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PB is banned even for kids who are not allergic to it?




Wow, that's kind of like taking "God" out of the Pledge to protect the feelings of two or three school children (who probably don't give a flying flip one way or the other when their parents aren't in the room).

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Well sorta. But there's a non-trivial percentage of kids with peanut allergies, many of whom are at risk for fatal reactions (anaphlactic shock). Just checked the web and the estimates of how many kids are susceptible and it looks like they range from 1 to 3%.


My kids have consistently had kids in their classes with peanut allergies and it's a real PITA to try to find something else that our kids will eat besides peanut butter to pack in their lunches every day. But just the same, I'd sure appreciate the effort if my kid were at risk for a fatal reaction just because some kid gave him some food accidentally spiked with peanut butter.

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Forgive my ignorance, but is 1 to 3% an abnormally high amount of people allergic to peanuts compared to most other foods? If so, then fine. (I still think its a stupid rule though.) If not, what about the kids allergic to chocolate or wheat or eggs or milk or whatever?! confused.gif

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Yeah, I think that's a pretty high number, especially considering the particularly deadly consequences. Has anybody noticed that the food labels now state whether a product was made with the same machinery as other foods that contain peanuts?


I think this would maybe be a stupid rule if we were talking about high school, or all of Canada or something like that. But for elementary schools, I think it makes sense. Kids that age, kindergartners especially, aren't always totally aware of dangers out there, especially those secreted in candy.


By the way, this prevalence of peanut allergies is supposedly has been increasing quite rapidly, like prevalence of other allergies and asthma, so saying, "we never worried about that when I was a kid and we all survived" is not exactly relevant in this discussion.

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Mine: (somewhat climbing related)


1. Those who don't follow the "slower traffic keep right" for those of us driving to our climbs.

2.OR Seattle Sombrerro Hats

3. Subaru Drivers

4. Sleeping at parking lots of trailheads

5. Those that drive 5mph down the middle of the Cascade River Road or any similar road and won't let us through (happens ALL the time.)

6. Unleashed dogs at the crags or on the trails

7.Some of the newish long multipitched bolted climbs that have more clips than moves (don't ask me which ones).

7. AT gear or backcountry tele gear at lift areas and staying "in bounds".

8.Rangers that pretend to be nice so that they can really find out what rules we broke and what permits we didn't have and then nail us.

and last but not least:

9. A "first ski descent" where some of the skiing was belayed and/ or sections were rapped.-not even considered a FSD in my book.

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It's odd though, I've been able to get almond butter, what the hell is the difference? If you're alergic to one tree nut, isn't it all the same confused.gif


Peanuts are not tree nuts, they are ground nuts, grow on a vine type plant (I'm from f'in Georgia, remember...Jimmy Carter the poor ass peanut farmer and all that shit). Strangely enough, I have a coworker who is allergic to tree nuts, but not ground nuts...I didn't ask her if she was allergic to deez nuts. moon.gif


Peeve: Shitheads who think they are required to yell into their cell phones and do so in the lobby of our office, on public transportation, in the grocery, etc etc etc. Somebody's gonna end up with Nokia enema one day when I finally snap. pitty.gif

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Yeah. F'n cellphones on the bus. What you do, is, since you have to live inside their airy head anyway the whole damn busride, you just turn around and stare at them. React to their conversation. Y'know, be polite. In fact, you can do this to two people talking on the bus. That can be annoying. There are these two old ladies that ride on the bus I am on sometime in the morning. They just gab it up, nonstop the whole time. Talk frenzy. I guess if you turned around and stared at those two, you'd just become part of the koffee klatsch. Kool. hahaha.gif

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Y'know, I was just at the grocery store, and I was trying to think of some grocery store peeve, cause, y'know, I got a million of 'em, but anyway I was trying to think of what peeved me today and I realized that me and my bonkers kids weren't peeved at anyone cause we were the ones probably peevin' people out. Kids whinging shopping carts through the produce section, tearing around corners, yelling, walking abreast in the aisles, I was always screamin' at 'em. We were really peevin' it up! Oh well,you know what they say! grin.gif

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PB is banned even for kids who are not allergic to it?




Wow, that's kind of like taking "God" out of the Pledge to protect the feelings of two or three school children (who probably don't give a flying flip one way or the other when their parents aren't in the room).


Whats GoD?

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Here's a peeve for ya, happened today:


Ex's who feel the need to write you a letter to inform you of their recent engagement. WTF? After being incommunicato for a year, you suddenly feel the need to say "hope you're doing well in Alaska"...but go ahead and throw in "BTW I recently got engaged and I hope you'll come to the wedding".


Uhh, no I don't think so. madgo_ron.gifthe_finger.gif

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Those rolling carryon bags that everyone and their mother now has. You know - the ones where the wheels, handle & extra durable outer covering weigh more than the cloths inside. The ones the fat asses can't lift into the overhead bins - and because they are hard sided, they don't fit well into most bins, taking up twice the usable space of any other. And then they insist on wheeling them down the aisle of the fing airplane madgo_ron.gif

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3. Subaru Drivers


7. AT gear or backcountry tele gear at lift areas and staying "in bounds".


3. Longtime m/c rider, know how to drive. My s00b is slow, but my driving is solid. Deal with it.


7. n00b BC skier. Stop worrying about other people's gear and just fucking ski.

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WELL they fucking caught me smuggling peanut buttter across the border into Canada yesterday. Now I'm in the god damned slammer. Fortunately this is Canada so my cell is outfitted like Snoop Dogg's crib. Hell the computer here is faster than the one I have at home to say nothing of the PoS at work!


The peanut prohibition issue is gonna be HUGE in the June federal elections. In the leaders debates on Friday night, the NDP proposed extending the ban to all substances anyone is allergic to. The Conservatives proposed killing all the allergic people and using the health care savings for a tax cut. The Liberals said if re-elected, they would ensure the allergic were given their own province (by splitting the Yukon in half) to live in allergy free. The BQ said in an independent Quebec, allergy cures would be achieved through high doses of Quelquechose and maple syrup. I know for a fact this cure fixed Snoboy's alcohol allergy!!!


Well - time to go for my first prison shower blush.gif

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Man brother. I that is bad news. I have been running P.B. since the liberals made this godforsaken law and damned if this doesn't make me wanna think twice about it. But DAMNIT! People have a right to their peanut butter! (even if they are canadians). Well luck be with you brother and bless you for fighting the good fight. If you need some P.B. in the slammer, I will hide some in the bag of weed I am sending. thumbs_up.gifwave.gif

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