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Anonymous Avatars


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Speaking of catfights, if I was female, I'd definitely be anonymous around here.


Too many creeps and stalkers.

yellaf.gif amen. wave.gif


that said, i prefer to keep my real name and real-world contact info off of this site for many reasons. there are quite a few people on here i've met and know to some degree or another, and when it comes to those people i certainly read more into (and/or get more out of) what they have to say. but when it comes down to people i don't know ... it generally doesn't matter to me whether they are using their real name or an avatar. (the big exception to that would be for posts from people like lowell skoog and don serl ... whose names definitely speak for themselves.)

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Did I put my foot in my mouth again?


Why is this under the climber's board? Has this enhanced anyone's climbing knowledge? If moderators were not directly involved in this discussion would it be considered spray? Just curious...



catfight boxing_smiley.gif


catfightseat laugh.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...


You over-analyze way too much. Please quit trying to make this website like the rest of the way America is going...into the toilet. The humor that has been banned from this site is really utter bullshit. Anonymous Avatars should exist and if the person does not want to you to know who they are is there business. This is one real freedom we have... Lawyers like you are being is why are country is fuking fuked.





Please quit calling me names. You are a jerk and I wish your moderator priveledges were revoked.

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Speaking of catfights, if I was female, I'd definitely be anonymous around here.


Too many creeps and stalkers.

yellaf.gif amen. wave.gif


that said, i prefer to keep my real name and real-world contact info off of this site for many reasons. there are quite a few people on here i've met and know to some degree or another, and when it comes to those people i certainly read more into (and/or get more out of) what they have to say. but when it comes down to people i don't know ... it generally doesn't matter to me whether they are using their real name or an avatar. (the big exception to that would be for posts from people like lowell skoog and don serl ... whose names definitely speak for themselves.)


I have to agree with LG. I don't just hand out my full name, email, or phone number to every person I meet. Most of the time general conversations with people I've just met are limited to first name only, unless later in the conversation we agree to exchange contact information.

I don't see it any different here. If someone PM's me, they'll find out my first name, because I sign off on all my PMs. And we may exchange emails, phone numbers, or mailing addresses. But just because I put in my 2 cents in the forums, everyone else is not entitled to know how to call my cell phone, send me emails, or come over for a beer.

We use full names at the WCC forum because we decided that it kept the B.S. down to a minimum, and it does. But the difference between CC.com and WCC.org is like the difference between talking at a bar and talking at a business meeting - different circumstances, different standards.

P.S. Home in 10 days (yes, I am keeping count) - another annual migration finished.

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