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Faster Summer! Faster!


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Summer Babe - Stephe Malkmus


Ice baby,

I saw your girlfriend and she was

eating her fingers like they're just another meal

but she waits there

in the levee wash she's

mixin' cocktails with a plastic-tipped cigar


My eyes stick to all the shiny robes

you wear on the protein delta strip

in abandoned house but i will wait there

i'll be waiting forever...

i'm waiting (waiting 8x)...(oh)


Minerals, ice deposit daily, drop off

the first shiny robe

i've got a lot of things i want to sell, but

not here, babe-- you took them all


every time i sit around i find i'm shot

every time i sit around i find i'm shot

every time i turn around i find

every time i sit around i find

every time (6x)...

you're my... summer babe

summer babe

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I hate heat. Give me cold any day. Smith is best when the high is 40, it's sunny, and all the gapers are at home.


The only good thing about summer is that spring comes first, and corn makes for great skiing. thumbs_up.gif For the rest, summer sucks. thumbs_down.gif



38 to 45 degrees is OPTIMAL!

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amen...but its wrinkling the fabric of homelife...its lookin' like i'm going to be absent from the cliffs for a while...hopefully that'll mean something...dunno, maybe i'll just go fricken' bananas...or maybe i'll get out vicariously through this site...

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Sorry to offend, the sun down here is powerful than the watered down version you are used to.

What was a couple days or weeks in the sun for you, is the start of a verrry long summer for the people who live here. Today, March 20th, it's 76 degrees in the shade, at 8:46 in the morning.


And just for you friend, my congratulations on your sucessful interaction with live women!

No need to worry about lonely me, as I have stolen away a Leavenworth Uberhottie from under your collective noses and spirited her away.

We hope to see you this summer!... when my wife and I travel north, then west, to spend yet another summer stealing dozens of first ascents away from clever and charming dudes like you.

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