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The Pope?


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The whole bang-on-his-head-with-a-hammer, then crush-his-ring-with-same-hammer thing is a little bizarre to me. shocked.gif


Can't they just take a pulse? wazzup.gif

I know, I thought the same thing.


From what I understand, they take the crushed ring, melt it down and make a new ring for the next Pope. Lots of history in those rings.


Though I have more issues with the Catholic church and Christianity in general than I can count, above all that, I have a very deep respect for the man. I find it difficult to not truly revere him. And I honor his passing.

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"Pope John Paul II is widely known and revered by millions the world over as the spiritual guide and shepherd of the Roman Catholic Church. What is less well known is his history as a trailblazing two-planker. The Man in White ripped the Polish pow from the time the papacy was just a gleam in his eye until his mature years as the toast of the Vatican.


In his younger days, JP2 was known as a megahiker, an avid kayaker, and a camper nonpareil. He preached in the woods, ate watery pudding for sustenance while surfing the backcountry, and repeatedly lost his prayer book in the wild. When asked, "Is it befitting a cardinal to ski?" his reply was, "What is unbefitting a cardinal is to ski badly."


A man after our collective hearts ...


Pope on a Rope Tow

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I heard the Pope was a dreadlock tele-ripper. I guess those big white suits create tons of loft and you can catch huge air. And the long cross staff provides all sorts of retro old-school appeal in place of ski poles. Not to mention you look "wicked phat" in the big pointy hat.

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wikipedia sez:


Some have asserted that Gelasius was a black African by descent, because the Liber Pontificalis plainly states that he was natione Afer ('African by birthright'). Gelasius' own statement in a letter that he is Romanus natus (Roman-born) is certainly not inconsistent. [1] (http://www.usafricaonline.com/arinzechido.html) However, his being of African heritage does not prove that he was a black African, as many natives of that continent's Mediterranean shores are not black. No visual representation of Gelasius, or description of his skin color, survives to settle the issue.
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Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos

Once, disguised as a milkman, he confronted Medellin drug trafficker Pablo Escobar on his doorstep and demanded he repent for his sins.


Next, disguised as a Seattle Mountaineer, he will confront Colin Haley on his doorstep and and demand he repent for thinking unclean thoughts about young Canadian and Australian women.

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Interestingly, there has already been at least one black pope:

Gelasius I, who was pope between 492 and 496...

I think he was from Alexandria.....

When every "THEY" wanted to make him an leader he ran off to a manasitic life in the desert. Nick named the black drawf becuase he was very short. But that might be another dude.

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