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i think the comment "lucky he died" was meant in the sense that he would have to live with his son's death...i think it was meant to say that the father's passing is "merciful".


I would have a very hard time living past what happened if it were me and would wish my own death...

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i think the comment "lucky he died" was meant in the sense that he would have to live with his son's death...i think it was meant to say that the father's passing is "merciful".


I would have a very hard time living past what happened if it were me and would wish my own death...


thats what i was thinking. I don't know that guy or anything about his accident, but if my boys were to die in an accident or in any other way, i would want to go with them as i do not think i could go on with out them.


peace to the family left behind. my heart is utterly broken for all of them.

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I am not a parent, but I can imagine the "Lucky he died" comment not being intended as a barb--not only for the reason RumR mentioned, but also b/c the father died with his boy. They didn't die alone. That might sound really weird to a bunch of folks, but to people who believe in an afterlife it may not sound so bad. Maybe that's just what was meant to be...


As for not putting his kid in harm's way--I don't get that. The kid was 12 and with his dad. More kids die in car wrecks every day than in climbing acccidents--yet I don't see people driving very carefully. I suppose it is easier for us to judge others than to look at the impacts our own daily actions can have on the lives of others.


He was a fortunate boy to have a father who shared life with him like this. I'll bet that kid saw and achieved more in 12 years than some people ever do. And what a great father to have shared his life, his love, and his death with his child. He gave absolutely everything he had to his child--who could judge that so harshly?

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I am not a parent, but I can imagine the "Lucky he died" comment not being intended as a barb--not only for the reason RumR mentioned, but also b/c the father died with his boy. They didn't die alone. That might sound really weird to a bunch of folks, but to people who believe in an afterlife it may not sound so bad. Maybe that's just what was meant to be...


As for not putting his kid in harm's way--I don't get that. The kid was 12 and with his dad. More kids die in car wrecks every day than in climbing acccidents--yet I don't see people driving very carefully. I suppose it is easier for us to judge others than to look at the impacts our own daily actions can have on the lives of others.


He was a fortunate boy to have a father who shared life with him like this. I'll bet that kid saw and achieved more in 12 years than some people ever do. And what a great father to have shared his life, his love, and his death with his child. He gave absolutely everything he had to his child--who could judge that so harshly?


Well said, Arch. Tragedy that it is, it's a reminder that we'll all go one way or another, sooner or later--speaking for myself, when my time comes and goes, I could only hope to have lived a life which warrants such a beautiful eulogy as this. :tup:

Edited by Sherri
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