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Photo Caption Contest


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MissNormandy said:

Yesterday I was running in Wallingford and I saw this brand spankin new white convertable Mercedes back out of a driveway with the top down and there was this hot black guy driving it and about a block down the road I watched a cop pull him over. frown.gif


One time, I posted this picture to cc.com so that people could put funny captions under it to make me laugh, and then all these clowns started posting this shit that isn't a funny caption, but a "me me me" anecdote.

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Yesterday I was running in Wallingford and I saw this brand spankin new white convertable Mercedes back out of a driveway with the top down and there was this hot black guy driving it and about a block down the road I watched a cop pull him over.

oh bullshit

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MissNormandy said:

Yesterday I was running in Wallingford and I saw this brand spankin new white convertable Mercedes back out of a driveway with the top down and there was this hot black guy driving it and about a block down the road I watched a cop pull him over. frown.gif

The picture of your tits that you PM'd me sucked. You suck. moon.gif

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Necronomicon said:

MissNormandy said:

Yesterday I was running in Wallingford and I saw this brand spankin new white convertable Mercedes back out of a driveway with the top down and there was this hot black guy driving it and about a block down the road I watched a cop pull him over. frown.gif


One time, I posted this picture to cc.com so that people could put funny captions under it to make me laugh, and then all these clowns started posting this shit that isn't a funny caption, but a "me me me" anecdote.




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