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Favorite route not in selected climbs


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I dunnno maybee....

Chimney Rock. Cool area... cool icefall-closest real glacier to Seattle (as a crow flies?) Any map experts?


Little Mac Spire (the best of the three Mc. Spires in the Pickets inmho).


Rock- Easter Overhang or Dagobah system (midnight)

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Clean Break. It's a 1300' ridge route up the east side of Juno Tower. Goes at 10b/c with many pitches in 5.6-5.9 range. Cross country approach so you would likely be the only one in the valley. The first 10a crack is one of the finest around.

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Well obviously if the climb is any good it will be in Selected. This is why Smoot, Kearney and Nelson all list exactly the same climbs. I don't know why Beckey wastes our time listing all those other worthless routes or even incluides peaks that do not have selected routes on them confused.gif

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Not sure if it is in kearny's, but I think Fisher chimneys is a great route on shuksan. Long days and variety.


anybody ever do annie greenspring route on burgundy spire? topo looks good but......


Note: the Topo and the Written Description in the Beckey Guide are mirror images. The slanting 5.8 crack goes left (as per the written description) or you wind up on the SW ridge which is a choss nightmare!

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it's in kearney's book but not the other two:


W Ridge of N Twin Sister. Great training climb for all us bhamsters, nice mtn bike ride in, aesthetic easy ridge scramble, quick (though a bit sketchy) glissade down. If you know the way it can be climbed in 1/2 a day from bham.


Want more? fun all day solo or whatever: climb w ridge of N twin, downclimb south gullies to the sisters basin, up and over the col between the N and S twin sister to sisters glacier, traverse sisters glacier to foot of NE ridge, climb NE ridge to summit of S twin, hahaha.gif,descend W ridge of S twin, go eat voluminous burrito at casa, wash down with IPA from boundary bay.


want even more? w ridge of skookum, w ridge of cinderella. bigdrink.gif

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