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Everything posted by MissNormandy

  1. I filled out a job application once and towards the bottom was some blank space with instructions above it that said: "Please write down the text of each bumper sticker on your car."
  2. I took a hiatus from the net so I could focus on school, graduate and plan my wedding. Now I'm moving to California
  3. MissNormandy

    Got MILF?

    OK, now which one of you is this? http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/0721041plate1.html
  4. You live in Vancouver when... 1. You can blame all your nasty farts on Camas 2. Your kid comes home from school one day and he can speak Russian
  5. I've been trying to dig this booger out all week.
  6. If I kiss you I will turn into a princess
  7. Do THESE Look Inverted to You, Trask?
  8. Well write our local law maker and tell him about it...
  9. No kill them. Addiction is a genetic defect. Missy~ What is your deal? You're addicted to the spray on this board - should we send a firing squad out for you? Spray is not illegal
  10. No kill them. Addiction is a genetic defect.
  11. Lab doesn't start until 12:30
  12. You piss and shit in a bidet?? Ewwwwwwwe! someday... The master bathroom will have a urinal, a toilet and a bidet... No more midnight splashes in the John
  13. ever stood in line at the dmv? or planned parenthood? a lot of people can barley manage the simple shit in life let alone obey the strictures of our society. you one fucked up dude 'msnormandy'. And that's why they should be removed from the gene pool right on! death to Walmart shoppers! Yah, I always find myself hoping Alqeda will discover walmart and take care of it for me.
  14. ever stood in line at the dmv? or planned parenthood? a lot of people can barley manage the simple shit in life let alone obey the strictures of our society. you one fucked up dude 'msnormandy'. And that's why they should be removed from the gene pool
  15. You should just tie a bunch of empty beer cans around your waist to drag behind you... that will keep the boogie mans away.
  16. Yup The world would be a much better place with out all those people. We shouldn't even need policemen, we should all be capable of obeying the law. Think of all the tax dollars we'd save if we didn't have to pay for law enforcement because the humans left on earth were actually capable of enforcing it on themselves individually... eutopia
  17. blah blah blah As long as you didn't "gun it" to get into the intersection before the light turned red, blah blah blah I gunned it. I saw it turn yellow and I hit the gas... Well, then, by your own admission, you lose. Sorry. Don't be angry with me! It's my problem, not yours. Where do you get that I'm angry with you? The "anger" graemlin was to signify that I'm angry for you, not at or with you. Yeeesh! Oh ok. Well thanks I guess but I'm not angry anymore just regretful that I gunned it.
  18. He's got his shitter, I've got my bidet, problem solved.
  19. I just think we should execute anyone who commits a fellony.
  20. blah blah blah As long as you didn't "gun it" to get into the intersection before the light turned red, blah blah blah I gunned it. I saw it turn yellow and I hit the gas... Well, then, by your own admission, you lose. Sorry. Don't be angry with me! It's my problem, not yours.
  21. Stuff like this makes me feel really badly for all the other people who have been taken captive during war or who have actually commited an act of heroism. Why the hell is she so special?
  22. Guns don't kill children, children kill children. Darwin in action.
  23. Ahhh I love the smoking gun! Favorite reads include: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/paigejones1.html http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/kozer1.html
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