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MWC seeks new country for LTR


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At the current rate of polarization in this country, the secession of the northwest coast is not out of the realm of possibility. Just look at the security required for Bush to visit Portland. I bet it rivals middle east visits. The anger is palpable just walking down the street in this city.

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If you think other countries don't have crazy, dangerous, depressing politicians and politics, you haven't lived outside of the country enough..... grin.gif


If you think America should have to live with crazy, dangerous, depressing politicians and politics, you belong in one of those countries, groveling under some dictatorial regime. Sheesh!

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At the current rate of polarization in this country, the secession of the northwest coast is not out of the realm of possibility. Just look at the security required for Bush to visit Portland. I bet it rivals middle east visits. The anger is palpable just walking down the street in this city.


You will have to rule out anyone living outside of a 50 mile radius of Seattle or Portland.


Maybe you can pull a Quebec/Berlin maneuver and create your own little city-states, complete with Great Wall of China style battlements and fortifications to keep out the non-late' swilling, docker-and-Simple-shoes-and-vintage-shirt+vintage-glasses-and-goatee, etc, etc, etc demographic. Maybe one day the populace within the walls will sponsor anthropological expeditions - complete with native guides and pith helmets - to State Fairs, auto-rebuild shops, and whatnot to study the subhumanoid exoitica that thrives beyond the perimeter....




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One day I would get over the reprogramming and, in a trancelike state induced by staring into the foamy convolutions of the soy-foam sitting atop my fair-ptrade certified triple skinny latte' , turn off the Ani Difranco CD, peel off the "Stop Plate Tectonics"esque bumper sticker, and add a lift-kit and mudders to the Volvo and seek out my people in the hinterlands.

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You will have to rule out anyone living outside of a 50 mile radius of Seattle or Portland.


Maybe you can pull a Quebec/Berlin maneuver and create your own little city-states, complete with Great Wall of China style battlements and fortifications to keep out the non-late' swilling, docker-and-Simple-shoes-and-vintage-shirt+vintage-glasses-and-goatee, etc, etc, etc demographic. Maybe one day the populace within the walls will sponsor anthropological expeditions - complete with native guides and pith helmets - to State Fairs, auto-rebuild shops, and whatnot to study the subhumanoid exoitica that thrives beyond the perimeter....


Just stating observations. Didn't say it was a good idea, or that it represented EVERYONE's view here. Believe me, the anger is there in Portland. I didn't say anything abou the non-metro areas. And every non-metro area in Oregon you claim in the other thread? Not sure what you consider metro, but there's plenty of polarization to be found in rural counties.

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"Metro" defines Portland and Seattle's ideological tendencies in more than one way.


If Bush really wanted to carry the cities all he would have to do is letter-bomb the two cities with gift-certificates to Urban Outfitters and Restoration Hardware - redeemable only upon voting Republican. This would result in a political about-face so abrupt that it would make the French of the Vichy era seem positively stalwart by comparison.

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Remember when (was it on Almost Live?) E. Washington wanted to cede from W. Washington and call itself the state of "Lincoln?" What would have been the capital of Lincoln? Certainly not George.


In the 50's southern Oregon and far Northern California formed the state of "Jefferson" Good riddance!

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Still a bit sensitive are we, DFA? My point being, and perhaps a bit too obscure for some, was that running away doesn't really get you away from the problem (e.g. the grass is always greener syndrome). Staying here and solving the problem and dealing with the situation at the activist level is the better solution.

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"Metro" defines Portland and Seattle's ideological tendencies in more than one way.


If Bush really wanted to carry the cities all he would have to do is letter-bomb the two cities with gift-certificates to Urban Outfitters and Restoration Hardware - redeemable only upon voting Republican. This would result in a political about-face so abrupt that it would make the French of the Vichy era seem positively stalwart by comparison.


As compared to the notion that if we offered every rural voter a go at the cutie in blue's ass in exchange for a democratic vote the dems would not only sweep the state but that anti-gay marriage initiatives would resoundingly fail?




Hey, if you forgo the courtesy reacharound, you can believe whatever you want about "her." If that's not Republican (I'll fuck you, but that doesn't make me gay), I don't know what is...

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I am actually the one with the Glasses. The person in the blue dress with her hand on my costume-gut is a woman - so I am not sure how the rural voters having a go at any part of her anatomy would affect their current sexual predillections, but those certainly are interesting thoughts, Off. yelrotflmao.gif


I was dressed as some-one-who-looks-like-the-typical-Seattlites-image-of-a-Red-State-voter. Great costume.

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Oh damn Jay, you've shattered my bubble! I was so impressed by the effort you'd put into shaving your pits and scouring off your durable stubble, now I just don't know what to think. yelrotflmao.gif You mean you're actually the pregnant male hippy? Ahh well, I've always thought you were the sharpest knife in the conservative drawer, I suppose there is no shame in having my preconceptions unmolested.


I still believe in whatever my misconceived point was though, whatever it was. I can't even think past the point that you're not that cute afterall. yellaf.gif

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Jay, your contempt for the urban liberal stereotype is really getting tiresome. Maybe you're frustrated by your inability to just up and move to Montana, despite having the freedom to do so. But like it or not, there are a lot of people outside of your personal promised land, all with hopes and fears and needs that aren't being addressed in the current political climate. They share your country, too.

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Ralph - I am well aquainted with needs that are not presently being met by my elected representatives, being as I now reside in Jim McDermott's congressional district. I share your pain.


BTW Off - now that we both get the joke - I should add that I don't know who the female person in the blue dress is - but I am reasonably certain that she would not find the banter concerning what was presumed to be my anatomy all that amusing since it actually belongs to her, and think that it might behoove a couple of gentlmen like ourselves to take her image and the accompanying commentary off of the present thread....

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