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Im seriously considering moving to Bend. It may (or may not) be very soon. I just sent out a resume to the park and rec dept for a job that is a perfect fit and Im highly qualified for. Though I feel like Im jumping the gun with the possibility, the position does start July 1st. This means I need to have an answer and plan ready right away IF I were hired.


The pros of possibly doing this...

-dry air, which will be better than the midwest sauna for my newly developed asthma. I really want to breath again.

-SMITH! SMITH! SMITH! (I LOVE THAT PLACE!!!!! rockband.gif)

-smaller than the twin cities - less politics and bullshit

-cheaper car insurance! thumbs_up.gif

-cheaper living expenses (or so it seems)

-something new

-its an almost ideal job



-moving so soon might cause a lot of complications

-getting my cat out there.

-Ice climbing is SOOOOOOOOOOO far away cry.gif

-cost might wipe out my savings for a while


Can anyone tell me about the best areas in bend to rent - I prefer older over 'modern'. Are there better websites than the bend bulletin for resources? Whats the likelihood of staying in the grasslands for a month without getting harrassed and kicked out? Anything else I should know or be warned of about the area?


Whatever happens is meant to be. I wont be terribly disappointed if I dont get the job. If thats the case, I think I will definately continue to search for jobs in the area.


Thanks for any input!


cheers! bigdrink.gif

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-getting my cat out there.


When I was planning my move from the Midwest to Seattle, I consulted my cats' vet because they'd both had health problems and I was afraid they'd be traumatized by the trip. He gave me some Cat Valium as a going-away present. I gave each of them half a tablet about a half hour before I hit the road in the morning, and they were pretty much sedated for the rest of the day.


Plus it was fun watching them try to jump up on the motel bed in the morning and totally miss it.




I also invested in a plastic dog crate (big enough for about a 40 pound dog) and put a bunch of soft stuff in for them to curl up on and a water bottle and kept it covered with a blanket so it was dark and they made it through with no problems. My move was in March though, so I didn't have to worry so much about ventilation in a hot car like you would have to if you're moving in June.

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Well thanks for the encouragement.

I think Im pretty much committed to a move out there - whether it be for this job or another. I should hear from them about whether or not they want to grant me an interview by the 9th. *Fingers crossed*


I guess I would just drive out there and stay at the grasslands for a month or so, then fly back to mpls and pick up my cat and other belongings once I find a place to live.


Im having a garage sale in 2 weeks and selling everything I wouldnt be able to get out there. Shit!!!! I must be serious. shocked.gif


Any other info on living areas, potential rentals, or others who live out there, dont hesitate to share!




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I worked at Bend Parks/Rec for years a while back. Who are you interviewing with? Let me know I'll put in a good word. As far as renting goes it's quite expensive, i'm not sure what you pay but we rent a 2br 1 bath on the Westside for $900/month. It's only 5 blocks from downtown so we get the rent.I'd say expect anything from $800 and up for 2 br homes. Eastside you'll find cheaper rent, but not as "cool" as living on the W.side. Most west-siders that move East of HWY 97 get their first DUI within the first year of moving. PM me for more info, I'm always looking for climbing partners so get a hold of me when your in town. Lots of free camping besides Grasslands.

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I have a good friend who's lived in Bend for eleven years, and I've been down to visit about a million times. It's really not that inexpensive to live there, prepare to pay a lot for things.


That said, I envy you--it's really an awesome place. You don't need money to be happy anyway, everyone knows that.

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