN CAMARO;

And an Exxon credit card.


Hey, man where ya headed?


I drive on unleaded.


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Congrats, Kurt! :rawk:


I've got some buddies and we all drink bleach

You know we practice what we preach

We're not a drunken bunch of frat-boys

Trashed on beers

Or a stoned bunch of hippies

With no careers

I wanna drink bleach with a Georgia peach


My pals and I all drink Clorox

Or eat Snowy Bleach right out of the box

Teenage suicide rate's shot high

And we understand the reasons why

Bleach does more than whiten socks


Don't you wanna hang out with the Bleach Boys, baby?

In a world where ministers murder golf pros

Don't you wanna drink some bleach tonight?


Maybe there'll be a party at the beach

We'll bitch about life and chugalug bleach

No one's getting high, and no one's getting drunk

I've got a case of bleach stashed in my trunk

I wanna die with Clorox within reach


I'm very proud of the respect I've earned

And my voice is very deep cause my throat got burned

Bleach keeps you young so I've been told

Cause no one who drinks it lives to get old

Drink it with a chaser was the first thing that I learned


Don't you wanna hang out with the Bleach Boys baby?

In a world where midgets run for mayor

Don't you wanna drink some bleach tonight?


I had 26 friends in the beginning

But now it seems our numbers are thinning

Some people drive fast, others love to bet

Still others snort coke in a private jet

But drinking bleach is my way of winning


Don't you wanna hang out with the Bleach Boys baby?

In a world where welders own our schools

Don't you wanna drink some bleach tonight?


I'm so bored I'm drinking bleach

I'm so bored I'm drinking bleach

I'm so bored I'm drinking bleach

I'm so bored I'm drinking bleach

I'm so bored I'm drinking bleach

I'm so bored I'm drinking bleach

I'm so bored I'm drinking bleach

I'm so bored I'm drinking bleach

I'm so bored I'm drinking bleach

I'm so bored I'm drinking bleach

I am so bored!

I am so bore


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The Shitclock's Ticking



Tick tock, tick tock. It's only a matter of hours until the Trailer Park Boys will be on the show and a bunch of us started debating about what's the best shit-ism created by Mr. Lahey. And man did the shit hit the fan. In fact, it was a total shit storm. A total shiticane. We managed to dig through the crap and come up with these shitty finalists:


1. "He's about to enter the shit tornado to Oz."

2. "I'm watching you Julian. Like a shithawk."

3. "Randy, this shit pool is getting full and we better strain it before it overflows and causes a shit slide..."

4. "Tracks lead right to Shit Town."





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