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I bet gris sleeps w/ that issue....

So all you can do is insult me, the Sonics must not be worth defending.


No he's just responding to your knee jerk thoughtless post in kind. hahaha.gif


The last I heard it sounds like the Arena is going to end up being remodeled even if the Sonics leave. The reason being that even if it's just a concert venue they've still got to keep up with all the other concert venues or they won't have anyone paying to use the space. You're still going to get stuck with a bill Dave. yellaf.gif


PS as far as I can tell there is nothing about American culture you like Dave...maybe you should move to Europe where everbody is into soccer and formula 1 racing. It's just so much more sophisticated over there. wazzup.gif Then again there's probably no good place for a gay communist these days. cry.gif

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it's just a concert venue they've still got to keep up with all the other concert venues or they won't have anyone paying to use the space.


I'd be surprised if they remodel the venue if the Sonics leave. The Sonics' PR guy is making shit up about how the facility is not a competitive venue because of the loading dock situation. I've probably worked a hundred shows since the venue was remodeled, and it is not suffering for the loading docks. The Key is competitive with any similar venue in the country.


P.S. Don't let the door hit you on the way out, Sonics. Buh-bye.

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Dave S .... I'll never understand your intense hatred and disgust for pro sports. rolleyes.gif Lighten up, fer crissakes.


Alpine K .... I'll never understand your intense hatred and disgust for Dave Schuldt. Perhaps deep down inside, something about him reminds you of, um.. yourself? smirk.gif (that's often how these things work.)

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I don't believe it's pro sports, per se, that upsets him. I think rather it's the blatant corporate welfare that does. I liked what the Sonics owner said about the Seahawks. Something like 'see how a winning sports team can pull a community together'. I couldn't help but thinking a) if that were true, you wouldn't be threatening to leave unless we build you a shiny new venue with OUR money and b) you suck and you aren't winning (when you start winning consistently, talk to us about a new venue).

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If building/refurbing it the last time didn't help, why should it help them win now by throwing more money (ours) at them? Personally, I don't give a shite about pro sports, but I won't deny anyone else the 'pleasure'. Just don't be throwing good money after bad. Admittedly, part of me would derive a perverse pleasure from having the city tell one of these sports teams owners, 'You want to leave? Right, off with you then.' Hmm. Let me see. Schools or new basketball stadium? Hmm....

Edited by foraker
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I don't think its quite that simple. The argument goes that successfull sports teams bring in money for the city and state - taxes as well as private sector revenue - that would provide more money for things like schools in the long run.


And why the issues with sports teams owners? Owners like Howard Schultz are doing their best to create a successfull franchise with a sport team that pays a substantial amount of tax to the state and is fundamentally intertwined with the public interest of city and state. I don't see what is wrong with asking for some state financial help when both parties will be better off for it in the long run.


But, on the other hand, if there's no market for the sports team, then maybe we should tell them to get out, but I don't think that's the case here.

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The remodel that the city did for the Sonics nine years ago isn't even paid for yet. That remodel was done to meet the requirements of the Sonics, how many times are we going to remodel the place for them?


The mayor's been on KUOW this hour, mostly talking about Seattle Center stuff. The Sonics play 41 home games a year.

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Substantial tax revenue? I'm highly suspicious of that compared to the overall costs of the loan + interest + secondary costs. Why is it you never get to see a decent cost/benefit analysis of sports teams? Probably because vested interests don't want you to. Sports teams aren't lucrative cash-cows for cities. They're entertainment and matters of pride for politicians and owners. How long has that one guys been fighting to get the details of the last stadium deal? Why can't they just fork over the numbers? Why did he have to go to court for years and years? Probably because the deal was an embarrassment.

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Seattle should just play hardball. Let 'em go, and sue their asses if they do. When a new contract is inked, make sure there is a no whining clause that allows Seattle to immediately boot them from the arena if they start asking for more.


Unreal that a loser team like the Sonics can get considerations because the Seahawks had a freak year rolleyes.gif

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I'm with Dave on this one. It's a private business. If they can't operate effectively with the income that the business generates, then perhaps they should invest in new management or seek greener pastures elsewhere.


There are plenty of sentimental arguments to be made for keeping a long-time sports franchise in a city, but I wish they'd just be frank when asking for handouts instead of coming up with economic arguments that would leave even Marx and Engels guffawing in their graves.

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Dood, those that don't want to, shouldn't have to pay.


Which means, those who want to pay - step up and just pay the freaking bill ya pussies-leave the rest of us alone.


I agree, F*c em, let them leave town and move to Snohmish or someplace that wants them.


Pony up Sonics fans, put your $ where your mouth is!

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