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[TR] Early Morning Spire- SW Face 8/6/2006


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Climb: Early Morning Spire-SW Face


Date of Climb: 8/6/2006


Trip Report:

On the first beautiful weekend in August I finally managed to get around to climbing Early Morning Spire. Prior to leaving I was a bit surprised as to the lack of information or trip reports for such a well known objective. So…here you go!


Allen Carbert and I used the Roush Creek approach as per the East Ridge of Eldorado. We wandered across the Inspiration Glacier to the 8000’ Mcallister-Inspiration Col then quickly dropped 400’ to the col between the Mcallister Glacier and Marble Cirque. There are numerous bivi sites scratched into the dirt here only one of which is large enough for a small tent. A drip of water was very hard to come by, so we mostly melted snow. Great views to Eldorado and Tillie Towers.




The next morning we easily descended onto the dieing glacial remnant in Marble Cirque. After dropping down to 5800’ we traversed across talus slopes to the snow gully leading up to the face. Crampons were very handy. You might get by without them but that sure would be a bummer if you had to bail due to firm conditions. It took all of three hours to reach the start of the route. Though that probably had a lot more to do with our aging, out-of-shape bodies than the terrain we covered.




The climbing was excellent as expected. We started more directly than the topo indicated but it would be really hard to get lost! The only really outstanding pitch was the fingertip traverse up high. Every other pitch typically had an easier vegetated section mixed in with mostly high-quality climbing. There is very, very little loose rock on the main face. The upper ridge is licheny, loose and not all that great but the views are outstanding. We brought a #3 Camalot and used it only sparingly. A medium rack to a #2 would have been plenty. It took us five hours up climbing efficiently.




The descent off the backside was a dirty piece of work, downclimbing rotten gullies, but went quickly.




After reaching the saddle separating EMS from the Dorado Needle massif we decided to return to camp by go up rather than down. We climbed a pitch-and-a-half of shattered low-5th class rock to reach the col between Preying Mantis and Marble Needle. From here easy scrambling led to the Marble Needle summit, then two single-rope rappels got us onto the McAllister Glacier a 5 minute stroll from Dorado Needles Northwest Ridge. This was a delightful two pitch climb on solid blocky rock.





Downclimbing and one rappel got us back to the base and fifteen minutes later we were back in camp. That night the full moon rose to the south while the northern lights flickered beyond the McAllister Glacier. Both routes are highly recommended. What a beautiful place!

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