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Yes, thanks Allison. My response to Harmon and texplorer is this: if you don't like it, don't read it! If you want hardcore testosterone, and 20-something smack talk, there are plenty of other threads you can peruse.


Believe me, I would much rather be in the mountains than sitting at this computer. Don't assume that those that choose to post on here are just twice a year "posers". This forum at least lets me keep in touch with what's happening "out there" while I recover. It's a great diversion.

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Man, you think it is tough to find a female climber out west? Try the southeast where it is hot and hummid. Also no great mountains to hike around on like out west. When I head out west, I always notice that a lot more people get out and cycle, run, climb, etc... This includes the number of women I see out and about.

Think about it, how many guys that play basketball, soccer, football, golf, cycling, kayaking, etc... say that it is hard to find a woman that digs their sport and plays it. Maybe even plays it as well as them.

A partner that you can experience your true love (climbing) with and have a relationship with. I have heard about this but have never seen it. Sounds pretty awesome. My buddy's wife, mountain bikes and has a sport bike for carving in the mountains. They get to do a lot of cool stuff together Lucky guy. Also know a guy who motorcycle road races. His girlfriend does to and she is pretty good. One perk to that is the tight leather suit she wears. Trust me, you do not want to be behind her because those tight leathers can be very distracting and you will find yourself running off the tract at 120mph.

Women who enjoy hardcore sport like activities are hard to come by because it is genetics. That is fact. There are just not a great deal of them.

I respect the ones here on the board.

Women that are not into things as such do not really want to hear much abouth them. They want to be your main focus and knowing that climbing is......causng friction.


Most of the time (not always) when you see beautiful woman hanging off the arm of a guy that is hardcore anything......is because of the fame or fortune. Just like rock stars. Granted some women like too hear about that NASCAR drivers day at the track going around in circles for 500 miles or that touchdown but most of the time I bet you could see the glaze in their eye after 5 minutes. Anyway, it's the far away look I get from my wife when she makes the mistake of asking how my latest adventure went. She just wanted to hear "it was great or it sucked". She has climbed a little but does not really care for it.

My daughter is 21 months and I think it is great when i see her heal hooking her way into a tall chair or mantling up onto the dining room table. I plan on taking her climbing as soon as she is old enough. I hope that she is interested in alpine climbing. I will support anything she wants to do.




Originally posted by allison:

I ran across this thread while I was looking for something else and thought interesting enuf to bring up top.


Dwayner, I know you wanted inputs from the guys on this topic, but I'm going to put in my $.02 anyhow. Guys who are serious climbers are hard to date, for a number of reasons. I tend to avoid dating them.

[Frown] poor AlpineK [Frown][Wink]


Personally, I don't think it is true that guys who are serious climbers are hard to date. I think it can be a great thing. Better than dating someone who doesn't climb at all, or who doesn't really care. Otherwise, he can't truly understand my goals and share in the excitement of my accomplishments.


You have to be able to climb with your man at a level that he enjoys though, or you will only get the "girlfriend weekends". (same goes the other way of course...my old boyfriend got the "boyfriend" weekends and the rest of the time I climbed with others) Otherwise, it can be a cool partnership.


I have my own climbing objectives, which I pursue on the weekends that my SO is going out and climbing his stuff. We talk a lot about what routes we want to do, and if we have the same route on our list, often we decide we will do it together. At the same time, we maintain our own climbing partners and have no problem with the other person choosing to do a cool route with someone else, even if we want to do it too someday.


Do I miss my boyfriend when he is gone for weeks in Alaska? For sure. But its a great time to do my own roadtrip to Zion. When he is off climbing on the weekdays in the N Cascades and I am home fixing my hot water heater alone, it kind of sucks. If he wants to live in Canmore for three months this winter fine...then he will climb hard on the weekdays and I will hitch rides to Banff on the weekends to improve my iceclimbing. But nothing beats getting him back when he gets home, even dirty and grungy with a tan and a mountain beard is pretty sexy. I think climbing makes our lives more interesting, and the times apart make our time together more intense. Our shared goals give us things to work towards together.


When he is gone climbing, I can use the time do things he is totally not interested in and maintain my relationships with the other people in my life. When I am gone climbing...I am climbing!!


I think that the fact that some serious climbers aren't fun to date probably has less to do with their climbing and more to do with just THEM.


It will be interesting to see how Will's friends survey/project turns out that many of us probably participated in.


Anyway, I am keeping my climbing man and I have zero complaints.


yada..yada...I have my own slacking objectives and if I want to lay around at the Ritz so what?


Do I miss my girlfriend when she is gone for weeks modelling in the BAHAMAS, For sure I do. But it's a great time to spend my millions lounging around at the country club. If she wants to live in Berne Switzerland and be cool then fine...I will come over every three weeks and associate with her to be cool too...nothing beats it when she comes home all tan and clean and smelling like vanilla cause it's pretty sexy...our shared coolness factor makes everything so worthwhile...


I have spawned 100's of offspring and it hasn't slowed me down yet. Women/men come and women/men go. I AM AVATAR!! That is all I need. To hear your little bitching about how you wish you were me. I need not date. I AM AVATAR!!

  • 2 years later...
Greetings Fellow Crag-Hoppers and Alpine Hone-Dogs! Been thinkin.....(hey, just a second, I gotta grab a cold one from the reeeeeeeeeeeeeeefriger-a-mater. O.K., now where were we?) Climbing has 1) never helped me get a girlfriend, 2) has never helped me keep a girlfriend. In fact,I've come to the conclusion that climbing is a bona-fide girl repellent. (I mean real climbing; not that wimpified, take-my-girlfriend-to-the-bolt-grid-sport-climbing mish-mash). And let me apologize now to the ladies, since this is more or less directed at the dudes, but your opinions on the subject would be more than welcome. (Can't speak for the women because I ain't one.)<BR>I've witnessed many shameless attempts to lure the more sophisticated gender with tales of daring feats (usually interpreted as egotistical spray), bouldering moves (incomprehensible as worthwhile by the uninitiated) and gear demonstrations (yawn inducers). Perhaps the most pathetic thing I ever witnessed was a number of years ago, while driving over Snoqualmie Pass, I was ordered to place a climbing rope in the back window of the vehicle in order to attract girlies. And what were the expections with that stupid scene? Were girls supposed to flash us, motion us over to the next exit and then beg us to give them vicarious route beta while they mauled us with love? Forget it! I suspect that many of the fellers out there invite girls along because they want to, you know,......Come on, dudes, strip away the flimsy veneer of self-delusion and you know it's true! This primal urge could, in fact, be a less recognized force behind the sport-climbing craze, where it seems that there are lots of boys and girls climbing together. (And to head off some of you self-righteous p.c. spray-meisters....I don't give a rat's rear who YOU climb with [including sheep] and I ain't keeping you from doing anything....I'm just throwing out some bait for discussion, so if you can't handle it, go back to your WTO rally and bitch about importing cheese from Angola.) So, any reflections on the subject?<P>- Dwayner....I can't believe I get paid so well to drink so much!!!




Yeah... I wanted tell the story of my first real climb and about how terrified I was because my b/f is afraid of heights....that would have taken at least 5 minutes to tell about the whole weekend. I got shut down really quickly. "Let's hear about your weekend...the SHORT version." My response? "F*@k off! I had a great time!" What a jerk. Its not only women that can be uninterested in your activities...I think if you're passionate about something and your partner is not, after a while, they just get tired of hearing about it. There are some that don't however. More kudos ot the supportive ones, I say! wave.gif

Why you dregging this out of the gutter? hellno3d.gif

It was good for a few laughs in it's day but it's kinda old news now don't you think?


That original post is a masterpiece! Thanks, Dwayner! And thank you, icegirl, for revisiting a topic that remains as modern as tommorrow.


Ehmmic: gutter? really? what? relationships don't matter?

As far as "in it's day", the original post came out in 2001 and given avatar turn-over and new site-members, there's a whole new audience to appreciate it. Bring on Big Lou Jr., Donna-Top Step's Lament, and some of them other comedy classics for others to enjoy!

(Dwayner) said: That original post is a masterpiece! Thanks, Dwayner!


Posting replies to yourself is so 90's. rolleyes.gif


Wrong! It is NEVER out of fashion!


Dwayner and all his avatars are sanctimonious anoying sacks of shit.


Your alpine role model here would disagree:


P.S. it's spelled "annoying".


In other news, water is still wet.


In other news, Big Lou still rules Mt. Rainier!



A Fresh Look

by Carla Binion

Nazis and the Republican Party


Investigative reporter Christopher Simpson says in BLOWBACK that after World War II, Nazi émigrés were

given CIA subsidies to build a far-right-wing power base in the U.S. These Nazis assumed prominent positions

in the Republican Party's "ethnic outreach committees." Simpson documents the fact that these Nazis did not

come to America as individuals but as part of organized groups with fascist political agendas. The Nazi agenda

did not die along with Adolf Hitler. It moved to America (or a part of it did) and joined the far right of the

Republican Party.


Simpson shows how the State Department and the CIA put high-ranking Nazis on the intelligence payroll "for

their expertise in propaganda and psychological warfare," among other purposes. The most important Nazi

employed by the U.S. was Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler's most senior eastern front military intelligence officer. After

Germany's defeat became certain, Gehlen offered the U.S. certain concessions in exchange for his own

protection. Gehlen promoted hyped up cold war propaganda on behalf of the political right in this country, and

helped shape U.S. perceptions of the cold war.


Journalist Russ Bellant (OLD NAZIS, THE NEW RIGHT, AND THE REPUBLICAN PARTY) shows that

Laszlo Pasztor, a convicted Nazi war collaborator, built the Republican émigré network. Pasztor, who served as

adviser to Republican Paul Weyrich, belonged to the Hungarian Arrow Cross, a group that helped liquidate

Hungary's Jews. Pasztor was founding chairman of the Republican Heritage Groups Council.


Two months before the November 1988 presidential election, a small newspaper, Washington Jewish Week,

disclosed that a coalition for the Bush campaign included a number of outspoken Nazis and anti-Semites. The

article prompted six leaders of Bush's coalition to resign.


According to Russ Bellant, Nazi collaborators involved in the Republican Party included:


1.Radi Slavoff, GOP Heritage Council's executive director, and head of "Bulgarians for Bush." Slavoff was a

member of a Bulgarian fascist group, and he put together an event in Washington honoring Holocaust

denier, Austin App.


2.Florian Galdau, director of GOP outreach efforts among Romanians, and head of "Romanians for Bush."

Galdau was once an Iron Guard recruiter, and he defended convicted Nazi war criminal Valerian Trifa.


3.Nicholas Nazarenko, leader of a Cossack GOP ethnic unit. Nazarenko was an ex-Waffen SS officer.


4.Method Balco, GOP activist. Balco organized yearly memorials for a Nazi puppet regime.


5.Walter Melianovich, head of the GOP's Byelorussian unit. Melianovich worked closely with many Nazi



6.Bohdan Fedorak, leader of "Ukrainians for Bush." Fedorak headed a Nazi group involved in anti-Jewish

wartime pogroms.



My daughter is 21 months and I think it is great when i see her heal hooking her way into a tall chair or mantling up onto the dining room table. I plan on taking her climbing as soon as she is old enough. I hope that she is interested in alpine climbing. I will support anything she wants to do.


You sound like a climbing buddy of mine about 8 years ago when he would send me pics of his 1 year old daughter "doing mantle moves" on his couch. He lived in Seattle the same time I did and we introduced her to climbing in the Vertical World gym at age 6. She is a natrual and styled some 5.6 rts there on her 1st day. She's 10 now and does great in the middle on 5.7 trad multi pitches. It's pretty wild and she loves it. Good luck and get them into it young. thumbs_up.gif

  • 1 year later...
I have spawned 100's of offspring and it hasn't slowed me down yet. Women/men come and women/men go. I AM AVATAR!! That is all I need. To hear your little bitching about how you wish you were me. I need not date. I AM AVATAR!!


i was trying to figure out what an avatar is and the search directed me to this post. hahaha.gif

  • 1 month later...

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