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Bitch About Chestbeating Thread *DELETED*


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dude...if you knew sexcocoa, you'd realize what a tool you look like...


He's incredibly psyched about climbing and has stayed psyched for as long as i remember...and he gets jacked on how other people are doing...


give it a rest...when you climb your personal best, that would become one of your "best ticks", don't you think? And isn't that what this thread is about??????


You shouldn't post on this thread unless its your personal "best tick", whether that be your hardest or your most favorite...maybe they are the same, maybe they aren't...


take a chill...

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kevin...this thread is about your "best ticks" of the year...duh...


man, you just have a firm grasp on the obvious, don'tcha??


now run along and go play in the street...


Ru! So glad to see you here. How's it going?.... wait I forgot. Im going to go play in the street.


Kev - this reminds me of a scene in "The Holy Grail"....how many more extremities do you need to lose before you give up?

Edited by ericb
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Christ kevbone, shut up. Whether anyone was bragging or not, you're the only problem in this thread. There's a good conversation going on here and you don't want to be part of it, your only motive is hijack it and direct the attention to yourself.


Everyone else- can we please ignore this douchebag? How many more good conversations are we going to let devolve into spray just because of this guy?

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What a mess, I'm declaring a time out and locking the thread for a bit. I'd like to send all the Kevbone shit to spray, but I don't want to take out Still Climbin's input, since I think he hits the nail on the head.


Odds are I'm going to split some of this off so you can chew on each other in spray, and preserve the balance of the topic for everyone else. I may wind up deleting some posts just for continuity/brevity's sake, so don't take it personally if your carefully assembled golden words disappear into the cybersphere.


EDIT: this is it, the new bitch about chestbeating thread, cuz you know, humble is all the rage.

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If you keep a list of climbs you SEND, there is NOTHING wrong with this, there is NOTHING wrong with telling others either. But lets get it straight. ITS STILL SPRAY! You can sugar coat it with….”im inspired by others accomplishments”…. This is fine, and I for one and inspired. But is still bragging/spray.


The moderators are full of it. The “best ticks of 06” is all about spray. Which, once again is not a bad thing. Whats is lame is my post being pulled off the biggest spay thread around and put on there own spray thread. This is bullshit and you know it. What ever, this is fine. I have not control over others.


Am I truly the only one who see’s posting a list of “my best ticks” is not bragging/spray? Surly there are those out there who can see this?

Posting this list is not a bad thing. Just, please call it how it is!!! Spray!!!


Once again, truth usually hurts!

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kevbone, if you don't like what you're reading, then don't read it. it's not like the thread was slandering you.


Your right. I was only trying to get the point across that posting a list of great sends should be on Spray, because essentially, that’s what you are doing, Bragging about great sends. What ever, im out.

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