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Polish Bob For president!


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The republicans are greasing the wheels for Arnold in 2008!


Polish Bob gets my vote though!





In this season of big, divisive election issues, few people are focused on the fine print of the United States Constitution. But there is no better time to glance at Article II, Section 5 and consider changing the outdated language that prohibits foreign-born American citizens from becoming president.

.A diverse Capitol Hill coalition - including Senator Orrin Hatch, a Republican, and Representative Barney Frank, a Democrat - is seeking to amend the Constitution to give naturalized citizens in the United States the right to take their political ambitions all the way to the Oval Office.

.The founding fathers of the United States wrote the prohibitive language fearing that a foreign monarchy might try to return the new country to the crown - a fear that is obsolete today and is insulting to people who have uprooted their lives to declare their loyalty to the United States.

.In a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing this month, Hatch referred to his proposal as the "equal opportunity to govern" amendment. His resolution, similar to two put forth by the House, would allow anyone who has been a naturalized citizen for 20 years to be eligible for the presidency.

.The effort has a long way to go to become part of the Constitution, for it must first be approved by two-thirds of Senate as well as the House and would then have to be passed by legislatures in 38 states. The measure is not likely to come up for a vote in these final months of the current Congress, but it should be reintroduced next year and embraced by all Americans seeking a more equitable and dynamic political process.

.While Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Austrian-born Republican governor of California, and Jennifer Granholm, the Canadian-born Democratic governor of Michigan, have become the poster candidates for the amendment, the issue is much bigger than two political careers.

.Not only has the stricture disqualified star players such as the former secretaries of state Madeleine Albright and Henry Kissinger, it has diminished the horizons of foreign-born adopted children and military personnel, who risk their lives for their country but are not allowed to seek its highest office.

.America, with its vibrant demographics - most evident in its growing Hispanic and Asian populations - is no longer the land of white bread. The Constitution was written to encompass change. It can and should remove language that limits the dreams of its citizens. "Naturalized" should never mean "second class."



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I think Arnold is actually a stealth social liberal (though economically clueless), but that's not enough reason to amend the constitution. Bob doesn't stand a chance beyond the county level, but wouldn't he make an amazing county council member? "A vote for Bob is a vote for Passion" thumbs_up.gif
You got it. The far right wing of the Republican Party can't stand him. I think the best label for Arnold is "populist", a la Teddy Roosevelt, or Truman.
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