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Grady Roberts, found! And he is your buddy, not!


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I've been climbing around here for some time and the climbing community isnt that big here. At least I've seen Steve Renyolds driving back from Chimney and he barely climbs but Martin Cash? What the hell have you ever done and why haven't I ever met you before? You spray so much that you must have a stack of routes under your belt or are you just a keyboard jockey bored at work? Which is it Martin, cause Ive never once seen you at the crags and Im at the crags a lot. Put up or shut up cause you're spraying about people that have done way more than you'll probably ever do. Hell, I bet you quit climbing before long anyway. You suck.


Whoa, Marty. Time to pull the ego down several notches bro. Telling somebody they suck on the internet--without ever having met them--is another message that shouldn't have been sent. Trust me, Martin gets out at least as much as you, just not at the same places you hang at.


I'm not sure why you say I "barely climb." Is that because I can't pull down on 5.13 like you? Cause I don't frequent the same crags you spend your time at? Should I mention what happened to you that day when we passed each other in our rigs below Chimney Rock?


I may not be able to clean your draws, but let's do a cleanup, and bigdrink.gif



--Steve Reynolds

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Dishman Rocks Resource Group has scheduled a meeting room on Tuesday August 24, 7PM upstairs at the Spokane REI, 1125 N Monroe St

Spokane, WA 99201 (509) 328-9900


Anyone interested in the Dishman Natural Area or climbing there is encouraged to attend.

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Hah, and it's the chipping that chaps me. Bolt holes, including those that hold on artificial holds, can be filled fairly well. Chipping takes a lot of weathering to go away, and bashing away at the holds with a hammer or coating them with bondo is no solution at all.

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but I'm sure I have done far more than you might think..


It is a given...haven't we all. No clue who you are. Not really a part of the discussion is it? How about we stick to Dishamn instead of flexing every other post. Dick measuring can be done at home.


Reread what you wrote, you're the one who asked.


Dane, you are a real dick. madgo_ron.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was going to post something and it was coming out real nasty.


Although this is for local users to fix, things like this can have repercussions far away and in many other areas.




I'm shocked to see this, more shocked to see not everyone shares my revulsion at the felt tip pen writing, bolting on plastic holds and all the rest of of it.


Short version: clean up the abortion before some "official" cleans it up and then closes it down for everyone. It's not your garage!


If you happen to own it, and it is your property, I apologise. Bolt away, but get a permit before fire up the bulldozers.


Thanks for stepping up to the plate Dane. No artical please?

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From several of the pictures it definitely looks like a beginner has placed some bolts (next to a valid pro placement) and a sport hold. I have never seen sport hold on a natural rock--the person who did that must be quite uneducated. Then the graffiti.....if it was the same person doing this, then I would have to think it was a young teenager.

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Grady is not a teenager. He's an experienced climber you has redpointed 5.13 sport. Which makes the whole issue that much worse, he should know better.


This issue is dead now. Nothing is going on. I was just out at Dishman, and no changes have been made. Also, Dane has disappeared, he must be on vacation or doing a trip. Not sure what affect a possible R&I article would have on the landowner. I doubt he would shut down the crag though.


Marty Bland stated in a previous thread that "Minnehaha needs to get fixed to". That would be a crying shame if these guys came over and bolted all of Minne's trad routes, and bolted a gym hold whereever they found blank rock. I'm in favor of the R&I article, people in Spokane (not just Internet surfers) need to know that this kind of stuff won't be tolerated.


P.S. - Flame away Marty at how much Minne sucks and I suck Mr. One Dimensional Climber.

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I have never climbed at Dishman, don't know who any of you are, but if this is what some of you think this is remotely acceptable behavior or anything but ambitious vandalism then climbing in general has taken a very sad turn.


And what the hell does the fact that tourists and vagrants trash the place have to do with it? If you want to do something, then clean up around where you climb and pack some of that shit out of there; don't sink to the climbing equivalent of a drunk or junkie just because you happen to hang out at the same places they do.


I'd rather see an area, any area, closed to access than be subjected to this kind of cowardice. And when some abberant ego vandalizes a crag and no one in the climbing community (Access Funders where are you...) steps up to correct the problem and you all lose access - well, you shouldn't be surprised - behavior like this is exactly how and why access is lost.


Dane sounds to me like one of the only clear, objective voices not drowning in the need to rationalize self-absorbed consumption under some sort of "personal style" label. He's right - there is no acceptable "compromise" on this sort of behavior unless you're willing to see your access compromised.


And, as if it needs saying, if no one shows up with the balls to lead an existing trad route for 10 months or 10 years so be it - have a little self respect and either dig around and find your stones or get on the route and earn some.


P.S. I have climbed at Minnehaha and it is a fine crag that needs no "improvements" of this or any other sort. Dishman , from the pictures, looks good as well and you're all pretty lucky to have access to two such great little crags.

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