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Vantage this Weekend


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So what started to be a week down at Mt Whitney, turned out to be a trip to Smith Rock, and then we wound up driving to Vantage on Saturday morning instead.


We arrived at the Feathers around 11am to some sweet weather. I was psyched, it had been almost a year since I had been to Vantage and was not sure if the weather was going to be okay for March. Turned out the whole weekend rocked.


We started at Zig Zag Wall where I led some short 5.8 sport climb, then a 5.9 route with an overhanging finish, and then another 5.9 somewhere in the middle of the wall I guess.


We then decided to follow the sun to Sunshine Wall. Went down to "leaning pillars"? or something and I led some 5.7/8 trad climb to the right of "chapstick". Good times. From there we went back to air guitar area and I led "Vantage Point" where it got kind of windy. Not used to long routes (freakin Gym Ratness), I found myself resting 3/4 of the way up. It was at that point a pigeon flew right down on my shoulder and chilled out and took a poop in my chalkbag!


Decided to call it a day after a few more routes I dont remember and headed back to camp to set some sagebushes on fire. Before I knew it we had some guys yelling at us from a camper, and it turned out to be some friends of Mark. We went over there later as it turned out this guy yelling at us was some guy named Jim Yoder or something. So I decided that I would buy one of these so-called guidebooks from him, and then asked it if he would sign it. Before I knew it he was pushing me out the door telling me that him and Marlene wanted me the hell out of there and wanted nothing to do with the guy called "scot'teryx"!


I was seriously stunned, and scared at the same time since they had a rifle inside. We got out of there as fast as possible and jumped in our tents hoping they didn't see where we went to sleep.


We awoke the next morning and Dallas made us Potatoes O'brien (yummy)


Started out early to beat the crowds and that was what we did

Got on "Ride Em Cowboy", then "Party in your Pants", then I got to lead "Seven Sisters and a ?", then the 10a alternate route on "Peaceful Warrior". From there I led some long ass sport climb that was a very enjoyable 5.7 that had 16 clips or something, with a belay station halfway up on top of one pillar that you can pass up and do in one pitch. Very Cool climb.


From there we went down to the lower walls where we found our friends after descending some choss gulleys with dinner plates everywhere, where in the world did all this rock come from? Above us?


Before I knew it I saw that same Jim Yoder guy around the corner belaying someone. I thought he might not recognize me as I passed by quickly and maybe he would pay attention to the climber and not passer byers.


Just as I passed him one of my friends shouted out "Scot'teryx! There you are!"


Jim turned around, let go of the rope, and pushed me off the trail. I fell and rolled countless times down the chossfield until I rested upon a plateau of choss. The climber he was belaying was lucky enought to see what was happening and was able to anchor himself into a bolt - could have turned out worse!


I told him to stop being such an asshole, and to leave me alone. After that I never got anymore grief from him for the remainder of the day. We then got on some of the cool climbs down on the lower wall. A sweet 11b, 10c, and an awesome 10a that I got to watch "Lucky" lead. It was nice to meet you Lucky, and I appreciated the beta you gave me on that 11b, and the beta your wife (or girlfriend?) gave me on the 10c.


The lower walls rock, and I cant wait to go back soon. I really dont know what to think of this Yoder guy, maybe the same as I think of that "Special K" guy?

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scot'teryx said:

...Jim turned around, let go of the rope, and pushed me off the trail. I fell and rolled countless times down the chossfield until I rested upon a plateau of choss...

I'm shocked! shocked.gif

I've never known Jim to show such good judgement.

Are you sure it was him? confused.gif

A shame you did not sustain significant injury. frown.gif

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Retrosaurus said:

I'm shocked! shocked.gif

I've never known Jim to show such good judgement.

Are you sure it was him? confused.gif

A shame you did not sustain significant injury. frown.gif


Of course it was him, mean looking, grim face, and never smiled once. Just looking to start a fight, kind of like you Mitch

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specialed said:

iain said:

I don't get it, he just pushed you for what you posted here in the past or did you know the guy?


I think this is Scotterx's attempt at humor.


bigdrink.gif Scoteryx!


Scratching head. Too random to have actually happened, too devoid of any obvious punchline to be a joke....

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